Originally posted by lord of the mark
This gets to that CLASSIC question, what constrains your gaming - right now for me its time. Im not done even done with the human campaign in starcraft. I havent gone out and bought a new adventure game, despite my desire to be explore that genre, and the many suggestions people gave me. I have a craving to go back and fill out my historical TBS collection with Colonization, etc. Ive still got plenty of old games with gameplay left - in particular, since we're talking war games, i never got to the mid point of SM's Gettysburg, or started on SM's Antietam. Heck, I never finished all the campaigns on PG2.
This gets to that CLASSIC question, what constrains your gaming - right now for me its time. Im not done even done with the human campaign in starcraft. I havent gone out and bought a new adventure game, despite my desire to be explore that genre, and the many suggestions people gave me. I have a craving to go back and fill out my historical TBS collection with Colonization, etc. Ive still got plenty of old games with gameplay left - in particular, since we're talking war games, i never got to the mid point of SM's Gettysburg, or started on SM's Antietam. Heck, I never finished all the campaigns on PG2.
I'd be curious to know if anyone thinks there is a better TBS combat system out there. By better, I don't mean merely more complex. I played an XCOM demo a while back and, while interesting, it didn't appeal to me as much as games of a larger strategic scope.