Originally posted by TheStinger
I've already got Shogun, I really like it, but can never win a battle when I have to take a river crossing
I've already got Shogun, I really like it, but can never win a battle when I have to take a river crossing
something that worked for me was to line of your men (especially with some ranged units) along the side of the river, and send one expendable unit across. Make sure they route early. When they come flying back across the computer ussually chased. At this point your ranged units cut them to pieces.
Rinse and repeat. When your ranged units run out of ammo, have them withdraw from the battlefield and bring in more from your reserves.
Eventually the AI should be weak enough for a charge across with some of your main line infantry. Use assault troops like no-dachi or warrior priests and you should be able to break through. Once you're across, try and setup a battle line while you bring more men across the bridge.
and I cannot wait until MTW2 gets here. That and Mark of Chaos. . . gunna be a good winter for evil warlords.
