The first thread is over 500 postings now so I figured I'd make a new thread
Here's a table I made so if you guys want to be able to look up on each other, you can.
Here's a table I made so if you guys want to be able to look up on each other, you can.
[B] Player | Character Class Server [/B] Kassiopeia | Antti Thesis Mo/Me Europe | Artesia Nwell E/? | Piippolan Vaari W/Mo | Hammu Numbermancer N/R Jamski | Jamskianna Mu W/R Asher | Killian Dao N/E DrSpike | Alf the Axe W/Mo | Yue Ying Tang | Man Tuo Luo | Ellie the Mentalis snoopy369 | Magrat Garlick Mo/E America | Angua von Uberwald R/N | Cpl Carrot W/Mo UnOrthOdOx | Nemo Mairidh W/E | Ulwis Devri Mo/N | Dyllis Eire R/Me Jon Miller | Tarna Lithith Me/N dudemanjack | Arcane Arrum N/Me Snotty | Sierra Oscar W/N Europe | Sun Hil Mo/E Barinthus | Sarak Layghlin R/Me America | Kor Skarn W/Mo | Okja Zutaagon N/Mo SirOsis | Jinde Seraklon R/Me Ellestar | Ellestar The Dark | Ellestar Elflord SirRalph | Mytilma Elrad E/Me Europe Skanky Burns | Rebecca Nightflame N/E Europe