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a game that combines RTS with FPS

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  • a game that combines RTS with FPS

    This is not a stand alone game, but rather, a mod for Half-Life 2. And it's free, if you happen to already have Half-Life 2.

    It's really awesome.

    I can only describe it as a combination of Starcraft and Battlefield 2.

    It's primarily a first person shooter. Only one player per team really gets to play the game as a RTS game... the commander. But its not a click-fest. It's very team oriented. And with HL2's voice comm interface, if you have headphones with a mic, you can communicate with your team and plan out your strategy... what tech's to research, where to build your buildings, defense guns, etc.

    The first day I installed this mod, I played the game about 9 or 10 hours straight. It is really addicting.

    There are two teams to choose from. The Brenodi Empire and the Northern Faction. The teams are not balanced either. The Brenodi are stronger. However, the game is balanced in such a way that the maps are usually a struggle between the Northern Factions superior numbers versus the Brenodi's superior technology and firepower. Depending on what team you are on, you have to use different strategies to win.

    There are 4 different classes to choose from. Rifleman, Grenadier, Engineer, and Scout. Each has different weapons and abilities. Some classes even have different primary weapons that they can choose from. The Rifleman, for instance, has 3 different kinds of weapons to choose from... a light assault rifle that has a moderate zoom, a heavy assault rifle with a light zoom, and a heavy machine gun with no zoom. The scout has a sniper rifle or some SMG's. The engineer has SMG's (but has powerful repair and construction abilities). And the grenadier has anti-vehicle RPG's and land mines.

    Also, in this game, when you kill people, buildings, and vehicles; you get rank points. After 10 rank points, you get promoted and can unlock a skill. These skill points can be allocated to various traits each time you select a class. So you don't have to commit to anything permanently. Also, you gain rank points by joining and participating in squads. Being a leader in a squad gives you extra points.

    Research in this game is very important. The commander researches things in different areas and unlocks new capabilities primarily for the vehicles in the game. When you want a vehicle, you go to the vehicle factory, hit the use button on the computer terminal, and you select what chassis you want, outfit it with whatever weapons you want, and it puts you in the cockpit. You can get jeeps, apc's, tanks, artillerys, and there are even air vehicles (but I've not used them yet). There are even nukes in this game.

    Winning the round in this game can depend greatly on what path of research the commander takes. Most rounds will be over by the time everything gets research.

    The maps are very large and open, like Battlefield 2. Some maps, you have to capture flags. Some maps, you just have to build bases, capture resource points, and basically, kill off the opponent before they kill you (there are a set amount of tickets for each team). In some maps, one team may have 1500 tickets and another may have 50 tickets. But the team with 1500 tickets has 1 flag and their tickets are counting down and they must capture all the flags before time runs out.

    The maps are fun because they aren't all designed the same. It's not all about just building and doing the same thing. And IMO, that adds a new dynamic to the game.

    This mod is Beta 1.0 and it came out March 4th I believe.

    It's very cool... I've only played as commander once, it was fun, but I think I prefer playing as a "grunt". But when your team has a great commander, you can really dominate.

    If you own Half-Life 2, I suggest checking it out. It's a free download... only about 400 meg.

    here are some screenshots

    I'll try to make a demo of gameplay

    To us, it is the BEAST.

  • #2
    Wasn't there a game like this a few years ago? Wasn't it called Command and Conquer - Renegade or something like that? Or couldn't you build new stuff? Not sure, as I never really got around playing it
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #3

      C&C: Renegade was poorly designed and the AI sucked... plus the maps were nowhere near as large

      this game is multiplayer only and it's the Source (Half Life 2) engine

      C&C:R doesn't even compare to this at all
      To us, it is the BEAST.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sava
        C&C: Renegade was poorly designed and the AI sucked... plus the maps were nowhere near as large
        Of course the maps wasn't as large, that was many years ago, a lot have changed since
        Maybe the AI sucked, but at least there was one

        Originally posted by Sava
        this game is multiplayer only and it's the Source (Half Life 2) engine
        You consider this good?
        If Half Life 2 didn't require you to have that stupid anti-piracy thing installed, I might have bought it

        Originally posted by Sava
        C&C:R doesn't even compare to this at all
        But except for the poor design, it was basicly the same, right?
        This space is empty... or is it?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Adagio

          You consider this good?
          well, bots might be nice, but I don't care for singleplayer campaigns... they are useless. This game is meant to be played on 20 person servers with humans... not AI
          If Half Life 2 didn't require you to have that stupid anti-piracy thing installed, I might have bought it
          huh? are you talking about Steam? what's wrong with Steam? It's an awesome way to find servers, chat with your friends in and out of the game, download updates automatically. It's the best interface for a game that is out there.

          But except for the poor design, it was basicly the same, right?
          No. C&C:R was very linear, the maps were small, narrow, and cramped. Plus, the engine was horrible, the weapons sucked... overall, it was just a bad game.

          This is totally different. Like I said, the two can't even be compared.

          It's like saying baseball and cricket are the same because in both games you are hitting a ball with a stick... or saying rugby and American football are the same because both games involve men tackling each other.

          Although I think a more fitting analogy would be comparing pedaling a tricycle with flying an F-22 Raptor. In both cases you are piloting a vehicle. But one is far superior to the other.

          Here are two trailers for the game:

          low quality (90 meg)
          high quality (177 meg)
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #6
            'Savage' was also a FPS/RTS
            Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

            Do It Ourselves


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sava
              well, bots might be nice, but I don't care for singleplayer campaigns... they are useless. This game is meant to be played on 20 person servers with humans... not AI
              I know, but sometimes it might be interesting to 'try out' some things, before going into MP. Even though the AI is very sucky, it can still teach you about the game

              Originally posted by Sava
              huh? are you talking about Steam? what's wrong with Steam? It's an awesome way to find servers, chat with your friends in and out of the game, download updates automatically. It's the best interface for a game that is out there.
              From what I know about, it can slow down your system, and I don't see why you need a different app to find servers, etc... this could be made just as well in the game.
              And about the auto download of updates, isn't the game made so you can't play the game SP if you haven't updated? And that you can't even play the game if you're offline? If those two are true, as I've heard, then that alone is a few negative sides. What if an update makes the game crash on your computer? Your only choice is to not play at all, and not go back to a working version

              Originally posted by Sava
              No. C&C:R was very linear, the maps were small, narrow, and cramped. Plus, the engine was horrible, the weapons sucked... overall, it was just a bad game.
              ... but you still haven't said why it's not the "same" gameplay... it sure sounds like it's the same (but with a more outdated engine and some poor design). What are the differences between those two, that makes them 'uncompareable'?
              This space is empty... or is it?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Adagio
                I know, but sometimes it might be interesting to 'try out' some things, before going into MP. Even though the AI is very sucky, it can still teach you about the game
                well, the game is Beta 1.0

                it's not like going into some random server and sucking is going to go on your PERMANENT RECORD or anything

                pretty much everyone at this point is a newb... and most people in the game are very helpful... they are learning too

                From what I know about, it can slow down your system, and I don't see why you need a different app to find servers, etc... this could be made just as well in the game.
                And about the auto download of updates, isn't the game made so you can't play the game SP if you haven't updated? And that you can't even play the game if you're offline? If those two are true, as I've heard, then that alone is a few negative sides. What if an update makes the game crash on your computer? Your only choice is to not play at all, and not go back to a working version
                it's not really a different app, it's integrated into all the games... and it doesn't hog resources or anything... it uses less memory than firefox with a window open...

                also, you can play games when you are offline... hence... OFFLINE MODE

                you can even create shortcuts to play games if you want so you don't even have to start Steam at all...

                and the updates are automatic, you don't notice them... I've never had one crash a game... even if it did, they would release a fix within hours... that is what is good about Steam, there is a constant update system and feedback between the players and developer... I've not experienced anything like this with any other game. Compared to a game like Battlefield 2, where it takes months for a patch... that sucks.

                With Steam, you get weekly, sometimes daily updates... new content... it's awesome.

                My only complaint is that they use it to plug other games that I don't care about... but whatever. I don't mind the occasional ad. It's not like a popup or anything. Just the occasional piece of "news" informing you of a new game.

                ... but you still haven't said why it's not the "same" gameplay... it sure sounds like it's the same (but with a more outdated engine and some poor design). What are the differences between those two, that makes them 'uncompareable'?
                Well, if you can't understand the difference from how I've described it... visit the website for Empires and read for yourself. If you still don't get it, I suggest playing the game for yourself. Beyond that, I don't know. You have to play it for yourself.

                How do you personally feel gameplay between games in the same genre is different? Do you think all FPS's are the same? I don't. Each one has it's own unique qualities, nuances, tricks, and special feel to it. Some can be easily described, some can't. I did my best to describe what this game is about.

                As I said before, baseball and cricket are not the same, even though they are both games that involve hitting a ball with a stick.

                Renegade came out, what, 4 or 5 years ago... an eternity in the gaming industry. And on top of that, it wasn't even built on an engine designed exclusive for FPS. This mod utilizes the Half-Life 2 (Source) engine.

                There's such a leap in development there, it's really not even right to be talking about Renegade at all.

                As I said before... it's like riding a tricycle, and then piloting an F-22 Raptor.

                Both are vehicles... both make you move forward.

                However, beyond that, there is no comparison.

                One can only ride both and experience the difference to know it.

                And just so you know, I rarely can sit down and play a game for 9 or 10 hours straight. That should tell you something about this game. Only a handful of games have been able to entice me like that.
                To us, it is the BEAST.


                • #9
                  I do understand what this mod is about, but as I said before, I haven't really played Renegade (only for a few minutes), so this I know almost nothing about, but the little I know from it, sounds like this mod... But I guess I have to take your word for they're being very different games

                  And about that Steam thingy... maybe they have listened to complaints? I just remember hearing lots about the mentioned problems back when Half Life was just released

                  But anyway, the only way I'll ever be able to play this mod, would be if I play it on a friends computer, but I doubt it'll be soon...
                  This space is empty... or is it?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Adagio
                    I do understand what this mod is about, but as I said before, I haven't really played Renegade (only for a few minutes), so this I know almost nothing about, but the little I know from it, sounds like this mod... But I guess I have to take your word for they're being very different games
                    well, if it is or not, I don't think it matters. This game is awesome. That is what matters.

                    And about that Steam thingy... maybe they have listened to complaints? I just remember hearing lots about the mentioned problems back when Half Life was just released
                    Yeah, complaints get addressed pretty quickly. In fact, there is a key you can press to report a bug. You type out the bug report and it sends it in. They must listen because things get fixed right away. Steam is their meal ticket, so it is in their best interest to fix problems. At first, I hate Steam, but after I got used to the interface, and after playing other games and getting frustrated with not being able to find servers, I began to appreciate Steam more and more. Now, I can't imagine playing a game without it.

                    But anyway, the only way I'll ever be able to play this mod, would be if I play it on a friends computer, but I doubt it'll be soon...
                    well... U SUX then

                    but seriously, if you get a chance, check this mod out... I think it has great potential.
                    To us, it is the BEAST.


                    • #11
                      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                      • #12
                        How come I hadn't heard of this? The HL2 mod scene is definitely impressive. Unfortunately, there are very few mods worth it for singleplayer, but if it's like a Starcraft/BF2 cross, I like it.

                        Sava, what about the team factor of the gameplay? You say it's team oriented, but in reality, so is Battlefield 2, only on public servers you typically see near-zero teamwork. Is this any better here?

                        BTW, as far as Steam goes, I am still opposed to it. I am no longer vehemently hating it, but I'd still rather not have it - there are too many things I would want changed about the implementation of it.
                        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                        • #13
                          I'm always a bit sceptical of hybrids, but it looks good.


                          • #14
                            I could swear there was a mod like this for Half-Life. It had aliens as the other faction, I think.
                            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                            • #15
                              Just about everything has been a Half-Life mod at one point . Seriously, I think that game has thousands.
                              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

