When it was announced that all the nations of the world had completed successful nuclear weapons programs, there were massive protests everywhere.
"Down with Nuclear Weapons!" Greenpeace demanded.
Whoha listened - well, half listened anyway. In a live television announcement, he announced that he would be cutting his nuclear stockpile by two - shortly after, the cities of Green and Brown Banana went up in smoke, leaving Princess Leirosa with nothing to eat but moldy bananas
Joncha and Jonny focused on more peaceful initiatives by building innovative new cities. Jonny built Africa to attract roving bands of adoption-seeking celebrities, and Joncha built the city of Tyra Banks in order to house the aformentioned abomination.
The Skanky Union and the Most Serene Republic of Leirosa commented naught on the issues of the day, and Chaunk defiled his Lord through nonaction.
1. Skanky Burns - Brutix, Dominix, Thorax
2. Leirosa -
3. Chaunk - Pyongsong, Nampho, Kimchaek
4. Jonny - America, Europe, Asia, Africa
5. Whoha - crater1, depression2, holeintheground3
6. joncha - Mauritania, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, Ovaltine, Tyra Banks
You have TWO days to submit ye olde orders! Certain people will face grave consequences should they fail to do so.