So far better than Jade Empire.
Immersive, funny, crisp, challenging, psychological, banjo and kazooie esque but better.
Those are jsut some of the adjectives that this games brings to mind. In it you are a psychic warrior, sort of, you are a psychic/psionic/telekineticish kid sent to psychic camp.
basically you have psychic abilities in the real world, however you also have the ability to go into your mind, adn the minds of others, inside of these worlds you have the smae powers.
So far I can shoot psychic blasts, set things on fire,hit with psychic powered punches. psychic powered double jump, telekinesis.
The telekinesis is quite cool, and fun to use.
The gmae is heavily based in cut scenes that (surprise) DON'T SUCK!!! In fact you end up seeking them out. They are quite funny and fun to watch most of the time.
The characters are very well developed, adn the psycholigcal elemnet in the game is a true splendor.
They take wonderfully selected bits and ieces from Freudian dream analysis, Gestalt dream therapy, Carl Jung's collective unconscious, and much more to create a very fun and interactive world to play in.
Worth picking up at least as a rental. I was going to trade it in for the shakey KOTOR2, but a very good XPLAY review coaxed me int oat least trying it.
Immersive, funny, crisp, challenging, psychological, banjo and kazooie esque but better.
Those are jsut some of the adjectives that this games brings to mind. In it you are a psychic warrior, sort of, you are a psychic/psionic/telekineticish kid sent to psychic camp.
basically you have psychic abilities in the real world, however you also have the ability to go into your mind, adn the minds of others, inside of these worlds you have the smae powers.
So far I can shoot psychic blasts, set things on fire,hit with psychic powered punches. psychic powered double jump, telekinesis.
The telekinesis is quite cool, and fun to use.
The gmae is heavily based in cut scenes that (surprise) DON'T SUCK!!! In fact you end up seeking them out. They are quite funny and fun to watch most of the time.
The characters are very well developed, adn the psycholigcal elemnet in the game is a true splendor.
They take wonderfully selected bits and ieces from Freudian dream analysis, Gestalt dream therapy, Carl Jung's collective unconscious, and much more to create a very fun and interactive world to play in.
Worth picking up at least as a rental. I was going to trade it in for the shakey KOTOR2, but a very good XPLAY review coaxed me int oat least trying it.