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  • #31
    Mount&Blade Update!

    Fans of the game are awaiting the new patch, version 0.730, but already there is an "unstable" test patch that reveals some of what is in store for Mount&Blade. Most notably, the towns are fleshed out in impressive detail, and the map now includes two castles that you can take by storm - now, there are opportunities for battle with walls and battlements instead of just natural terrain. It's hinted out that vastly improved siege warfare will be coming.

    The AI has been improved, as far as I can tell, tremendously since my last post - spearmen and pikemen are really quite good at stopping even mounted lancers dead in their tracks when approached with a frontal assault. You can also now order your units to do certain things based on unit type - have your archers follow you to a nearby hill, while you tell your infantry and sergeants to charge, while keeping your knights back as a reserve to sweep down upon the enemy when he's occupied with the infantry!

    The shield and blocking systems are much improved, as well. Those of you who really want a challenge can choose "directional blocking," which means you have to carefully match your block to the enemy's strike to avoid getting brutalized. Combat appears to be much more deadly - and thus, realistic - in the new patch, with a sabre slice from a galloping steed nearly always fatal. Shields can now be circumvented if you've got good aim, by shooting below them (it's harder than it sounds when firing from a speeding horse).

    Good news from the forums is that the original team, composed initially of only a guy and his wife, has been augmented by the hiring of two artists. For those of you who love modding, and I know you exist, M&B already has numerous full mods, if you want to live the Crusades or the 100 Years' War in true M&B style.

    Check it out!
    Lime roots and treachery!
    "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


    • #32
      Mount and Blade v.751 is out! This update focuses mainly on sound and detail - a major graphics overhaul, adding better texture to faces, much better movement to horses, and some really cool looking towns.

      Speaking is now in - soldiers yell as they attack, and bandits threaten you when confronted. Your men - if you have any left at the end of the battle - cheer and shout "Victory!"

      Horses are now much more "lifelike," and will spook and run crazily around the battlefield without a rider, instead of just standing around like before. Their galloping and neighing sounds are all new, and you can hear that plate barding go "ka-chink" when you're at top speed. It's a solid update, and a must for those of you interested in this game. It's still in house, an independent project without a big developer, and still only $14 for the full verson.

      And no, I'm not getting paid for this.
      Lime roots and treachery!
      "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


      • #33
        Is the playerbase for this game Cyclotron?


        • #34
          I have not heard of this before. Seeing it's only 50 MB (My cable provider sucks so I have to be careful how much I am downloading ) I'll consider giving it a go one of these days!
          "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
          "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


          • #35
            A dose of cynicism and two questions

            Like I presumed last summer when I first read this thread - it'll be in a "beta"-stage forever.

            How many ctd-bugs are there? What are the system requirements?


            • #36
              Originally posted by DrSpike
              Is the playerbase for this game Cyclotron?
              Only if you don't count the extensive online community, which happens to support far more languages than Apolyton...

              Like I presumed last summer when I first read this thread - it'll be in a "beta"-stage forever.

              How many ctd-bugs are there? What are the system requirements?

              It's a great deal more fun right now than a lot of retail games that would have you shell out $50. Progress appears to be quite steady, and it isn't likely the project will be abandoned into endless beta-dom; the licenses so far have made enough money that the developers have left their jobs, so it wouldn't be good to stop now, I should think.

              CTD bugs vary on version, but in the last month I've had 2-3. System requirements should be readily available on their site.
              Lime roots and treachery!
              "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


              • #37
                Re: A dose of cynicism and two questions

                Originally posted by VJ
                Like I presumed last summer when I first read this thread - it'll be in a "beta"-stage forever.
                In the same sense that most MMORGPs are in a "beta"-stage forever. The game is playable now, new content keeps getting added, the downside is...
                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                • #38
                  I'm off to get the update. As soon as I find out what version I have now.

                  Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                  • #39
                    I was just glancing through the forums, and people are talking about MP being 'added'. I didn't actually realise that the game was SP only. That would probably make it some way from release, if it was.


                    • #40
                      The official word is that MP will not be added; the exact quote was something like "maybe for M&B 2." The recurring forum posts on this are just people expressing their pipe dreams, as so far there is no indication that the designers have reconsidered MP.

                      Tuberski, the latest update made the previous versions somewhat obsolete, so you need to download the whole program again and install it "over the top" of your old M&B. The update only works if the version you have is .750, which I don't think you do as it came out less than a week ago.
                      Lime roots and treachery!
                      "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Cyclotron
                        The official word is that MP will not be added; the exact quote was something like "maybe for M&B 2." The recurring forum posts on this are just people expressing their pipe dreams, as so far there is no indication that the designers have reconsidered MP.

                        Tuberski, the latest update made the previous versions somewhat obsolete, so you need to download the whole program again and install it "over the top" of your old M&B. The update only works if the version you have is .750, which I don't think you do as it came out less than a week ago.
                        I had 7.10 or .11. I like the improvements I see so far.

                        Actual towns.

                        Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                        • #42
                          Wait until you attack actual castles.
                          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                          • #43
                            Screenshot time!

                            Zomfg, this game rules.

                            I drool at the thought of multiplayer in the form of 5-50 player battles. Some screenshots (I halved the size and reduced colours to 256 before uploading them) :

                            A nameless victory near the city gates:
                            Image Hosted by

                            Pirates ambushed me while I was traveling inlands towards a hill and cut off my retreat route -- I guess I should boost up either my tactical- or tracking skill a bit:
                            Image Hosted by

                            I teamed up with a group of wounded, mounted manhunters to track down fleeing river bandits one late afternoon. Too bad we underestimated their strength -- we ended up getting trapped right next to the river we couldn't cross against more than a dozen bandits, three of whom had stolen courier horses. What was supposed to be as simple as butchering sleeping cattle turned out to be a long, bloody battle from a bad defending position in the middle of the night. I was the lone survivor (as seen here), and looted both the bandits and the manhunters. That arrow is on my shield, I'm on horseback on shallow water; you'd see both things if MS Paint wouldn't have aten the lower part of the file.
                            Image Hosted by

                            A small group of hill bandits decided that a lone target with a silly hat like I had would be an easy target for them to rob. Guess again, punks. I quickly rode forward to meet them at the small river, hopped of horseback and hailed the lot by some blades with featherbacks whilst they slowly advanced:
                            Image Hosted by

                            Here I'm doing a tactical retreat, riding back towards my traveling sack containing my supplies, to scrap my bow and fetch my 2-handed sword:
                            Image Hosted by

                            Here's what their brilliant ambush looked like after I had charged couple of times using my two-handed sword:
                            Image Hosted by
                            OWNED, punks. Next time, try creating a formation so I can't hit three of ya with a single horseback charge (before turning back to do another, that is - none of them even tried to block my charges so they cold stop me and hammer for a while). I left the last one alive so I could sell him for a lifetime of slavery -- perhaps he'll tell future bandits not to use short-swords and stones against a man on the white horse, no matter how douchy his cap is.


                            • #44
                              I just can't get the hang of horseback combat. I always use blunt weapons on the river pirates also. I like selling them off.

                              Otherwise getting money is fairly tough.

                              Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                              • #45
                                I just can't get the hang of horseback combat. I always use blunt weapons on the river pirates also. I like selling them off.
                                I generally take no prisoners, they slow me down. The horse pictured is my current favourite, heavy courier. It's speed is 11 m/s which I can boost with my riding skill to (iirc) 13,6.

                                If you're a fast rider and boost up your inventory and trading skills, you can get $$$ pretty quickly by trading. You don't really need riding skill and expensive horses to earn money quicker (the difference between say 11 and 9 is marginal, even in the long run), but to run away from bandits, army deserters and the like.

                                Horseback combat gets tricky with swords if you're facing many enemies and they know how to use shields. I've been thinking about buying a pole weapon some day, the guy in the tavern of the first town said that you can bypass shield defence with them if you hit with them correctly enough.

