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FG: Mafia 48 : Sign up thread

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  • FG: Mafia 48 : Sign up thread

    Yes it all coming to a conclusion very soon, so we need to get names for next one.

    Again if no one else wants to i will GM.

    1. Rasputin.
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

  • #2


    • #3
      In again.
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #4
        This space is empty... or is it?


        • #5
          Play hangman.


          • #6
            I'll GM. The storyline will be Galactic Overlord-themed, so pick your characters too!
            Last edited by civman2000; May 12, 2006, 07:56.


            • #7
              Pick one of these characters for yourself or I'll assign you one

              BTW, the storyline for the mafia game will take place before the GO storyline, in the good old days of the strong Empire.

              Cast of Characters

              01. Dr. Point
              Called a mad scientist or evil genius by the mass media, Dr. Point nontheless firmly believes that he is doing right in his bid for real ultimate power. Exiled to an outpost near a black hole by the Imperial authorities, he still nevertheless has some influence on Coruscant and the Emperor.

              02. Polly Siffan
              Visionary administrator of the Imperial Bureau of Knowledge, Siffan founded the sprawling bureau out of three seperate agencies to create an Imperium within the Imperium. While fairly independent of the central Imperial authority, she is a close advisor of the Emperor.

              03. Crystal Gonhu
              An able bureaucrat who tends to stay out of the limelight, Gonhu is currently the Vice-Governor of Sector 33, home to hundreds of millions of Imperial Social Services Administration employees.

              04. Basileus Naviniwat
              Basileus Naviniwat is a second cousin of the current Emperor, Kimsja Naviniwat III. He has few political ambitions, knowing that it is highly unlikely that he will ever succeed to the throne.

              05. Zol Ventis
              Zol Ventis is the founder of the so-called Ventis Societies throughout the Galaxy. These organizations promote orderly development in sectors where membership is strong. In fact, the Ventis Societies have effective control of much of the Galaxy, and there are rumors that Ventis intends to seize the Imperial throne in the near future.

              06A. Barchild
              History is no stranger to actors turned politicians, though actors turned military leaders remain far and rare. Holomovie superstar Barchild nontheless managed to augment his on-screen popularity among all genders into a cultlike following of fans willing to live, die, and shoot lazors at Barchild's every whim.

              Despite numerous scandals involving liasions with a certain Mr. Vun and repeated assassination attempts by the Nid Society, Barchild's popularity remains well in the three digit range. Barchild is currently a Senator.

              07. Captain Imperium
              His original name difficult to pronounce, the celebrated explorer and fighter pilot has long gone by the moniker of Captain Imperium, Defender of Everything. He claims to have singlehandedly discovered and charted dozens of exotic star systems, met their interesting inhabitants, and then killed them in preparation for human colonization.

              08. General Ordin
              After serving with distinction on the Imperial Frontier, General Ordin was recently reassigned to Homeworld Security. He is a trusted advisor of the Emperor.

              09. Mr. Y
              Known only by his initial, the reclusive starship tycoon Mr. Y has only recently raised eyebrows as businesses suspected to be fronts for his corporate empire have bought up critical infrastructure and bought off local officials in certain strategic parts of the galaxy. As always, his true intentions are secret.

              10. Danz
              Danz is the founder of the Danz Group, a powerful corporate conglomerate. The Danz Group recently received government contracts to develop several planets in the far corners of the Galaxy.

              11. Min Grah
              Tough as titanium, Min's is the Chief of Police in Precinct 147, the roughest sector of the Galaxy. With the motto "Justice is best served cold", those crossing Min's path often find themselves on a slow ship to the edge of space.

              12. Kit Chuss
              Commies in space! Longtime enemy of the Imperium, Comrade Chuss's insurgency has been a perennial thorn in the Imperial side. Although the Emperor regularly dispatches military forces to wipe out Kit Chuss and his followers, there are rumors that Kit is, in fact, good friends with the Emperor.

              13. Ken Banobi
              Rising to power as a leader of the anti-genetic engineering movement, Reverend Banobi has worked as a peaceful activist around the galaxy for many years. On the side, he is secretly a military contracter, primarily manufacturing JEBUS shields.

              14. Lord Vetko
              A brilliant tactician and supreme strategist, Lord Vetko will undoubtedly gone down in history as one of the Imperium's greatest military leaders. Lord Vetkois currently leading the Imperial Forces in a war against a small rebellion in Sector 31.

              15. Colony I
              In the early days of the Imperium, the expense of moving people across the stars led to the automation of many mining and energy gathering colonies. Each of these massive systems were controlled by supercomputers of the Colony series, and Colony I is the first of them.

              16. Senator Danq
              Senator Danq is one of the most powerful Senators (not to say that the Senate has any real power to disagree with the Emperor). Danq has gained fame for standing up to the Emperor and calling for reform in the unwieldly Imperial Government.

              17. Agath Agathari
              From the Collected Wisdom of Master Agath Agath: "To fight over space is to fight over a whole lot of nothing." The Master currently lives at a monastery and comtemplates how to ethically solve the problems of the universe. The Emperor is believed to be an avid reader of Agathari's philosophical treatises.

              18. Ciann Pollus
              In earlier days, Senator Pollus guided the Imperium through a period of peace and prosperity. Keeping the peace was stressful, however, and Ciann retired to his orbital resort in a distant part of the galaxy. Nevertheless, he remains popular and influential in the government.

              19. Professor Morrisa
              Formerly a chemist, Professor Morrisa turned to political science after funding cuts made her an expert in unorthodox methods of securing research funding. She currently teaches at the Imperial University on Coruscant.

              20. Tashi
              With the sour economy in the Imperium, Tashi left his homeworld to become an expatriate teacher of Imperialish in recently galacticized societies on the Galactic Rim. He was recently named the Galactic Humanitarian of the Year.

              Last edited by civman2000; May 12, 2006, 17:50.


              • #8
                In #17
                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #9
                  in colony 1
                  We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                  • #10
                    In. As Barchild please.

                    "I got to put my sunglasses on!"


                    • #11
                      Just gotta be in as the Cap'n
                      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                      • #12
                        In. As Mr. Y, of course.


                        • #13
                          GM: civman2000 (Emperor Kimsja Naviniwat III)

                          1. Rasputin
                          2. Ljube (Senator Danq?)
                          3. Skanky Burns (Zol Ventis)
                          4. Adagio (Ciann Pollus)
                          5. Chaunk (Min Grah)
                          6. rah (Agath Agathari)
                          7. Spaced Cowboy (Colony I)
                          8. duke o' york (Barchild)
                          9. Hercules (Captain Imperium)
                          10. Jonny (Mr. Y)
                          11. snoopy369 (Polly Siffan)
                          12. Sparrowhawk (Professor Morissa)
                          13. Nikolai
                          14. Leirosa (Crystal Gonhu)
                          15. Whoha (Danz)

                          I'll start either when we have 20 players or 24 hours after the current game ends, whichever comes first.
                          Last edited by civman2000; May 13, 2006, 13:15.


                          • #14
                            Zol Ventis, of course.
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • #15
                              oh, i'll play polly siffan, why not
                              <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                              I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

