[QUOTE] Originally posted by Carolus Rex
"Who can tell what "the burning records" - overreaction is in our times?"
No we cant tell - who knows, maybe in 2250 they'll think youre point of view was anti-religious stalinism. I have no friggin idea what they'll think in 2250. I have to reason based on what seems reasonable to me NOW.
"I think you have a point here, but my point is still valid. It's not a question of whether a mainstream religious group "oppresses" a non-religious "outcast" group or the other way around... The common denominator is intolerance towards people outside of the "mainstream group" (whatever that is)... In other words, it's equally bad...
I think I can relate to what you say about "hard to live according to traditional values". In Sweden, religion is more or less dead, but (caveats):
i) not everyone would agree; we have our own bible belt
ii) we have a lot of immigrants with strong religious faith and
iii) this isn't to say that people are not searching for spiritual guidance; they are, but it's an individual quest (religious communities are relatively weak, but see i) above)
So, in my experience (which need not be a correct description of swedish society) it's more odd to say you're a christian than saying you're an agnostic.
Hence, it's not an issue if our prime minister believes in a God or not (he does), whereas the US still awaits its first agnostic president... If you're an american and don't claim to be a believer in God, then the highest office in your country is out of reach for you.
I don't think you can understand how utterly strange it feels to listen to Bush speak in biblical terms, or seeing american politicians swearing on the bible... Religion seems to be as strong as ever in the US, but I don't live there so what do I know..."
but we're talking about games, NOT religion. There are plenty of people who are religious in one form or another who dont make a deal about this kind of cultural crap - either they belong to luke warm religions, or they are fundies from cultural backgrounds in the south that are not so sensitive about violence, and only make a big deal about sex - OTOH there are people who arent particularly religious who are fed up with the crap. I know the strength of religion in the US has some of you Euros fascinated/obsessed, but its a mistake to see all US cultural issues through that prism.
This isnt about religious conformity, or crackdowns on dissenting atheists - its about games accused of being filled with violence, and exploitive sexuality.
"Who can tell what "the burning records" - overreaction is in our times?"
No we cant tell - who knows, maybe in 2250 they'll think youre point of view was anti-religious stalinism. I have no friggin idea what they'll think in 2250. I have to reason based on what seems reasonable to me NOW.
"I think you have a point here, but my point is still valid. It's not a question of whether a mainstream religious group "oppresses" a non-religious "outcast" group or the other way around... The common denominator is intolerance towards people outside of the "mainstream group" (whatever that is)... In other words, it's equally bad...
I think I can relate to what you say about "hard to live according to traditional values". In Sweden, religion is more or less dead, but (caveats):
i) not everyone would agree; we have our own bible belt
ii) we have a lot of immigrants with strong religious faith and
iii) this isn't to say that people are not searching for spiritual guidance; they are, but it's an individual quest (religious communities are relatively weak, but see i) above)
So, in my experience (which need not be a correct description of swedish society) it's more odd to say you're a christian than saying you're an agnostic.
Hence, it's not an issue if our prime minister believes in a God or not (he does), whereas the US still awaits its first agnostic president... If you're an american and don't claim to be a believer in God, then the highest office in your country is out of reach for you.
I don't think you can understand how utterly strange it feels to listen to Bush speak in biblical terms, or seeing american politicians swearing on the bible... Religion seems to be as strong as ever in the US, but I don't live there so what do I know..."
but we're talking about games, NOT religion. There are plenty of people who are religious in one form or another who dont make a deal about this kind of cultural crap - either they belong to luke warm religions, or they are fundies from cultural backgrounds in the south that are not so sensitive about violence, and only make a big deal about sex - OTOH there are people who arent particularly religious who are fed up with the crap. I know the strength of religion in the US has some of you Euros fascinated/obsessed, but its a mistake to see all US cultural issues through that prism.
This isnt about religious conformity, or crackdowns on dissenting atheists - its about games accused of being filled with violence, and exploitive sexuality.