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  • #31
    I think it would take many years to play all those games properly.


    • #32
      Originally posted by DrSpike
      I think it would take many years to play all those games properly.
      Yep - thats the idea. The way i see it, the kind of games that are being made by the mainstream these days has decreased my new game purchases, especialy over these last few years.

      So i've come to thinking i need to 'stock up' on my gaming rations so i can survive in my bunker untill its safe to come out again(i'm still playing Fallout, so that explains this example ).

      And the way things are looking i'm going to be bunkerd up for a very long time, so i really do need all the tbs games i can get.

      I've been gaming for a quater of a century....yep exactly 25years this year....i should celebrate or something

      So the option of not gaming isnt really on. Keep the nominations coming, even if we have to scrape the barrel a bit. War gaming is a weakness of my knowledge. Eastern Front and Sids Gettysberg are some of the few i've tried, and that was a long while ago. So its good to see this genre get mentioned here - many of them(like Flashpoint Germany you mentioned) i've not been aware of.


      • #33
        Has Jagged Alliance 2 and Silent Storm not been mentioned yet? Two excellent tactical combat games. Both are superior to X-Com as far as the tactical combat goes. (but X-Com does have better atmosphere and 'base building')
        Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

        Do It Ourselves


        • #34
          Jagged Alliance 2 and 1 are both good and worth a try.


          • #35
            Originally posted by General Ludd
            Has Jagged Alliance 2 and Silent Storm not been mentioned yet? Two excellent tactical combat games. Both are superior to X-Com as far as the tactical combat goes. (but X-Com does have better atmosphere and 'base building')
            I like Silent Storm before you find aliens...

            Jon Miller-
            I AM.CANADIAN
            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


            • #36
              Risk II is actually a very well done rendition of the classic boardgame. It has an 'Advanced' rules version that is quite good and adds some depth. However, it is 'Risk'.

              Lords of the Realm is a TBS game that has an RTS tactical mode (which can be auto-computed for full TBS effect). Was one of my first PC TBS type games.

              Star Wars Supremacy? You don't mean SW: Rebellion, do you? That wasn't a TBS game actually. But you could put it on slowest game-speed to make it psuedo-TBS. But the tactical combat was all RTS.


              • #37
                Originally posted by General Ludd
                Has Jagged Alliance 2 and Silent Storm not been mentioned yet? Two excellent tactical combat games.
                Yes, JA2 in particularly is worth checking out.


                • #38
                  Championship Manager.

                  No seriously. It does have the tactics and strategy of a TBS and it plays at the right pace. I'm not a big footie fan but i've enjoyed Champ Man for many years.

                  Or whatever the new Sports Interactive game is called. I'd avoid CM5 and above as it's a different developer.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by General Ludd
                    Has Jagged Alliance 2 and Silent Storm not been mentioned yet? Two excellent tactical combat games. Both are superior to X-Com as far as the tactical combat goes. (but X-Com does have better atmosphere and 'base building')
                    good shout. I forgot about the Jagged Alliance games, i've been meaning to get them for a long while.
                    Silent storm is a new one on me - kinda same theme(tbs combat) set in WW2 setting, and judging from what Jon Miller said, involves aliens late in the game. It will be added - thanks for those

                    Originally posted by Sarxis
                    Risk II is actually a very well done rendition of the classic boardgame. It has an 'Advanced' rules version that is quite good and adds some depth. However, it is 'Risk'.

                    Lords of the Realm is a TBS game that has an RTS tactical mode (which can be auto-computed for full TBS effect). Was one of my first PC TBS type games.

                    Star Wars Supremacy? You don't mean SW: Rebellion, do you? That wasn't a TBS game actually. But you could put it on slowest game-speed to make it psuedo-TBS. But the tactical combat was all RTS.
                    RiskII is another i've meaning to get but keep forgetting about(so many games!) - i agree its a good conversion(i have played it at a mates house) and worth going on the list.

                    Lords of the Realm(1+2) is on my already got list.
                    I played it on amiga first - loved crop rotation then got Lotr2 for PC which was an all around improvement but somehow didn't capture the atmosphere of the first game for me.

                    Star Wars Rebellion(was the u.s title) was indeed real time completely! I think i got confused because whenever i played it i always wanted it to be a tbs - i did always play on the slowest speed setting. Still i'll take it of the list as it is indeed an rts more than a tbs - thanks for the correction, i'm trying to keep the list as pure tbs as possible

                    Originally posted by Standup
                    Championship Manager.

                    No seriously. It does have the tactics and strategy of a TBS and it plays at the right pace. I'm not a big footie fan but i've enjoyed Champ Man for many years.

                    Or whatever the new Sports Interactive game is called. I'd avoid CM5 and above as it's a different developer.
                    well yes it is turn-based, technicaly - never really thought if it as a tbs though, but it should probably be allowed. The game is now called 'Football Manager' - 2006 was the latest version, but i'm still playing 2005. Its published by SEGA and is way better than the CM series now published by Eidos.

                    See we can still find some


                    • #40
                      Well its cheating a bit but there's Silent Storm Sentinels which is a sequel and then Hammer + Sickle which is the same engine.

                      Disciples1+2. Fun although i found the combat a bit tedious after a while.

                      Reach for the Stars. An 'almost' for me. Info here is it's new to you.


                      • #41
                        Axis & Allies

                        I noticed that Axis & Allies is on this list. For some reason, I was under the impression that it was a "mostly TBS," but that the combat was RTS. As a long-time fan of the old boardgame, I seriously considered buying it, but held off for that very reason. Would someone please clarify for me? Is it TBS, RTS, or some hybrid?


                        • #42
                          Re: Axis & Allies

                          Originally posted by Aabraxan
                          I noticed that Axis & Allies is on this list. For some reason, I was under the impression that it was a "mostly TBS," but that the combat was RTS. As a long-time fan of the old boardgame, I seriously considered buying it, but held off for that very reason. Would someone please clarify for me? Is it TBS, RTS, or some hybrid?
                          It is real time, just like AOE,EE and RON
                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • #43
                            You guys are thinking of the latest computer version, which is an RTS mock up.

                            I was talking about the board game. There is also a PC version of the boardgame which plays with the same rules as the board version, just has a GUI.


                            • #44
                              I'm confused also - i've got this link:

                              Wizards of the Coast is a family of studios specializing in building role playing, trading card, and digital games for all genres of players.

                              and it makes things sound turn based, but it appears to be a board game only.
                              If there are different version of Axis and Allies then i'd only be interested in the turnbased version. I have yet to play mine, its been on a backburner for some time, but i'll be sad if its only an rts game after all

                              I'll ammend the entry on the list.


                              • #45
                                I think this is the game in question:

                                GameSpot is the world's largest source for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS Vita, Wii PC, 3DS, PSP, DS, video game news, reviews, previews, trailers, walkthroughs, and more.

                                But like I said, its all based on the board game. There is an older rendition that came out a few years ago that adheres strictly to the board game mechanics (like the computerized versions of Risk, but keeping more to the original).

