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The titan quest thread

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  • The titan quest thread

    Comes out tommorow.... I am debating spending my gaming dollars on it, or Prey(which comes out in 10 or 11 days heh).

  • #2
    So I bought it on the urging of a friend.... playing it now. Quite good.

    I don't know why the reviews online rate it so mediocre... besides gamespot, who noted in their review that it was based off of 30 minutes of gameplay... and I usually go to gamespot for my reviews too :/.

    I'm really enjoying it, not a diablo 2 clone but similar style gameplay. Its fun.

    I really like the different class combinations, very flexible-I think it will add alot of replay.


    • #3
      From what I have read, the mediocrity of the title seems to be that there is not much variety in your enemies, or in the terrain you traverse.

      So, how far are you into the game, and would you comment on the above items? Personally, I though thei variety of enemies in DII was not especially good. Never stopped me from repeatedly playing the game though.

      On the other hand, I got bored with Sacred pretty quickly. If you have played that title as well, can you compare/contrast it for us?


      • #4
        Plenty of variety to enemies and terrain type... I just started on chapter 2 after 2 days of pretty solid play(got out of work early 2 days in a row, yey!).

        I was actually playing Sacred Underworld recently... I got sacred for $2.00 a while ago and I saw Sacred Underworld for sale for $2.00 so I bought it too heh . I prefer Titan Quest. First off... well Sacred's class system, sucks. Too many of the classes are unbalanced or flat out difficult to play with. Titan Quest

        Oh... don't roll up a pyromancer, a pure earth mage... it makes the game too easy >< Had I not made a pyromancer I don't think i'd be half as far as I am now... they walk into a room, cast 1 fireball, repeat, heh. The fireballs throw the corpses into the air and when there are a number of them the graphic effect is QUITE cool... it really is awsome and has yet to stop impressing me, even after seeing it a few hundred times. Pyromancers go through quite quick it seems though.

        Titan Quest is alot closer to Diablo 2 then it is to Sacred, for one, you can walk more then 10 feet without being sodomized by 50,000 ravenous woodchucks and when you kill something, it stays dead(till you exit the game). The *CONSTANT* fighting in Sacred did not make alot of people happy, myself included.

        Ranged fighting is viable and possible in TQ, something which is impossible in Sacred. Before I figured out teh-fireball-skill-combination-of-doom I was fighting almost entirley at range and doing fine.

        TQ has a cool skill system. The "pick your class" system might be hyped a bit but it really IS cool and makes for good gameplay, it also gives you *ALOT* of different play styles... I started over as a radically different class and even going through the same areas I had remember, it was still very fun.

        No randomly generated maps though, but it has a good editor.

        No permanent storage of characters online, though your character is tied to your CD key and I don't think anyone has cracked it yet, you can not copy paste a character to another copy of the game, it ties the character to your CD key client side. If this is beaten? Who knows?

        Now while the online storage of Diablo 2 is cool and has merit... client side storage has merit too. How important is it to have online storage, so you can wave your digital penis and go "WOOO! My e-peen is bigger!"

        The good side of this is you can transfer single player onlines and back and forth with ease which I have been doing and really like... I wished Diablo 2 had a feature like that.


        • #5
          I played this for about 45 minutes last night. Strangely picked the earth mage too, seemed the best pick to me.

          It does seem like diablo2 which I did not like, but I'm willing to give this one more of a chance.
          We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


          • #6
            If your playing a fire mage.... pick fireball and climb to the last skill on the fireball tree as quickly as possible, then pump that top lvl fireball skill all the way.

            It is.... god like .


            • #7
              I bought this today and so far I like it. I particularly like the class system. About the only downside is the limited inventory space.

              More posts to come as I get further into the game.
              There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


              • #8
                I seemed to have far too many randon crashes to the desktop.

                I'll wait for the patch.
                We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                • #9
                  This is the latest Brian Reynolds game isnt it? Or if not him the guy from Age of Empires fame?

                  Diablo II-esqe - why are people so afraid to go the next step and make a deepish game like baldurs gate? Its not like there are a lack of Diablo II clones out there?

                  Ah well, unless people suddenly start talking about hidden depth+detail i will have to sadly pass this hack+slash by


                  • #10
                    Because game publishers think people do not like to read.

                    They are right, actually. Most gamers don't want to read.

                    Also new games increasingly cost more to make because the market demands up to date graphics.

                    I'd pay $100 for Baldurs Gate 3 on part with BG2.


                    • #11
                      The first TQ patch has been released.

                      ================================================== ==
                      Patch 1.08 Changes - 7/5/2006
                      ================================================== ==

                      - Fixed dialog windows closing when NPC moved to avoid other characters

                      - Implemented character backups to allow recovery in case of
                      character file corruption

                      - Fixed a memory leak

                      - Improved stability and network performance

                      - Fixed relic/charm completion bonuses being different for
                      different players

                      - Relic/charm completion sound now heard only locally

                      - Fixed lobby sort arrow

                      - Fixed crash caused by teleporting in multiplayer after players used Rally skill

                      - Fixed crash casued by hitting excape key when game browser is refreshing the server list

                      - Fixed game browser performance issue

                      - Fixed internet connection problem with custom maps

                      IMPORTANT NOTE: Because of updates to the network code, only
                      patched versions of Titan Questâ„¢ can connect to a patched server.
                      Anyone playing on the internet will recieve the patch automatically.
                      However, in LAN (local network) games, if any player receives the
                      error "Unable to connect to server," then they should make sure
                      they are updated to the latest patch.

                      GAME IMPROVEMENTS
                      - Improved inventory auto-placement (items are now placed
                      vertically then horizontally)
                      There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger

