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Counter Strike - Why?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by DrSpike
    I should preface this post by saying I'm not a fan.

    I have however, at times, been a competitive FPS gamer. I know the genre better than most. Counterstrike has survived as the main team based FPS for over 6 years simply because it is the best at what it does. It's a level playing field with huge scope for skill (no matter what the FPS is for dumb people brigade will tell you) and impeccable balance.

    FPS is for a small group of smart people who strategize in those FPS games that are amenable to that (but who for some reason apply their brainpower to determining how to use particular weapons on particular maps, etc - though there are some other genres that raise the same question ) for a larger group of people who are of moderate intelligence but incredible reflexes, and to an even larger group of people who are just dumb.

    Hows that?
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


    • #17
      intelligence isn't needed in fps... okay in advanced play you can't just charge in like that, but still it's nothing compared to RTS, and more complicated games

      i know som ppl disagree with that but feck it it's the truth!
      "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
      "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


      • #18
        Originally posted by lord of the mark

        FPS is for a small group of smart people who strategize in those FPS games that are amenable to that (but who for some reason apply their brainpower to determining how to use particular weapons on particular maps, etc - though there are some other genres that raise the same question ) for a larger group of people who are of moderate intelligence but incredible reflexes, and to an even larger group of people who are just dumb.

        Hows that?
        I would respond that there are large groups of dumb gamers in all genres.


        • #19
          People who say intelligence isn't needed in FPS are totally wrong.

          Yes, speed and reflexes are skills that will get you far, but intelligent players are the kinds of players that will dominate. Especially with a game like Counter-Strike.

          There are subtle nuances in Counter-Strike. For instance, where you start in a map. Your starting position can determine your strategy for that round. It will also determine the timing of when you reach certain "choke points" in the map, or if you can reach bomb sites or other key points in the map before the other team. There are many other factors involved as well. Like whether or not your team follows you, or whether or not you all rush together.

          Also, money is a big factor. If you start in a good position and can afford good weapons, you are more likely to have a good round.

          You must also be very aware of sounds. You need to listen to where enemies are. Be mindful of grenades, enemy gunfire, or if your teamates are involved in firefights. If you hear there are enemies in one area, it would be smart to try to flank them.

          The people that say there is not intelligence involved in FPS are very wrong. In fact, not only is intelligence required, but you must think fast, which is much more difficult than a TBS, where you can sit back and take your time. In Counter-Strike, if you hesitate, you may die in a split-second.

          These people that say intelligence isn't needed in FPS are probably just mad because they suck. THAT IS TRUTH.
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #20
            That's twice I agree with Sava in one thread.


            • #21
              Originally posted by DrSpike
              That's twice I agree with Sava in one thread.
              don't DrSpike

              if you agree with me, that means you are RIGHT
              To us, it is the BEAST.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Sava

                Also, money is a big factor. If you start in a good position and can afford good weapons, you are more likely to have a good round.

                You must also be very aware of sounds. You need to listen to where enemies are. Be mindful of grenades, enemy gunfire, or if your teamates are involved in firefights. If you hear there are enemies in one area, it would be smart to try to flank them.
                No **** dawg... DUH!

                You're totally wrong, I do like fps games, and I play one regularly, but most of these things you name are being done automatically with instinct. After a while you get to know the maps well enough to know what are the best spots to be when shooting at an opponent, but that kind of stuff doesn't really require quick thinking. In the end if your aim sucks you'll be a bad player, that's one thing I learned from all these years of gaming. You can have all the ****ing tactics in the world... you can't really predict what's going to happen in a game anyway. You need a slight feeling in the game of what to do next in case of unforeseen events, but I wouldn't call that feeling intelligence. That's why clanmatches in which the enemy are better fraggers just about win everytime, cos that's the most important factor in the game!
                "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
                "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


                • #23
                  all things being equal with regards to skill (reflexes and aim and such), the more intelligent player is going to have more success...

                  you can't just run around like it is Quake 3...

                  You're totally wrong
                  no... I'm not... (at least not about this topic) I've been playing Counter-Strike for what, 6 years now I think... I can't recall... I started with Beta 6....

                  so yeah... I know what I am talking about...

                  obviously you cannot predict what will happen in a single round... there are a lot of very random things, but if you stick to a game plan and have good tactics, over the long haul, you will end up having a good score.

                  it's funny you talk about instinct... you realize we are talking about computer games right? Instincts are all about in real life... nature... that kind of thing... I don't think human evolution has had time to develop instincts for computer games yet. So basically, when good players do well in a game, it is due to INTELLIGENCE and ADAPTATION that stems from experience.

                  it's very obvious to me... I've seen this in action in my circle of friends during LAN parties. The smarter people are better at games like Counter-Strike. While the other guys, who are not quite as smart, are better at more arcade type games that we play on Nintendo Gamecube like Super Smash Brothers or Mario Kart...

                  when strategy is involved... intelligence is important... this is basic common sense... How can you disagree with this?
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • #24
                    You must also be very aware of sounds. You need to listen to where enemies are. Be mindful of grenades, enemy gunfire, or if your teamates are involved in firefights. If you hear there are enemies in one area, it would be smart to try to flank them.
                    I'd argue that this doesn't really require intelligence, it's basic common sense. Then again, the last time I played around 90% of the players in public servers didn't seem to realise it. Perhaps they didn't have dual speakers?

                    Yes, speed and reflexes are skills that will get you far, but intelligent players are the kinds of players that will dominate. Especially with a game like Counter-Strike.
                    The reason why I don't like CS is because map memorising plays a too large part in success (ie. wasted lifetime gets you farther than good tactical skills under pressure). Operation Flashpoint mp bYnW once you get used to the sucky graphics.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by VJ

                      I'd argue that this doesn't really require intelligence, it's basic common sense. Then again, the last time I played around 90% of the players in public servers didn't seem to realise it. Perhaps they didn't have dual speakers?
                      well, I do have somewhat of an unfair advantage with my SB Audigy 2 Platinum ZS and Logitech Z-680 5.1 surround speakers
                      The reason why I don't like CS is because map memorising plays a too large part in success (ie. wasted lifetime gets you farther than good tactical skills under pressure). Operation Flashpoint mp bYnW once you get used to the sucky graphics.

                      but then again, we are not just talking about Counter-Strike... we are talking about all FPS in general also...

                      btw, which is Operation Flashpoint again? I think I have played that, but I forget... I download so many games I forget which is which
                      To us, it is the BEAST.


                      • #26
                        instinct can be used for just about anything. when I play some game for the first time, I act on instinct... what seems best at that given time... but it's not really thinking about what to do next

                        btw: I know enough dumb facks that are good players, while very intelligent people suck as often in a game as anyone else
                        "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
                        "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


                        • #27

                          you are missing the point...

                          it is not JUST about being smart or dumb...

                          the point is... Intelligence is needed! that does not mean that other skills, like reflexes and aim are not required... that does not mean smart people with no gaming experience will be good at FPS!!!

                          it means people with FPS skills who ARE SMART will be better than dumb FPS players...

                          do you understand now?
                          To us, it is the BEAST.


                          • #28
                            btw, which is Operation Flashpoint again? I think I have played that, but I forget... I download so many games I forget which is which
                            Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis is the first game in two separate and independent game franchises: the Operation Flashpoint series and the ARMA series. The game has been published both under its original name at first, and after Codemasters took...

                            Don't get turned off by the hyping of "realism", it's actually very nice from a gameplay POV. If you can tolerate graphics portrayed by the screenshots, you might want to check out the single player demo.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Sava

                              you are missing the point...

                              it is not JUST about being smart or dumb...

                              the point is... Intelligence is needed! that does not mean that other skills, like reflexes and aim are not required... that does not mean smart people with no gaming experience will be good at FPS!!!

                              it means people with FPS skills who ARE SMART will be better than dumb FPS players...

                              do you understand now?
                              It's actually quite ironic. Now you know what it's like arguing with you.

