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Mafia 60 - From China with Love

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  • Mafia 60 - From China with Love

    LOCATION: Beijing, Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics
    DATE: 2 January, 2036

    Millions of people descended upon Beijing, Judicial Capital of the Soviet Union, for the 7th Annual Meeting of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Union Congress of Soviets. The meeting held great importance for the whole of the Union, as it helped to define the ideological and legislative direction that all the nations of the Union would progress towards in the upcoming year.

    LordShiva was the first to step off of the magrail. He arrived very early to the convention! A young and upcoming politician, he was among many selected by the Communist Party of the South Indian Soviet Socialist Republic to represent that branch of the Party at the convention.
    In addition to being a full-time politician, LordShiva was also known for his taste in women, and brought 30 of his closest "friends" to the convention to keep him company as the time wore on.

    As LordShiva steps off the magrail, it was Comrade ADG who greeted him. ADG was not a politician but was instead a worker at a technology firm, BioComputech, and had been elected by the local Beijing Worker's Soviets to manage the entire convention. After graduating from Moscow State University, ADG became world-famous for his fabulous sense of style, and was perhaps best known for his innovative interior design style combining post-Soviet neomodernism and European Christian designs in a fluid style he calls "ADGism".

    About half an hour later, the next magrail arrived, carrying none other than powercouple Jonny and Spaced Cowboy. Before the Unification of the Union, both were heads of multinational conglomerates dealing with everything from the development of new technology to the sale of common household items, and since unification they both have been consistently re-elected by their Soviets to continue to manage and plan their respective Public Corporations. An essential part of many economies in many Republics of the Union, the Cowboy household is among the most influential and powerful in the world.

    As all the high-prestige politicians and business leaders were arriving, though, Leirosa had no time to focus on them: Instead, she had to make sure all her dancers knew their parts and made no mistakes! As a graduate of the Beijing School of Dance, the honour of her house and her school was resting on providing top-quality entertainment for all guests of the convention. She was graceful under pressure, however, and never failed to provide a smile and warm atmosphere for both her dancers and her guests.

    In the meantime, the most important figure at the convention had just arrived by plane. Vovan stepped off and was greeted by media, adoring fans, and a small army of security guards. Just three months earlier, he had been re-elected as President of the Soviet Union by a 64% vote over his rivals. It would be President Vovan's job to give the first speech of the convention indicating the direction he would like to see the Union go.

    Vovan's popularity was not absolute, however. As President Vovan stepped off of Air Force One, in the background one could faintly hear the protests of Snoopy369 and his "Revolutionary Whig Party of the Union". The Whigs never run in elections, as they refuse to recognise the legitimacy of the Soviet government, and allege that President Vovan won the most recent election by manipulating the media and ballot-stuffing. The Whigs saw the convention as an opportunity to get their message heard, and could be seen handing out leaflets to anyone who might listen.

    Watching all of this with intense interest was DarkCloud of the Albany Morning Sun Herald Post Tribune, premiere newspaper of the New English Soviet Socialist Republic. After exposing a major corporate scandal involving hired deathsquads in what is now the Central American SSR, DarkCloud quickly rose in prominence to become among its most trusted reporters, and was assigned to the convention as an acknowledgment of his influence - after all, the CPSU convention is the hottest story of the year.

    What didn't make the papers, of course, was his membership in the Cult of Rah. Rah was the influential leader of a doomsday cult based out of Logan, Utah SSR that professed that the reintegration of the USSR, even under democratic ideals, was a sign that the Overdeity Ao would soon return and elevate some select individuals to the status of Gods. Rah himself claimed he was one such individual, and that failure to worship him would result in eternal damnation after his ascension.
    Rah flew to the convention with a handful of followers to warn them of the hellfire that awaits should they choose to continue following the "godless" State.

    Tuberski had the perhaps unfortunate position of being among the elected representatives from the Utah SSR. While having a reputation for being somewhat insane, Tuberski himself was in fact a closet rationalist, though he knew that revealing this would mean the end of his political career. Still, his rhetoric was much more mild compared to most Utahn politicians, and he helped to safeguard the growing minority of foreigners within the Utah SSR.

    Making a special guest appearance at the convention was Nikolai, an Oslo-born psychologist that, after Unification, managed to help organise very successful Soviets all over South and Central America. He was a somewhat controversial figure, however, and his detractors accused him of being authoritarian and heartless and said that, under the old system, he would have been among those exploiting the workers for their labour.
    Still, his techniques for organising Soviets in previously capitalist areas were revolutionary, and he was invited by request of the Office of the President.

    Among the more shadowy figures was Sparrowhawk, who was in charge of the unofficial and somewhat-secret CSE, or Comité pour la Sécurité de l'État (Committee for the Security of the State). Originally imprisoned under the Old Regieme for operating secretly against the regieme (and for his unstable mental state), the Union found him rational and loyal enough to join a new intelligence agency. He struck silently and without mercy toward anyone who he deemed a threat to the regieme, and his assasins kept near dissidents and other "undesirables" at all times.

    The next couple to arrive in Beijing were not the sort to attract attention from state intelligence agencies. Lord Noobclear and Heresson, married in the Polish Soviet Socialist Republic for 4 years, were just two tourists looking for a fun time. With Heresson working as an artist and Noobclear as an aid worker, they did not often get to travel outside of Poland, and it took them months to save up enough to travel to Beijing for the duration of the convention. Their relationship was somewhat troubled, however, as Noobclear was a Jewish nationalist and Heresson a firm Muslim and they could often be heard throughout the hotel they were staying at arguing with each other about a wide variety of subjects. In the end, though, their relationship was a loving one.

    One who was never typically heard from, however, was Rasputin, representative from the Southern Australian Soviet Socialist Republic. A mild-mannered individual in public, Rasputin had significant ties to the underground world and in his youth worked as a drug dealer, amassing a small fortune. Now, however, he used others to do his work, including electioneering and other forms of "extralegal" activity.

    And finally, there was Hercules, the noble head of the Beijing City Police Department. He had to work very closely with the President and the President's security officials to make this convention among the most tightly guarded ever, and that was indeed a challenge: The population of Beijing swelled as tourists flooded the city, and the security needs of tens of thousands of representatives was massive. However, he was a firm believer in law, order, justice, and the Union and he worked night and day to ensure that everything went well.

    With the convention just beginning, nobody could have predicted what was to come.....
    Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
    Long live teh paranoia smiley!

  • #2
    I am the Mafia. I recommend everyone vote for me.


    • #3
      The Mafia have, just now, been selected and informed.
      Last edited by Nubclear; January 2, 2007, 06:55.
      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


      • #4
        Oslo-born? Bah, I spit at you.

        A very good backgroiund story Tassie, well done.
        Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
        I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
        Also active on WePlayCiv.


        • #5
          Down with the Soviets Free America!

          This is totally in keeping with my current Guild Wars character, by the way (Visit-The-Infidel-With-Explanatory-Pamphlets)
          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


          • #6
            Heh-heh...Jonny is my *****!
            We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


            • #7
              President vovan approves of the story. Nicely done.
              XBox Live: VovanSim
     (login required)
              Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
              Spore page


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tacc
                fluid style he calls "ADGism".
                Last edited by LordShiva; January 2, 2007, 16:47.


                • #9
                  Wow I'm not somebody's wife!


                  • #10
                    Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                    Also active on WePlayCiv.


                    • #11
                      Round 1

                      As the dancers gracefully moved across the stage, the entire audience was entranced. With stunning beauty, Leirosa and her comrades moved across the stage, re-enacting scenes from the revolution as well as less partisan scenes representing the environment and nature. It was quite a sight to behold!

                      The atmosphere was very serene and least, until the shrieks of Lord Noobclear pierced the air. As the crowd began to collapse into confusion, some began to filter into the Gallery that was scheduled to host snacks and drinks. Lord Noobclear looked upon a grisly sight indeed: Laying upon the deep-fried stuffed octopus was the now lifeless body of Comrade ADG, the skin of his face having been completely replaced with a green, slimly, gelatenous substance. A note was driven into his hand through a spike. It read: "UNTEN MIT DEM KOMMUNISMUS!"

                      The Police locked down the building.


                      ADG Stuffed with green goo
                      Spaced Cowboy
                      Lord Noobclear
                      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                      • #12
                        Good to see my team moved swiftly.

                        And that they also cordoned off the crime scene. So let's get that green slime, the octopus, the spike and the note, down to the lab.
                        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                        • #13
                          But first, the vote.
                          Tacc is clearly guilty.
                          Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                          Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                          • #14

                            He is a religious Muslim, which directly conflicts with the Communist philosophy. That would explain the note. We also know that Heresson loves frogs, which are green and are covered in slime.


                            • #15
                              It's clearly rah. His scheming against our glorious government has not gone unnoticed. And what better way to start his campaign of showing the "godless nation" the "hellfire that awaits us," than by killing off a man whose life's work at the bio-tech firm undermines the very base of rah's silly religion.

                              Notice also the manner of this horrible inhuman murder: the body of the poor man was put upon fried octopus as if to threaten us and say: this is what will happen to the good citizens of the Union if it were the will of the cult. Very harmonizing with their unhealthy obsession of burning in "hell."

                              Comrades, we have to put a stop to the actions of the fanatics from the cult of rah, who are threatening the structure of our society. This will clearly prevent further fatalities caused by them among the innocent populace.
                              XBox Live: VovanSim
                     (login required)
                              Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
                              Spore page

