Objective: to eliminate all other players
Number of players: 4 - 8
Turn length: 48 hours, to allow for some "diplomacy"
Turn structure:
Upkeep phase - gang members are paid
Recruitment phase - players can recruit during this phase
Placement phase - new recruits enter the game
Movement phase - all moves are simultaneous
Combat resolution phase - dead gang members are removed
End of turn phase - promotions are made
Upkeep - During each Upkeep phase the following occurs:
1. Cosolation payment: 5 MC (mob currency) for each Lieutenant and 2 MC for each Hitman in your gang that was killed last turn. If you don't have enough to pay, your gang disbands, all members leave, and all your areas become empty.
2. Hitman salary: 1 MC for each Hitman. Any Hitman unpaid leaves the game. You may voluntarily withhold payment for one or more Hitmen.
Recruitment: You may recruit one ore more Hitmen at 5MC each. They can be placed later. New recruits start with 0 experience.
Placement: New recuits from last turn can be placed in any area under your control.
Movement: Your Hitmen and Lieutantents may move to any area. Your Don may only move to any area under your control - he cannot attack. All movement are made at the same time.
Combat resolution:
1. Two pieces of the same rank bounce off each other.
1a. If both enter the same area, each return to the closest friendly area.
1b. If one moves into an area occupied by the other, the moved piece goes to the closest friendly area
2. Two Hitman kills off a lone one.
2a. If the lesser side has more than one Hitman, the rest leave for the closest friendly area, after inclicting one death on the other side.
3. A Lieutantent may kill an Hitman without help. That is, a Lieutanent is the same as two Hitmen.
3a. 3 Hitmen kill a lone Lieutanent.
4. You may only kill an enemy Don with 5 Hitmen or the equivalence thereof, i.e. a Lieutanent with 3 Hitmen or two Lieutanents with a Hitmen.
5. If there are more than two sides involved in a firefight, things get more complicated. All attacks are simultaneous and deaths are removed at the end of the phase. Take this simple case for an example: Side A has 4 Hitmen, Side B has 3, and Side C has 2. There are 6 attacks: A on B, A on C, B on A, B on C, C on A, and C on B. For each attack the receiving side loses a Hitman. Therefore, at the end, C is wiped out, B retreats, and A stays.
6. Each piece that wins a firefight gains 1 XP. Each piece that survives a firefight gains 2 XP.
End of turn:
Determination of area ownership: All empty areas belong to the gang that is the last to have a piece in it. If said gang was disbanded, the empty area becomes neutral.
Collection of income: Each area owned by a gang generates an income of 1 MC per turn.
Promotion: A Hitman is promoted to a Lieutanent when he gains 10 XP. A Lieutanent may be promoted to the Don after acquiring 20 XP if the gang does not have one. Promotion resets the XP counter.
Death of a Don:
If a gang loses a Don but does not have any replacement ready, it loses all income for the next turn.
Initial setup:
Each player starts with a Don, 2 Lieutanents, 4 Hitmen (his pieces), 4 areas under his control, and 20 MC. He should name all his pieces, all of which start with 0 XP.
Diplomacy rules:
1. Multiple players may ally secretly or openly. To do so in secret, each and every player must state that he or she is allying with the others in the submitted order during the same turn.
1b. If one of the players fails to do so, that person is not considered to be in that alliance.
1c. Only members of an open alliance is considered friendly towards each other, i.e., can stay in the territory of the other players in the same alliance without starting a fight or changing ownership.
2. Two players may ally against a third player in one single combat. This must be stated in the submitted order, e.g. "Move 3 Hitmen into St. Thomas to ally with Skanky against DrSpike."
3. Alliances maybe dissolved at any time by mutual agreement. Alternatively, one of the players can elect to withdraw from that alliance. There is one turn of "grace period" during which pieces can be rearranged.
4. A player might choose to backstab his allies during a turn by ordering one or more of his pieces to attack. This is the only situation when an attack order is needed.
4a. An attack order is something like "Attack Jamski in Manchester." Such a combat is carried out normally.
4b. Such a player might alternatively choose to ally with a different player against his former allies.
4c. Duing this turn this player may still have pieces occupying the same areas as his former allies. Since they do not know this treachery at that point, their pieces will not fight the betraying players pieces.
Victory: maybe solo or alliance. In the case of an allied victory, the final winner is the one with the most controlled areas for the purpose of determining the GM for the next game.
Number of players: 4 - 8
Turn length: 48 hours, to allow for some "diplomacy"
Turn structure:
Upkeep phase - gang members are paid
Recruitment phase - players can recruit during this phase
Placement phase - new recruits enter the game
Movement phase - all moves are simultaneous
Combat resolution phase - dead gang members are removed
End of turn phase - promotions are made
Upkeep - During each Upkeep phase the following occurs:
1. Cosolation payment: 5 MC (mob currency) for each Lieutenant and 2 MC for each Hitman in your gang that was killed last turn. If you don't have enough to pay, your gang disbands, all members leave, and all your areas become empty.
2. Hitman salary: 1 MC for each Hitman. Any Hitman unpaid leaves the game. You may voluntarily withhold payment for one or more Hitmen.
Recruitment: You may recruit one ore more Hitmen at 5MC each. They can be placed later. New recruits start with 0 experience.
Placement: New recuits from last turn can be placed in any area under your control.
Movement: Your Hitmen and Lieutantents may move to any area. Your Don may only move to any area under your control - he cannot attack. All movement are made at the same time.
Combat resolution:
1. Two pieces of the same rank bounce off each other.
1a. If both enter the same area, each return to the closest friendly area.
1b. If one moves into an area occupied by the other, the moved piece goes to the closest friendly area
2. Two Hitman kills off a lone one.
2a. If the lesser side has more than one Hitman, the rest leave for the closest friendly area, after inclicting one death on the other side.
3. A Lieutantent may kill an Hitman without help. That is, a Lieutanent is the same as two Hitmen.
3a. 3 Hitmen kill a lone Lieutanent.
4. You may only kill an enemy Don with 5 Hitmen or the equivalence thereof, i.e. a Lieutanent with 3 Hitmen or two Lieutanents with a Hitmen.
5. If there are more than two sides involved in a firefight, things get more complicated. All attacks are simultaneous and deaths are removed at the end of the phase. Take this simple case for an example: Side A has 4 Hitmen, Side B has 3, and Side C has 2. There are 6 attacks: A on B, A on C, B on A, B on C, C on A, and C on B. For each attack the receiving side loses a Hitman. Therefore, at the end, C is wiped out, B retreats, and A stays.
6. Each piece that wins a firefight gains 1 XP. Each piece that survives a firefight gains 2 XP.
End of turn:
Determination of area ownership: All empty areas belong to the gang that is the last to have a piece in it. If said gang was disbanded, the empty area becomes neutral.
Collection of income: Each area owned by a gang generates an income of 1 MC per turn.
Promotion: A Hitman is promoted to a Lieutanent when he gains 10 XP. A Lieutanent may be promoted to the Don after acquiring 20 XP if the gang does not have one. Promotion resets the XP counter.
Death of a Don:
If a gang loses a Don but does not have any replacement ready, it loses all income for the next turn.
Initial setup:
Each player starts with a Don, 2 Lieutanents, 4 Hitmen (his pieces), 4 areas under his control, and 20 MC. He should name all his pieces, all of which start with 0 XP.
Diplomacy rules:
1. Multiple players may ally secretly or openly. To do so in secret, each and every player must state that he or she is allying with the others in the submitted order during the same turn.
1b. If one of the players fails to do so, that person is not considered to be in that alliance.
1c. Only members of an open alliance is considered friendly towards each other, i.e., can stay in the territory of the other players in the same alliance without starting a fight or changing ownership.
2. Two players may ally against a third player in one single combat. This must be stated in the submitted order, e.g. "Move 3 Hitmen into St. Thomas to ally with Skanky against DrSpike."
3. Alliances maybe dissolved at any time by mutual agreement. Alternatively, one of the players can elect to withdraw from that alliance. There is one turn of "grace period" during which pieces can be rearranged.
4. A player might choose to backstab his allies during a turn by ordering one or more of his pieces to attack. This is the only situation when an attack order is needed.
4a. An attack order is something like "Attack Jamski in Manchester." Such a combat is carried out normally.
4b. Such a player might alternatively choose to ally with a different player against his former allies.
4c. Duing this turn this player may still have pieces occupying the same areas as his former allies. Since they do not know this treachery at that point, their pieces will not fight the betraying players pieces.
Victory: maybe solo or alliance. In the case of an allied victory, the final winner is the one with the most controlled areas for the purpose of determining the GM for the next game.