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Warsong for genesis

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  • Warsong for genesis

    Any warsong players here? Personally I think that it's a great game. You can download it from abandonware sites ( , ). To moderators: the legality of abandonware is disputed, there are some concern as about monopoly's right to say "sold out".

    It's such a pity that it's the only game of this kind and it's multiplayerless and skirmishless. I really want a modern PC remake of this game.

    What heroes do you level up first, who is your favorite hero? Who is the toughest enemy?
    King (Garett)
    Good Grand Knight (Sabra)
    Good Dragon Knight (Sabra)
    Saint (Calasis, Mina)
    Archmage(Calasis, Mina)
    Good Bishop (Mina)
    High Priestess (Mina, Calasis)
    Magic Knight (almost everybody)
    Knight Master (almost everybody)
    Last edited by muxec; February 1, 2005, 07:28.
    money sqrt evil;
    My literacy level are appalling.

  • #2

    Does it work for PC or do I need an emulator of some sort?


    • #3
      Originally posted by VJ

      Does it work for PC or do I need an emulator of some sort?
      It works great on almost all emulators. I suggest GENS as in this game you need to save often
      money sqrt evil;
      My literacy level are appalling.


      • #4
        Re: Warsong for genesis

        Originally posted by muxec It's such a pity that it's the only game of this kind and it's multiplayerless and skirmishless. I really want a modern PC remake of this game.
        I don't know about multiplayer or skirmish mode but there are modern PC remakes of it avaliable in Japan(the graphics/interface look much more fun). I've also seen english patches for 1 and 3 avaliable. The hard part is finding the Japanese version of the game to apply it to. I didn't bookmark the page where I saw all this info. Lemme try a quick google... Ah, this is it I think -

        Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.


        • #5
          Can you please give us liniks to the jaoanese/korean langriser III if you find it?
          money sqrt evil;
          My literacy level are appalling.


          • #6
            Just ICQed with the person who translated it. Here is the chatlog:

            Muxec:Hello. Sorry for disturbing. Where do I get Langriser for PC? Is it an official remake or a funmade one?
            D-xiansheng:Langrisser PC is an aofficial game released in Korean by SoftMax
            Muxec:Understood. Your translation is unofficial as I see... Do you know any funmade remakes?
            D-xiansheng:what is funmade
            D-xiansheng:I assume you mean "fan made"
            Muxec:I mean coded by funs for funs...
            D-xiansheng:... I'm going to go out on a limb and assume English isn't your first language, because the word you want is "fan." "Fun" doesn't have that meaning in English.
            D-xiansheng:Either way, there are no fan made langrisser titles.
            D-xiansheng:Not even in Japanese.
            1. I'm not a native speaker
            2. Midnight here so my English is even worse than average.

            Any links to official/***** info about getting langrisser 3 for PC?
            D-xiansheng:You chould check the softmax website if you can read korean ... that would be the only official info I can think of. As for *****, your guess is as good as mine.
            Muxec: If I understand you correct this game can be eMule-ated... Thanks
            D-xiansheng: Well, maybe, I have no idea if it's on emule or not
            D-xiansheng:it was 3 years ago, but no clue about now
            Muxec:It looks like a fake. Is it 600MB?
            D-xiansheng:.... I don't know the file size by memory... but that could be right
            D-xiansheng:I would guess at least over 550
            D-xiansheng:just make sure t is PC
            D-xiansheng:and not saturn

            To moderators: please forgive me eMulation discussion. BTW not releasing in English can be cansidered as rascism j/k. Anyway monopoly's right to limit access by country, spoken language or nation is disputed.
            money sqrt evil;
            My literacy level are appalling.


            • #7
              lol you have a lot of disputes that are not ... legally founded

              Looks like a pretty nice game, however.
              <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
              I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


              • #8
                I downloaded unofficial translation of warsong 2 for genesis. The game balance is different, heroes are much weaker, most of the heroes can be defeated with one full stack of units with good bonuses. Elves can now attack from range of 3. Their cost is huge but they can kill enemies before enemy reaches them. More magic, more units, more hero classes.

                Now instead of artifact you have ordinary items available for purchase in shops. The translation is OK.

                Also tried Der-Langriser for SNES. The translation is awful, it looks like it was translated by software program and was not edited by human.

                Chatted with American who translated PC versions. He is the first non-patriotic American who I met. Unlike 95% of Americans who I meat in the internet he understands that USA law is not holy and it's origin is not divine instance of some kind.
                money sqrt evil;
                My literacy level are appalling.


                • #9
                  Langrisser 1 PC does not work on my machine
                  money sqrt evil;
                  My literacy level are appalling.


                  • #10
                    Dude, I remember renting that from Blockbuster.

                    I loved those games, but Shining Force was the only one I ever bought. I'm definitely going to take a nostalgic look back.
                    John Brown did nothing wrong.


                    • #11
                      Any game with manga graphics is pretty sure not to be played by me.

                      Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Asmodean
                        Any game with manga graphics is pretty sure not to be played by me.

                        There is no manga on low screen resolution. If the whole figure takes 12*12 pixels you can not determine it's style.
                        money sqrt evil;
                        My literacy level are appalling.

