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New Xbox: Microsoft Speaks Out

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  • New Xbox: Microsoft Speaks Out

    SAN FRANCISCO (CNN/Money) - After more a year of teases and false starts, Microsoft is finally starting to talk about its next generation game machine.

    Every title for the next generation Xbox will offer high definition graphics, custom personalization and be tied into the online world, said J Allard, Microsoft corporate vice president and chief XNA architect at an ongoing game development conference.

    "This system is a monster," said Allard. "In this decade, I believe we are going to double our audience."

    Allard stopped short of discussing hardware specifics of the machine, which is expected to go on sale later this year. Those details, he said, would be revealed in May at E3, the industry's annual trade show.

    He did, however, talk about what the gamer experience for the system (which will likely be named Xbox 360) would be like. Next generation games will allow players to have constant access to an online buddy list and their digital media, such as MP3 music files.

    Microsoft also plans to greatly expand its online network in its next generation, letting players and developers form their own marketplace, selling in-game content for real-world cash via small micro-transactions. Racing game enthusiasts, for example, will be able to buy a faster car to give them an edge in the game for a slight bit more, should they wish. Similarly, players who design, say, clothing or tattoos for their own characters will be able to sell those to others.

    This is something of a departure for game developers. While there has been a thriving market for in-game items for some time on eBay and other auction sites, game companies have typically frowned on the practice. Currently, massively multiplayer online games, such as "EverQuest" and "World of Warcraft" see the biggest demand, with sales of advanced in-game characters reaching several hundred dollars.

    The marketplace will also allow developers to publish games one "chapter" at a time, which could cut development costs and increase the flow of new gaming content. Episodic content has been attempted before on the PC (with limited success), but never for the larger console audience.

    As with Xbox Live, the marketplace will also allow players to download new game levels, maps, weapons and more. (More than 2 million Xbox owners currently subscribe to Xbox Live.)

    Because the next generation Xbox will be tied into the home network, it will have access to digital entertainment stored on external hard drives. As a result, Allard said players will be able to customize the soundtrack to any game, choosing what music they feel is most appropriate.

    "Our customer is going to expect to be able to connect to their content wherever they want, whenever they want," said Allard.

    Connecting like-minded players has been one of the goals of Xbox Live this generation and Microsoft (Research) said it plans to expand on that philosophy. Players will be able to quickly scan information about each other, finding people who have similar skills, interests and lifestyles.

    "I think of this as a gamer baseball card," said Allard.

    The increased emphasis on high definition capabilities has long been expected with next generation machines. While some current Xbox games offer a high definition option, it's not mandatory – and to see the benefits, users must purchase special cables.

    Allard said the company feels it's a short matter of time before high definition becomes the mainstream.

    "As more and more people get exposed to the HD medium through television, the more their expectations are going to go up for other mediums," he said.

    Allard also hinted at (but did not expand on) a few other long-rumored features for Microsoft's next system, including wireless controllers and wireless networking as well as possible games on demand system.

  • #2
    My thread is obsolete. Delete me.


    • #3
      Microsoft also plans to greatly expand its online network in its next generation, letting players and developers form their own marketplace, selling in-game content for real-world cash via small micro-transactions. Racing game enthusiasts, for example, will be able to buy a faster car to give them an edge in the game for a slight bit more, should they wish. Similarly, players who design, say, clothing or tattoos for their own characters will be able to sell those to others.


      • #4
        GDC 2005 Next Gen Xbox Live Revealed
        At GDC´s Keynote speech, J Allard unveils Xenon gamer cards.
        by Douglass C. Perry

        March 9, 2005 - Microsoft´s Corporate Vice President J Allard today showed gamers the tip of the Xenon iceberg today, unveiling a suite of custom features to be used in the Xbox Live portion of its next generation services for Xenon or Xbox 2.

        First, he referred to Xbox 2 as Xenon, its development code name, the whole speech. Second, he said Microsoft will officially reveal Xenon at E3, where the company will introduce its games, hardware, and servies. Third, he talked about the new changes and improvements to Xbox Live, which is rapidly approaching 2 million users.

        Likening this new idea of user profiles to baseball cards, Allard showed onscreen how users can access relevent information from a new interface that will remain consistent across all future Xenon games. These new user profiles track stats, friends´ online presence, favorite songs, and other particular things about your preferences in a game.

        Using Forza Motorsport as an example, The user profiles can be called up before or after a game. The simple interface menu slides across from the left, taking up about one third of the screen. Organized in horizontal white bars with a white background and black text, each segment shows custom details about your playing experience. You´ll see a star system, which Allard likened to merit badges, indicating the amount of hours you´ve spent and how good you are across a range of games. Among other things, this tool enables you to more efficiently match your gaming skills with another user online. In the case of Forza, you´ll see the fastest time on a track, fastest lap, and favorite track.

        Noting that ripping and customizing soundtracks was one of the most asked for request from its online users, Allard said that with Xenon games, all games will enable customizable tracks, not just some. And that the user interface will be the same across all games.

        Using what Allard called an online marketplace, Allard said that players can search for, trade, and buy their own car parts, upload, and trade them using a virtual currency to prep their cars for a race against a friend. Forza was just the example, but he said that future games would use these functions regularly.

        Another new feature is the simple use of User Alerts. A user alert might alert you to the fact that your wireless controller is low on batteries, shown by a small window that appears on the lower'left hand side of the screen. Or it might alert you that a friend is online and wants to race now. Xbox Live users can pro'actively use the interface to search Xbox Live for Forza car parts to customize and upgrade their cars as well.

        While Allard presented new ideas for Xbox Live for Xenon, he didn´t answer all the pending Xbox Live questions most gamers still have, such as will Xbox Live subscriptions carry over from Xbox to Xbox 2, will the new system be backward compatible, etc. We´ll have more on this as soon as humanly possible, though, so stick around.
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • #5
          UI shots:

          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


          • #6
            Xbox pwnz


            • #7
              I hope they push ahead with bundling wireless controllers with the Xbox.


              • #8
                To us, it is the BEAST.


                • #9
                  Go play with your detachable partner.


                  • #10
                    I lost her
                    To us, it is the BEAST.


                    • #11
                      Oh well what does Xbox have that a PC does not have
                      "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
                      "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


                      • #12
                        sex appeal


                        • #13
                          So when are they going to add a USB port so we can use our memory keys to dump content into a game?


                          • #14
                            I DUNNO, if my pc had a vagina port, I'd do it!
                            To us, it is the BEAST.


                            • #15
                              If all our dreams come true, this is what we shall see in the Xbox 2:

                              Wireless controllers
                              Portable USB Camerca
                              Backwards compatible
                              Xbox Profile
                              Update Xbox Live with backwards compatible
                              Games on Demand
                              User Alerts
                              All games with customizable tracks
                              High definition graphics
                              A Marketplace

                              And some games:

                              KotOR III
                              Halo III

                              Let's add on to this list.

