The noise on the platform was nearly deafing. School kids were heading home for the holidays and the thousands of workers were finishing for the day too. I sat on a bench outside the station masters office and waited for rush hour to end. Train after train arrived and slowly but surely all the platforms emptyed. Finally there was peace. I looked around at the last of the people on the platform and studied their faces, seeing if they recognised me. Seemingly they were to obusy with their own lives to worry about who i was , or much better to worry about who i had been.
At exactly 5:25pm the old steamer arrived at the paltform. This was what our small group had been waiting for. A trip back in time almost as we were t obe taken on a journey to fill our senses.
The old Steam Engineer hopped from the Locomotive and hailed us over. I knew him from the brochures. Here was Steam Train Driver Engineer Rah.
We all gathered closer to him as he checked our tickets and instructed us to where to go. WE each would have our own carriage, completely refit out as a Five Star Hotel Suite.
I passed the Porter Nikolai a five dollar note and he grabbed my bags for me and i followed him to my Carriage. Mine was 3rd from the front. Up behind the Steam Engine itslef was caraiage 1. It contained Skanky Burns, behind him in carriage 2 was Spaced Cowboy.
Behind my carriage was the dining carriage and then the entertainment carriage, mini movie theatre and mini casino.
After that came carriage 4, it contained Leirosa. The final guest carriage number 5 contained Tuberski. Behind that was the staff carriage and cargo areas. The staff for our journey apart from Rah the engineer and Nik the porter, were Sparrowhawk the night shift porter, Adagio the cook , Chaunk the cooks assistant, civman2000 the Engineers assistant and Whoha the cleaner.
At precisely 6pm the train left the station and we all relaxed in our private rooms and looked forward to the next week of fun.
At exactly 5:25pm the old steamer arrived at the paltform. This was what our small group had been waiting for. A trip back in time almost as we were t obe taken on a journey to fill our senses.
The old Steam Engineer hopped from the Locomotive and hailed us over. I knew him from the brochures. Here was Steam Train Driver Engineer Rah.
We all gathered closer to him as he checked our tickets and instructed us to where to go. WE each would have our own carriage, completely refit out as a Five Star Hotel Suite.
I passed the Porter Nikolai a five dollar note and he grabbed my bags for me and i followed him to my Carriage. Mine was 3rd from the front. Up behind the Steam Engine itslef was caraiage 1. It contained Skanky Burns, behind him in carriage 2 was Spaced Cowboy.
Behind my carriage was the dining carriage and then the entertainment carriage, mini movie theatre and mini casino.
After that came carriage 4, it contained Leirosa. The final guest carriage number 5 contained Tuberski. Behind that was the staff carriage and cargo areas. The staff for our journey apart from Rah the engineer and Nik the porter, were Sparrowhawk the night shift porter, Adagio the cook , Chaunk the cooks assistant, civman2000 the Engineers assistant and Whoha the cleaner.
At precisely 6pm the train left the station and we all relaxed in our private rooms and looked forward to the next week of fun.