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Guild Wars

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  • Originally posted by Jamski

    . . .

    Ok Doc, how would you counter being dead from 7 simultanious lightning spells cast the moment they come in range? That's about 1,000 points of lightning damage within half a second btw. Ok Spellbreaker, if it was possible to beat the cast and anticipate the target, would keep the focus-fired target alive for another 14 secs or so. I guess a well-drilled team could cover all monks with Spellbreaker at intiation of hostilities and then have 14 secs to kill at least 2 of the Air Elementalists to stop their spiking ways.

    Hehe, you are so easy.

    Btw the answer is 8 elementalists, or 7 + monk and do it faster.


    • Hard to find that many elementalists hanging around TotPK
      1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
      That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
      Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
      Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


      • Then sorry, you're screwed.


        • Well we found a load of elementalists And still got owned by Koreans. They must practise so much. Still, we won against all the other teams we had to face

          Also... no one expects the mo/me to have Illusionary Weapon at near max Inbetween pressing Blessed Signet I found time to kill an enemy monk in melee Highlight of my week.

          1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
          That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
          Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
          Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


          • Sounds like you're having fun.

            I just finished the mission that involves getting TO the door of something with a K, and now am on what seems to be the last level (Hell's Precipice) according to all of the maps that I see. Haven't done much with TotPK yet, but will eventually. Jam, perhaps tomorrow (6/23) we can play a bit if you're there ... Don't know if 2 monks helps but I can always go ELE
            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


            • I'm starting some PvP this weekend. I am the victim of my own success really - I got my girlfriend hooked on PvE (for those interested I will go into the elements of strategy later), and now she doesn't want to play anything else.


              • The holy grail of gaming when you have a girlfriend?
                Goodness, who would want to know that?
                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                • Sounds interesting enough to try it out. Can anyone summarize this game with a few sentences? I'd like to know a few details.

                  - How is the concept of connectivity? Are there servers like in other MMOGs? Or is all lumped together in one huge realm? How do people meet and groups find eachother? Are there guilds? (duh! the name tells it, but better safe than sorry) Does there exist an Apolyton guild? I really would rather play with you guys than with random pickup d00ds.

                  - How is the level of roleplay? Don't misunderstand me, I am not a heavy roleplayer. I just like to build and play my characters consistent to the lore. What would be a good class combination for somebody experienced in MMOGs, but new to GW? I play a tank in EQ2, some caster type would be good for the sake of diversity.

                  - How is the level of asshatry? I mean teh 1337 d00d percentage, the "follow u n00b" crowd? Is there a method to avoid them without having an ignore list (is there such a thing?) as long as the Nile?

                  I really still enjoy Everquest 2 (first xp with some PvP and lots of new features coming in September) and devote most of my time to it. However sometimes a bit diversity would be appreciated and Guild Wars looks like an awesome alternative. Especially since it has no monthly fee and the casual player does not lose so much subscription money. And I definitely won't touch WoW again.
                  Last edited by Harovan; June 23, 2005, 04:41.


                  • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                    Sounds interesting enough to try it out. Can anyone summarize this game with a few sentences? I'd like to know a few details.

                    - How is the concept of connectivity? Are there servers like in other MMOGs? Or is all lumped together in one huge realm? How do people meet and groups find eachother? Are there guilds? (duh! the name tells it, but better safe than sorry) Does there exist an Apolyton guild? I really would rather play with you guys than with random pickup d00ds.
                    Haven't played other MMOG's. However, you ALL connect to one of three main servers: North America, Europe, or Korea. Towns are split into districts to help with the load, but you are free to switch districts at any time. You meet and form groups in the towns. Once your group leaves town, the entire world is instanced for you and your group until you return to another town.

                    There are guilds. You can even make your own guild of 1 if you really wanted. I do not believe there is an Apolyton guild. Post your character name, though, and you can be added to friends lists, which lets you see when someone is on.

                    - How is the level of roleplay? Don't misunderstand me, I am not a heavy roleplayer. I just like to build and play my characters consistent to the lore. What would be a good class combination for somebody experienced in MMOGs, but new to GW? I play a tank in EQ2, some caster type would be good for the sake of diversity.

                    There is no "roleplay". You're right in line with the community there.

                    There are 4 casters, and you dual-class. An elementalist would be your basic damage-dealer caster, and probably the easiest of the caster classes. Mesmers and Necros are more about weakening the enemy than killing outright. And Monks are the game's healer, not the karate melee class of other games. Any combo would work well, with Elementalist/Monk probably giving the best immidiately visible variety.

                    - How is the level of asshatry? I mean teh 1337 d00d percentage, the "follow u n00b" crowd? Is there a method to avoid them without having an ignore list (is there such a thing?) as long as the Nile?
                    In the tutorial section of the game. (pre-seering) it is intolerably bad. In the early portions of Post seering, it is annoying. In the later portions of the game, it is near non-existent. Basically they tend to drop off as the difficulty ramps. Of course there are exceptions, such as the elitist idiots at the top who know everything, but I have been rather impressed at the level of the general public later in the game.

                    Again, you only deal with it in town. I tend not to spend long in there, and if there's a moron on the team, You'll know quick and can easily leave.

                    I really still enjoy Everquest 2 (first xp with some PvP and lots of new features coming in September) and devote most of my time to it. However sometimes a bit diversity would be appreciated and Guild Wars looks like an awesome alternative. Especially since it has no monthly fee and the casual player does not lose so much subscription money. And I definitely won't touch WoW again.
                    Would be great to see you.
                    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                    You're wierd. - Krill

                    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                    • Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
                      Having them in North Stormia for so long definitely had some influence.

                      And thanks for your information. Will look up my local Media Market for the game tomorrow. I believe as European I can only get on European servers (am I right here?) and thus can only meet slobs like Spike , but I am sure I can enjoy it anyway.


                      • You can choose any server you want I believe. I think your character isn't tied to 1 specific one. Of course I'm new to all this so could be wrong.

                        I'll be on tonight with a friend doing some pre sear. Hopefully I'll sear late tonight.


                        • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                          Sounds interesting enough to try it out. Can anyone summarize this game with a few sentences? I'd like to know a few details.

                          - How is the concept of connectivity? Are there servers like in other MMOGs? Or is all lumped together in one huge realm? How do people meet and groups find eachother? Are there guilds? (duh! the name tells it, but better safe than sorry) Does there exist an Apolyton guild? I really would rather play with you guys than with random pickup d00ds.
                          You have to choose America, Europe, or Korea, but they're fundamentally one server - you can play in International District and meet with others (I've played with Jamski there for example). As UnO says, you choose which district you play in (randomly, usually) each time you enter a town; when you're not in a town, btw, you're by yourself or just with your party - there is no one else there, even if they're in their own version of that same region. At the beginning, you have 30+ districts per city; at the end, you generally have 2 districts per city (American anyway, don't know european).
                          Guilds - best way to find a guild is to wait until you have a really good experience with a party, and several of them are the same guild - they usually will ask, or you can always ask. Guilds can be very hardcore or very light-hearted; a good guild has Guild Battles regularly when a guild challenges another guild, while guilds like mine are pretty laid back and mostly exist to help each other out when we need help, and to do missions together.

                          - How is the level of roleplay? Don't misunderstand me, I am not a heavy roleplayer. I just like to build and play my characters consistent to the lore. What would be a good class combination for somebody experienced in MMOGs, but new to GW? I play a tank in EQ2, some caster type would be good for the sake of diversity.
                          Yeh, roleplaying isn't really there. It's about at the Diablo2 level of roleplay...

                          Good combo for an experienced MMOer would probably be E/Me, E/N, Mo/Me, E/Mo, or Mo/E. Basically, having E(lementalist) as your primary class means you have more energy available to you than any other class; so it is a pretty good primary for any other spellcaster class. [The only difference between Primary and Secondary is one skill class out of around 5, and the armor available; otherwise E/Mo and Mo/E are identical, for example, other than armor, and E/Mo has "energy storage" (adds to energy, a few skills related to that) while Mo/E has "Divine Favor" (adds points to heals, some skills related to that).]

                          But, pretty any class combination is playable. And, when you choose your secondary class (early on), you (much later) get a chance to change it if you don't like it. (Heck, you get 4 characters per account, so you can play around with different ideas if you want.)

                          - How is the level of asshatry? I mean teh 1337 d00d percentage, the "follow u n00b" crowd? Is there a method to avoid them without having an ignore list (is there such a thing?) as long as the Nile?
                          Ignore doesn't seem to work, but there's not too much following - you can just change districts and/or just walk outside, and they can't follow you.
                          Asshatry mostly to me is just poor players; early in the game there are a lot of poor players, and later on there are fewer; of course, later on poor players affect you more, as the missions get harder, but ... oh well.

                          I really still enjoy Everquest 2 (first xp with some PvP and lots of new features coming in September) and devote most of my time to it. However sometimes a bit diversity would be appreciated and Guild Wars looks like an awesome alternative. Especially since it has no monthly fee and the casual player does not lose so much subscription money. And I definitely won't touch WoW again.
                          No sub fees is the reason i'm playing it - i play maybe 15 hours a week, not worth it if i'm paying $20 a month or whatever, but fine if i just pay $40 total. It's definitely very different - in fact they (NCSoft) don't call it an MMORPG but a ... SORPG (strategy online rpg) or something different like that. The fact that you get your own region created for you when you are in-between towns means you don't interact as much with people except your party.

                          It also doesn't have as much room as everquest - while in EQ if I recall correctly you could generally walk anywhere, with zones being essentially rectangles with entrances to other zones on the edges, in GW you basically have a single path from one zone to the next (or possibly 2 paths leading to 2 zones), but you can't just walk straight, you have to walk along the path. Essenstially you have towns, and then paths between towns. (But don't worry, because of the fact that there's nobody but your party there, it has plenty of room still for ya )

                          It does have auto-transport from one city to the next, which is great. No walking from town to town, after the first time...
                          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                          • I don't know that 'one path' is accurate.

                            There's typically 2-4 EXITS on a given region. But the "path" to them is not always apparent, and can be a mild maze. There are sometimes advantages to exploring outside the lines, so to speak, as well.

                            My first character got in the habit early. So much fog left on the map after the quests and missions had me moving on...what's out there?

                            Sometimes it's paid off.

                            That said, it is not free-roaming, no. This is both good and bad.
                            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                            You're wierd. - Krill

                            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                            • Ralph, quick summary is: it's awesome, buy it now!

                              It really is a step forward - I haven't been this impressed with a game for a long time, and regular posters will know how harsh a judge I am.


                              • Why is there NOT an Apoly Guild asumming there isn't one?????????
                                *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta

