Continued from the old thread
WELCOME TO NASCAR XII. (If you don't know roman numerals, what are you doing playing Civ
Rules -
THIS RACE IS FOUR (4) LAPS and the race starts before the finish line.
You can not win the race passing the finish line on the last lap through the pit area.
The game is turn-based. Each driver issues orders for each turn. Possible orders are combinations of the following:
1. Change speed:
a. Accelerate (A)- add one to speed (Accelerate at the beginning of your turn will add one speed [move point] to your total for that and following turns. Accelerate at the end of your turn will add one speed to yout total after the current move [for accelerating out of a corner].
b. Decelerate (B) - subtract one from speed (Again at the beginning of you orders, slow you down by one for that turn. At the end of your orders, slows you down to start next turn, useful for slowing down for a corner).
c. Slipstream (S)- If you start a turn directly behind another player (must both be moving in the same direction.) You can call a "S" command at the beginning of your turn, and it will act as a free "A". If a "S" is used it doesn't count against the acceleration limit for a turn. So you could S(A)(A+1) on the same turn. and get a rare +3 accel.
The extra speed generated from an S command (+1) can be used even if it exceeds
your max speed. If it does exceed your max, your end speed will show as your
normal max again and you not have to brake to start the next turn. If it
doesn't exceed your max, it will be added to your end speed
d. Don't change speed
* You may accelerate and brake in the same turn without using a WC.
e. accelerate or decelerates can only occur at either the beginning or end of your order stream.
2. Steer:
a. Left (45 degree direction change)
b. Right (45 degree direction change)
c. Left-Right, Right-Left (lane changes)
d. Don't change direction
*Each player also can use wildcards during their turn, doubling their change in speed or doubling their turn rate. Multiple wildcards can be used in a single round. Please designate WC usage with +1 in parens: MMRMM(R+1) or AMMRMMM(A+1)
*Clarification: RRLL, RLRL, or any combinations of 2 rights and 2 lefts is only 1 WC, not 2.
*Only two wildcards for a direction or speed on any turn.
accel 2 and right 2 are allowed in the same turn, but accel 3 or right 3 are not allowed.
* Steering can now be controlled much finer.
Turning (moving to the left or right) will always move you forward 1 square, but you can now influence when this move takes place.
A complete order may look like this: (current speed of 4, North)
This will up the speed to 5, move the car North twice, once to the right (Northeast), once more to the Northeast, and then due East once, and uses up one wildcard. Example:
NEW GOING OFF TRACK RULES> In order that you will do everything possible to avoid going off.
There are no walls this race so I'm will continue to use the damage model.
Same penalty regardless how far you go off by.
-4 wild cards - all your sand bombs -5 max speed.
You will be placed back on the track wherever I choose is appropriate and a direction that makes sense.
Oil Slicks (s): These will change your direction (L or R) randomly, There are no hidden oil slicks. They will appear under crashes.
IF you leave the track due to an oil slick, the penalty will be -2 wild cards -2 sand bombs
and -3 max speed
Sand bags (o): Hitting a hidden sandbag will be a speed -1 penalty. THERE IS NO SANDTRAP ALLEY! Sand bags will determined by the drivers. ALL sand bags will last only one lap.
NO Jumps:
Crashes: Player crashes will share the crash spot. DAMAGE>> -1 max speed -1 speed
You now can pick one upgrade for your car before the race starts. Send your choice in a pm.
It will be posted in the grid. Hopefully the track and modifications will make everyone not take the same package. We'll see.
**clarification on turbo
1. Turbo: You can issue a second accelerate OR brake command during your turn without using a WC. (NEW) you will be allowed to use all special powers in the pit area.
You will start with a speed of 8 with 6 WCs and 4 SBs
2. Swaybars: You can issue a second steer command during your turn without using a WC.
You will start with a speed of 9 with 6 WCs and 4 SBs
3. Performance Package:
You will start with a speed of 10 with 24 WCs and 8 SBs (NEW!!!) You also recieve 2x the number of wild cards from each pitstop that other cars receieve.
*You still cannot do more than 2 speed changes or 2 directional changes in one turn even with the car options, hence A(A+1)(A+1)MMMMMMMMM is not allowed.
MAX speed is the max speed of your car.
Damage will affect the max speed.
The minimum max speed is 6 regardless of how much damage you take. THERE IS NO MAXIMUM
It is set at 12 to start.
Pit stop.
Speed limit. must be 6 or less inbetween and including ## markers.
Your speed is determined as you cross the ## marker. "A"s or "B"s at the beginning of your speed (if done prior to passing ##) are not counted towards your current speed.
example. You're 2 squares from the ## marker. Your current speed is 8 your orders are B(B+1)MMMMMM . Since your Bs are executed before you move, your speed will be considered 6
Your speed as you pass(touch) the PP mark will determine your repairs (addition to max speed).
Your additions to max speed is calculated by 10 - your speed.
Example, your speed is 6, your max speed will be increased by 4.
If your speed is 3, your max speed will be increased by 7.
ADDITIONAL PIT BONUS for every speed 3 under 10 you get a free wild card.
So if you pass the PP at speed 4 you can get 2 free wild cards.
At speed 5, 6 you would get 1 free WC (2 if Perf.)
At speed 2,3,4 you would get 2 free WCs (4 if Perf.)
At speed 1 you would get 3 free WCs (6 if Perf.)
At 7+ you would get none since you're exceeding the pit speed limit.
**end clarification
(NEW) WCs and special powers may be used in the pit area.
(NEW) for any qualified pit stop. (speed 1-6 passing the marker)
YOU will receive +2 sand bombs.
Cars will just be considered sharing the same space.
End of turn "A"s and "B"s can be used in the pit area.
If you've passed the PP indicator you can accelerate without it affecting the speed calced for repairs, but if you're not past the ## you still can't increase to faster than 6 or you will violate the speed limit and all repairs will be reversed, but if your normal turn takes you past the ## you may end of turn accelerate to faster than 6.
Included in your orders you have the option of including a launch SAND BAG order.
You may launch your entire SB capacity on any give turn.
The proper syntax is SBXXYY where XX is the X axis coordinate and YY is the Y axis coordinate.
The will place a sand bag on the designated location. (which will last the current lap)
A grid has been included to facilitate accurate bombings.
A sand bomb will eliminate an oil slick.
NEW! You recieve 4 sand bags every turn, the turn on which you pass the start/finish line. Players recieve +2 for pit stops (6 total). HOWEVER, you have a maximum of 8 sandbags stored at any time. Any over that will simply ... disappear.
(Using a SB on the turn in which you cross the line counts for decreasing your total; you recieve them bags AFTER you cross the line... so you can't use the new ones until you cross said line.)
If you bomb a square where a driver currently is, that car will not be affected by that bomb, but it will still impact anyone else entering that square.
IF a driver is so screwed because of strategic bombing and is forced off the track, the off the track penalty for going off due to oil will be applied. MY judgement will be used for which penalty is applied.
You may not bomb in sand trap alley or the pit area.
Sand traps are not additive. If two people select the same square, it will still be considered a single sand trap.
*****Expected uses.
To slow the leader down. This should keep the race from becoming a runaway since I expect people to gang up on the leader.
Eradicate an oil slick.
To pick off the guy behind you.
Disrupt the timing of those trying to set up that perfect turn.
To slow yourself down if you've done something stupid or really really smart.
WELCOME TO NASCAR XII. (If you don't know roman numerals, what are you doing playing Civ

Rules -
THIS RACE IS FOUR (4) LAPS and the race starts before the finish line.
You can not win the race passing the finish line on the last lap through the pit area.
The game is turn-based. Each driver issues orders for each turn. Possible orders are combinations of the following:
1. Change speed:
a. Accelerate (A)- add one to speed (Accelerate at the beginning of your turn will add one speed [move point] to your total for that and following turns. Accelerate at the end of your turn will add one speed to yout total after the current move [for accelerating out of a corner].
b. Decelerate (B) - subtract one from speed (Again at the beginning of you orders, slow you down by one for that turn. At the end of your orders, slows you down to start next turn, useful for slowing down for a corner).
c. Slipstream (S)- If you start a turn directly behind another player (must both be moving in the same direction.) You can call a "S" command at the beginning of your turn, and it will act as a free "A". If a "S" is used it doesn't count against the acceleration limit for a turn. So you could S(A)(A+1) on the same turn. and get a rare +3 accel.
The extra speed generated from an S command (+1) can be used even if it exceeds
your max speed. If it does exceed your max, your end speed will show as your
normal max again and you not have to brake to start the next turn. If it
doesn't exceed your max, it will be added to your end speed
d. Don't change speed
* You may accelerate and brake in the same turn without using a WC.
e. accelerate or decelerates can only occur at either the beginning or end of your order stream.
2. Steer:
a. Left (45 degree direction change)
b. Right (45 degree direction change)
c. Left-Right, Right-Left (lane changes)
d. Don't change direction
*Each player also can use wildcards during their turn, doubling their change in speed or doubling their turn rate. Multiple wildcards can be used in a single round. Please designate WC usage with +1 in parens: MMRMM(R+1) or AMMRMMM(A+1)
*Clarification: RRLL, RLRL, or any combinations of 2 rights and 2 lefts is only 1 WC, not 2.
*Only two wildcards for a direction or speed on any turn.
accel 2 and right 2 are allowed in the same turn, but accel 3 or right 3 are not allowed.
* Steering can now be controlled much finer.
Turning (moving to the left or right) will always move you forward 1 square, but you can now influence when this move takes place.
A complete order may look like this: (current speed of 4, North)
This will up the speed to 5, move the car North twice, once to the right (Northeast), once more to the Northeast, and then due East once, and uses up one wildcard. Example:
NEW GOING OFF TRACK RULES> In order that you will do everything possible to avoid going off.
There are no walls this race so I'm will continue to use the damage model.
Same penalty regardless how far you go off by.
-4 wild cards - all your sand bombs -5 max speed.
You will be placed back on the track wherever I choose is appropriate and a direction that makes sense.
Oil Slicks (s): These will change your direction (L or R) randomly, There are no hidden oil slicks. They will appear under crashes.
IF you leave the track due to an oil slick, the penalty will be -2 wild cards -2 sand bombs
and -3 max speed
Sand bags (o): Hitting a hidden sandbag will be a speed -1 penalty. THERE IS NO SANDTRAP ALLEY! Sand bags will determined by the drivers. ALL sand bags will last only one lap.
NO Jumps:
Crashes: Player crashes will share the crash spot. DAMAGE>> -1 max speed -1 speed
You now can pick one upgrade for your car before the race starts. Send your choice in a pm.
It will be posted in the grid. Hopefully the track and modifications will make everyone not take the same package. We'll see.
**clarification on turbo
1. Turbo: You can issue a second accelerate OR brake command during your turn without using a WC. (NEW) you will be allowed to use all special powers in the pit area.
You will start with a speed of 8 with 6 WCs and 4 SBs
2. Swaybars: You can issue a second steer command during your turn without using a WC.
You will start with a speed of 9 with 6 WCs and 4 SBs
3. Performance Package:
You will start with a speed of 10 with 24 WCs and 8 SBs (NEW!!!) You also recieve 2x the number of wild cards from each pitstop that other cars receieve.
*You still cannot do more than 2 speed changes or 2 directional changes in one turn even with the car options, hence A(A+1)(A+1)MMMMMMMMM is not allowed.
MAX speed is the max speed of your car.
Damage will affect the max speed.
The minimum max speed is 6 regardless of how much damage you take. THERE IS NO MAXIMUM
It is set at 12 to start.
Pit stop.
Speed limit. must be 6 or less inbetween and including ## markers.
Your speed is determined as you cross the ## marker. "A"s or "B"s at the beginning of your speed (if done prior to passing ##) are not counted towards your current speed.
example. You're 2 squares from the ## marker. Your current speed is 8 your orders are B(B+1)MMMMMM . Since your Bs are executed before you move, your speed will be considered 6
Your speed as you pass(touch) the PP mark will determine your repairs (addition to max speed).
Your additions to max speed is calculated by 10 - your speed.
Example, your speed is 6, your max speed will be increased by 4.
If your speed is 3, your max speed will be increased by 7.
ADDITIONAL PIT BONUS for every speed 3 under 10 you get a free wild card.
So if you pass the PP at speed 4 you can get 2 free wild cards.
At speed 5, 6 you would get 1 free WC (2 if Perf.)
At speed 2,3,4 you would get 2 free WCs (4 if Perf.)
At speed 1 you would get 3 free WCs (6 if Perf.)
At 7+ you would get none since you're exceeding the pit speed limit.
**end clarification
(NEW) WCs and special powers may be used in the pit area.
(NEW) for any qualified pit stop. (speed 1-6 passing the marker)
YOU will receive +2 sand bombs.
Cars will just be considered sharing the same space.
End of turn "A"s and "B"s can be used in the pit area.
If you've passed the PP indicator you can accelerate without it affecting the speed calced for repairs, but if you're not past the ## you still can't increase to faster than 6 or you will violate the speed limit and all repairs will be reversed, but if your normal turn takes you past the ## you may end of turn accelerate to faster than 6.
Included in your orders you have the option of including a launch SAND BAG order.
You may launch your entire SB capacity on any give turn.
The proper syntax is SBXXYY where XX is the X axis coordinate and YY is the Y axis coordinate.
The will place a sand bag on the designated location. (which will last the current lap)
A grid has been included to facilitate accurate bombings.
A sand bomb will eliminate an oil slick.
NEW! You recieve 4 sand bags every turn, the turn on which you pass the start/finish line. Players recieve +2 for pit stops (6 total). HOWEVER, you have a maximum of 8 sandbags stored at any time. Any over that will simply ... disappear.

If you bomb a square where a driver currently is, that car will not be affected by that bomb, but it will still impact anyone else entering that square.
IF a driver is so screwed because of strategic bombing and is forced off the track, the off the track penalty for going off due to oil will be applied. MY judgement will be used for which penalty is applied.
You may not bomb in sand trap alley or the pit area.
Sand traps are not additive. If two people select the same square, it will still be considered a single sand trap.
*****Expected uses.
To slow the leader down. This should keep the race from becoming a runaway since I expect people to gang up on the leader.
Eradicate an oil slick.
To pick off the guy behind you.
Disrupt the timing of those trying to set up that perfect turn.
To slow yourself down if you've done something stupid or really really smart.