I must buy this compilation. I have some of them already but to have them collected in the originals on one DVD...

What’s included in the package?
* 1 game DVD combining 12 C&C titles
o Command & Conquerâ„¢ (Aug. 1995)
o Command & Conquer The Covert Operationsâ„¢ (April 1996)
o Command & Conquer Red Alertâ„¢ (Oct. 1996)
o Command & Conquer Red Alertâ„¢ The Aftermathâ„¢ (Sept. 1997)
o Command & Conquer Red Alert Counterstrikeâ„¢ (Mar 1997)
o Command & Conquerâ„¢ Tiberian Sunâ„¢ (Aug. 1999)
o Command & Conquerâ„¢ Tiberian Sunâ„¢ Firestormâ„¢ (Feb. 2000)
o Command & Conquer Red Alertâ„¢ 2 (Oct. 2000)
o Command & Conquer Red Alert™ Yuri’s Revenge™ (Oct. 2001)
o Command & Conquer Renegadeâ„¢ (Feb. 2002)
o Command & Conquerâ„¢ Generals (Feb. 2003)
o Command & Conquerâ„¢ Generals Zero Hour (Sept. 2003)
* 1 Bonus DVD featuring half a dozen exclusive commemorative videos including an interview with Louis Castle, co-founder of Westwood Studios, the creator of the Command & Conquer franchise and a Command & Conquer fan tribute montage.
* Exclusive double-sided, 11x17 color poster
* 1 game DVD combining 12 C&C titles
o Command & Conquerâ„¢ (Aug. 1995)
o Command & Conquer The Covert Operationsâ„¢ (April 1996)
o Command & Conquer Red Alertâ„¢ (Oct. 1996)
o Command & Conquer Red Alertâ„¢ The Aftermathâ„¢ (Sept. 1997)
o Command & Conquer Red Alert Counterstrikeâ„¢ (Mar 1997)
o Command & Conquerâ„¢ Tiberian Sunâ„¢ (Aug. 1999)
o Command & Conquerâ„¢ Tiberian Sunâ„¢ Firestormâ„¢ (Feb. 2000)
o Command & Conquer Red Alertâ„¢ 2 (Oct. 2000)
o Command & Conquer Red Alert™ Yuri’s Revenge™ (Oct. 2001)
o Command & Conquer Renegadeâ„¢ (Feb. 2002)
o Command & Conquerâ„¢ Generals (Feb. 2003)
o Command & Conquerâ„¢ Generals Zero Hour (Sept. 2003)
* 1 Bonus DVD featuring half a dozen exclusive commemorative videos including an interview with Louis Castle, co-founder of Westwood Studios, the creator of the Command & Conquer franchise and a Command & Conquer fan tribute montage.
* Exclusive double-sided, 11x17 color poster