Mending = +4 regen that can be combined with other healing spells. It's very convenient if you have some party members that have low armor, and thus are getting killed in only a few hits.
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Guild Wars 2
BTW, My Mo/Me lvl10 absolutely needs a way to generate more mana (for the purposes of enchanting the allies, naturally). Are there more advanced armors than the wanderer's, which give more energy regeneration?"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
Mending = -1 energy regen and a maintainable enchantment a bright enemy can do very nasty things with. Also, 90% of the Mending uses I witness are Warriors/Monks casting it on themselves in a party.Besides, if you cast it on three people, at least one of them is bound to not take damage, meaning that -1 energy is, effectively, being wasted. Oh, only cast it when it's needed? It costs 10 energy! And what about spike damage? Regen can only do so much.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Originally posted by Spiffor
BTW, My Mo/Me lvl10 absolutely needs a way to generate more mana (for the purposes of enchanting the allies, naturally). Are there more advanced armors than the wanderer's, which give more energy regeneration?Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Originally posted by Kassiopeia
Besides, if you cast it on three people, at least one of them is bound to not take damage, meaning that -1 energy is, effectively, being wasted. Oh, only cast it when it's needed? It costs 10 energy! And what about spike damage? Regen can only do so much.
A good warrior won't die in a few shots. An elem can. As a healer, Mending can give me the time to cst my more powerful spells on the elem before his death. It also allows me not to monitor him permanently."I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
Originally posted by DrSpike
wasting an hour selling a 2k item just isn't smart.Keys are not cheap, I do need to finance those keys somehow.
Originally posted by DrSpike
You probably wont like me in game then. If I take the trouble to form a PvP/FoW/UW party I require everyone to take the skills I want. There are 2 sides........if someone wont alter their build (which I always accept may work perfectly well in a random pickup group) so that the team has the right skills on the right players I don't want them in the team.
There is a huge difference between a good build and a good team build. Some people get defensive when you ask them to change skills, but they shouldn't in my opinion.
I like to discuss what kind of challenges we will find in the upcoming mission or quests and decide what we should bring along but unfortunately most people don't want to bother.
Originally posted by Spiffor
Mending = +4 regen that can be combined with other healing spells. It's very convenient if you have some party members that have low armor, and thus are getting killed in only a few hits.
Mending is nearly always the worst healing spell available, it's there just for the lazy monks, and for the warriors dumb enough to use vampiric weapons ...<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
Originally posted by Spiffor
You don't understand. I'm not talking about enchanting all party members with it, or enchanting party members when then need it. I'm talking about enchanting the party members most likely to suffer heavy damage, i.e. those that have sucky armors (elems, for example)
A good warrior won't die in a few shots. An elem can. As a healer, Mending can give me the time to cst my more powerful spells on the elem before his death. It also allows me not to monitor him permanently.
It definitely wastes energy though - your ELEs shouldn't be under attack often anyway. You SHOULD be monitoring him, and every other party member, permanently... that's the one and only job of a healing monk. I go nuts when, in heavy combat, I see monks attacking ... not only does it put THEM in danger, but it takes away from their ability to monitor the combat. No monk is going to melee for significant damage anyway ...<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
Originally posted by DrSpike
You probably wont like me in game then. If I take the trouble to form a PvP/FoW/UW party I require everyone to take the skills I want. There are 2 sides........if someone wont alter their build (which I always accept may work perfectly well in a random pickup group) so that the team has the right skills on the right players I don't want them in the team.
There is a huge difference between a good build and a good team build. Some people get defensive when you ask them to change skills, but they shouldn't in my opinion.
OTOH, if someone's setting up a party around a specific skill or combination of skills, I have no problem making sure I have those skills (or leaving if I don't like the party setup, either way). But someone who's just asking for a 'protector monk' but having a specific set of 8 skills that all protector monks must have, will never be a party member of mine ...<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
Spiffor, definitely go the tatoos route. That's where the extra energy is
If you're going to go the enchantment route, you need to use Life Bond. It is sort of the opposite of mending, as far as you explain your use of it - you cast it on the most likely to be hit people, ie warriors, and it redirects half their damage to you, minus some amount that varies based on your prot skill.You cast that on a few people, and then add in essence bond on the tank only, and bring the signet of ... whatever, divine signet? ... the one that gives you +3 energy for each enchantment, up to (15-21) or so (divine favor)
It's an old build I learned from Jam ...
<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
I think it's Blessed Signet. Could be wrong. Yeah, the maintainable+signet build is nifty in PvE, I use it to farm things. Boon + Essence Bond + Balt's Spirit, and then use the signet when you lose mana (such as after casting said enchants). Symbol of Wrath and Balt's Aura for smiteage, and Zealot's Fire and Reversal of Fortune. The only things that can really screw you up are things with interrupts (rock devourers anyone) or enchantment removal.
I as monk may go "melee" in that I press T and space and have at them with my little cane. It does meagre damage, but it's something, and it doesn't really detract from my healing or protting, and I always try to look where I am, so I won't be drawn out into a pack of them. In PvP the staffs can do 20+ damage to casters, nothing to sneeze at.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
I've kind of lost interest in this game. The biggest hurdle in completing the single-player missions is how good (or non-asshatty) the other players you are with are. If you have a decent team, any mission is easy. If one or two are stupid, can't follow directions or just don't know what they are doing then you will fail again and again. If a decent PUG comes along, you pass. If not you waste time or fail and die (while wasting time).I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
Give me a holler if I'm on, and we can do it with henchies. The henchies are really underrated. I cleared 80% of the game with two humans and henchies, and I could go further but said two humans are WoW addicts now and I like pvp too much.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
I have done most of my questing and also some missions for elite skill farming with only henchmen and I did considerably better than with some human asshats. I remember a skill capping group with 6 humans and 2 (healer) henchmen in the Iron Mines, where we failed soon after the start, some quit and others said, that it can't be done with healer henches. I quit too and did the whole mission with henches ONLY, and I died only once (while the henches saved the fight). Some other quest I duo'd or trio'd with friends, filled up with henchies. For most missions and quests 2-3 players, who know what they're doing, suffice bigtime.
Regarding tattoo armor I have a question. You say, that energy regeneration improves. But the informations I found on this in the web are rather ambiguous, some sources mention, that it improves energy, others say, that it does not. Any reliable information on this?
Oh btw, I don't like the look of it, it'd make my sexy little ele look like a tramp. So it'd better be worth it.