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Imperialism 3 project - expressions of interest?

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  • Imperialism 3 project - expressions of interest?

    Frog City have on several occasions ruled out another game in the Imperialism series. There are, however, a lot of people who would like to see an Imp3. Accordingly, here's the suggestion -- we put together a group of people with skills in programming, games and graphics, and discuss the feasibility of doing it ourselves. If you have some sort of relevant skill base, and an interest in "The Game That Can't Be Called Imp3 For Trademark/copyright Reasons But Which For All Practical Intents And Purposes Will Be The Heir Of Imps 1 And 2" -- email or pm me with some sort of expression of interest. Once we've got enough people to have a discussion about it, we'll see what can be done.

    For more information about Imperialism, see


  • #2
    I'd love to see a heir to Imperialism games, but I have neither the skill nor the focus to dedicate to such a project. I'd be a happy player, but not a developer.

    Best of luck though Imperialism is the kind of game that deserves dedicated people like you
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    • #3
      The Imperialsm games were a great couple of games, so i'd definately be happy to see a new version.

      Apart from the occasional suggestion + help with the discussions i wont be able to commit to much more i'm afraid, but i think you should find some people with a keen interest, Imp1+2 definately has its fans
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      • #4
        There are lots of guys who can help though. Might be worth looking in the forums for the other fan made games, like Candle'Bre, if it still exists.


        • #5
          I liked imp2 alot, but i dont know i have the skills, and my gaming time is all devoted to EU2 right now.

          I wonder if Paradox would mind if you asked on their forums? Lots of people interested in that sort of game there. Also the scenarion league forum here.
          "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


          • #6
            Any more news about this?

            Don't think I can help out myself unfortunately.
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            • #7
              Checked the forums, it seems to be dead.
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              • #8
                Bah! And all I want is a better diplomatic model and AI.
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                • #9
                  That's a shame. They had something pretty solid with these games, just needed a couple more versions to get it up there with Civ imho.

                  Oh well another game for me to get around to making one day

