I know it's a bit late but I only recently ran into this, haven't seen any threads on it here and I'm sure some people will be interested: Peter Molyneux's presentation on this year's Game Developers Conference can be viewed as streaming video here (requires free registration). He talks briefly about game design in the future and demonstrates it using 3 very interesting demos for 'The Movies', 'Black & White 2' (both due this Fall) and 'The Game' (will probably never be released).
All I can say is: wow, just wow... Especially B&W2 is looking really promising. Of course, his games have not always lived up to their promises in the past, but the demos show that much of what Molyneux promises already exists today, which wasn't always true before. Plus, he's working together with Peter Millar, of Warcraft fame, and the Blizzard people are usually as reliable as Swiss clockwork.
Between this, AoE3, Civ4, Legion II... the strategy gamer is up for an interesting winter season
All I can say is: wow, just wow... Especially B&W2 is looking really promising. Of course, his games have not always lived up to their promises in the past, but the demos show that much of what Molyneux promises already exists today, which wasn't always true before. Plus, he's working together with Peter Millar, of Warcraft fame, and the Blizzard people are usually as reliable as Swiss clockwork.
Between this, AoE3, Civ4, Legion II... the strategy gamer is up for an interesting winter season