I can see their use for the first post in a thread, but not in the middle. There is not much they can achieve that couldn't be done better by just posting when ready.
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FG: Nuclear War 29: MS Paint forever
That was my thinking.~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~
orders sent~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~
Turn 9: Shogun's gambit
It be a quiet day... well, it was supposed to be, until Spaced Cowboy decided to send his orders: four warheads were launched towards Shogun Gunner with a spy. Spy met another spy along the way, since Jaguar had also used one of his spies. After sabotaging Shogun's orders, they enjoyed espresso together and talked about their personal lives. Jaguar also built the city of "be". Everyone sent their orders in this time, but all the others had secret projects.
A note to Spaced Cowboy: I've lost your default orders somewhere (I still have no idea how, they were in the middle of a txt document), re-send them if you want me to recognise them in the future.Last edited by RGBVideo; November 3, 2005, 00:16.
sent~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~