Are you talking about the Tools of the trade quest from Charsi? The smith in the barracks to get the Malus?
He is a Super Unique and has the trait of extra strong. In NM or Hell they will have addition abilities.
Anyway I like to put up a TP outside of any location that may get ugly. If you are in normal mode IIRC you lose no XP and I think no items, just gold if you save and exit.
In NM you will lose XP as well as gold and all your inventory. Hell is the same as I recall. The difference is that you could recover some XP by recovering the body and a bit less in Hell.
If you want to recover your body you must get all of them. Rehire you merc, buy some equipment to aid in the battle, put up a TP before going back in.
Let the NPC help, well in normal Act I they have only a bow, so not much of a shield. Pick off all the minions first, do not take a chance on dying, get out when it gets hairy.
Put the portal in a safe place and not next to the door, where it can get surrounded.
I just started the other day as a Hammerdin and smoked the Smith. I killed him before I realize it was him. Just going out to the Tal Rasha tombs next.
I got a paladin shield with 4 sockets and they have diamonds for resistance.
Since I have played so many times with other characters, I know the maps and the monsters.
I have not died once, but I rarely die in normal anyway. It is NM and Hell that I really try to not die or at least not in a spot that will be hard to recover the body.
Diablo is one of the place it is most dangerous. He cast bone cage and can trap you and the fire wave can make it tough if oyu do not have all your best stuff.
I found the Sorcoress the hardest to play. In fact I only got to levle 83 and not done the last quest yet. I just got bored with it.
I take it you are not talking about the Hellforge are you. That is Hephasto and is the Smiths big brother. Now that is more dangerous and he is much tougher. You definetly want to clear it out and then take him on alone.
What type of a barb are you using? What skills are you going to work on?
He is a Super Unique and has the trait of extra strong. In NM or Hell they will have addition abilities.
Anyway I like to put up a TP outside of any location that may get ugly. If you are in normal mode IIRC you lose no XP and I think no items, just gold if you save and exit.
In NM you will lose XP as well as gold and all your inventory. Hell is the same as I recall. The difference is that you could recover some XP by recovering the body and a bit less in Hell.
If you want to recover your body you must get all of them. Rehire you merc, buy some equipment to aid in the battle, put up a TP before going back in.
Let the NPC help, well in normal Act I they have only a bow, so not much of a shield. Pick off all the minions first, do not take a chance on dying, get out when it gets hairy.
Put the portal in a safe place and not next to the door, where it can get surrounded.
I just started the other day as a Hammerdin and smoked the Smith. I killed him before I realize it was him. Just going out to the Tal Rasha tombs next.
I got a paladin shield with 4 sockets and they have diamonds for resistance.
Since I have played so many times with other characters, I know the maps and the monsters.
I have not died once, but I rarely die in normal anyway. It is NM and Hell that I really try to not die or at least not in a spot that will be hard to recover the body.
Diablo is one of the place it is most dangerous. He cast bone cage and can trap you and the fire wave can make it tough if oyu do not have all your best stuff.
I found the Sorcoress the hardest to play. In fact I only got to levle 83 and not done the last quest yet. I just got bored with it.
I take it you are not talking about the Hellforge are you. That is Hephasto and is the Smiths big brother. Now that is more dangerous and he is much tougher. You definetly want to clear it out and then take him on alone.
What type of a barb are you using? What skills are you going to work on?