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Age of Empires 3 thread (actual game, not demo)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sava

    then maybe you can explain to me what is the big difference between the two...

    I am not seeing any real major differences...
    As far as I can tell only a blind guy can't see the difference in graphics between the screenshot below (of RoN) and the before posted screenshot:

    Or are you thinking about Rise of Legends instead?
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #17
      in defense of SP campaigns in the original AOE.

      In addition to the campaigns that the game shipped with, there are many user made campaigns on the net, at places like AOE heaven. Some of these are brilliant uses of the limited game engine to recreate history - not in a grognard realistic way of course, but in a very nice story telling way.
      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


      • #18
        Adagio: I guess now that I see the two games side by side, I see the differences ...

        but honestly... I loaded the games at the same settings and stuff, played, and they didn't look as if they were that much different.

        AoE3 seems to have some environment effects that are pretty, but we're not talking about leaps and bounds here...

        overall, I'm enjoying AoE3 more than I enjoyed RoN
        To us, it is the BEAST.


        • #19
          Re: Age of Empires 3 thread (actual game, not demo)

          Originally posted by Sava
          I got this game yesterday.

          Very good.

          Although graphically, I wouldn't say it's a giant leap forward. It's about on par with Rise of Nations. Gameplay is about what you would expect from an AoE game. There are a lot of little things they added that are fun.

          I haven't played the campaign or multiplayer yet, just skirmishes with the AI.

          So far it's been fun.

          I like how you can go to the "Home Country" screen. It brings back fond memories of "Colonization".

          You can go to this screen and select any number of "shipments" to be made back to your colony. Usually it's just colonists, food, or military units. As you advance in ages there are other things you can send back. Some things are really useful, like one of the things it let me do as upgrade all my field cannons. Another thing was it let me upgrade all my outposts which increased the attack and range.

          I just got done with a game against the Spanish (I played as English). There was an Iroquois AI also that I traded with. Early on, I sent my explorer out (one bad thing about this game, there is no "auto explore feature, like in RoN") and cornered the market on trading with the Iroquois. I built outposts and choked the Spanish so they could not trade with them. Also, I didn't allow the Spaniards to expand. So eventually, I was able to win the battle of attrition. I kept their attacks at bay while I upgraded to the Imperial age.

          Then, I built a sizeable invasion force, and with one mortar artillery unit, just pounded their town into submission. I destroyed their town hall and it was "all she wrote" for them.

          This game is good.
          The next knock on your door with be Bill Gates demaning his 49.95 for the game you just received some how.
          I have to wait until next week, since I paid for the game.


          • #20
            The above screenshot of AoE3 has a tilted view, which Ensemble obviously did.

            You can't actually tilt in AoE3 (or at least you can't in the demo).

            When I played AoE3 demo, I noticed that the graphics were not as great as the screenshots that have been released. They are better than RoN's, but not significantly.

            The lighting and attention to landscape detail is what makes AoE3 look better than RoN. Not the units or the buildings.
            be free


            • #21
              I'm disappointed by AoE3. I am a long-time series veteran and I actually know the games nd the community. AoE3 has a few excellent touches, but overall, it didn't meet my expectations so far.

              The gameplay does not feel a lot like AoE2. There are, in my opinion, too many artificial limits.

              And, of course, this game is only playable in MP. The singleplayer AI is as laughable as it has been in all Age games.
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


              • #22
                Originally posted by Sn00py
                The above screenshot of AoE3 has a tilted view, which Ensemble obviously did.

                You can't actually tilt in AoE3 (or at least you can't in the demo).

                When I played AoE3 demo, I noticed that the graphics were not as great as the screenshots that have been released. They are better than RoN's, but not significantly.

                The lighting and attention to landscape detail is what makes AoE3 look better than RoN. Not the units or the buildings.
                good point... I didn't notice that at first... I don't believe you can tilt in the game...

                now that I think about it, there is also distance fog also in the screenshot...

                this screenshot is probably manufactured...

                I will try to use FRAPS and capture screens to give fair comparisons... I will resize to 800x600 because my resolution is too large for Poly

                Joseph this game is close to the point where I might consider buying it... I will have to see how the multiplayer interface is layed out. But if this game is just going to collect dust on my desk, I'm not going to waste $50 on it.
                To us, it is the BEAST.


                • #23
                  When is the actual release?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by DrSpike
                    When is the actual release?
                    Next Tueday the 18th.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Koriand'r

                      i dunno if you have tried this,but you can setup LAN with 2 players and just XP whore to level 50 or whatever you want then go play multiplayer,with cards of your choosing(although ES said they added this)
                      you can only get like 30,000 XP max per game... so you can't XP farm and exploit like that
                      To us, it is the BEAST.


                      • #26
                        They're probably not that stupid.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by DrSpike
                          They're probably not that stupid.
                          yeah I wish...

                          my buddy and I tried doing that and were disappointed when our XP stopped going up

                          too bad EA didn't make this game
                          To us, it is the BEAST.


                          • #28
                            ordered a package an email said my Sybex strategy guide was being shipped today

                            the game, along with CIV IV special pre release and COD 2 are expected to be shipped, according to Amazon will be Nov 1-Nov 4

                            Cant wait

                            I agree wiuth what I read here, AOE III doesnt have the same feel as AOEII, and maybe its a good thing, not sure yet??

                            Well...Ill let ya all know as I get it up and running...

                            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

