...and hot damn, do other countries go at it with reckless abandon.

Played as China and watched silently while early in the 21st century some Middle Eastern countries go at it with Taiwan. Later, some South American countries got into the fray. A few sporadic wars here and there, but nothing compared to what came in the 2040's. WWIII finally broke out with the Middle East going at it with South America again and a few European, African, and Australasian countries joining. By the 2050's, most of the planet was at war and South America was annexed by several foreign powers, primarily the USA and Russia.* It's now the 2080's and the alliance I signed decades earlier with the USAmericans and Russia has been dissolved; I am no longer allied with the many nations that joined that organization. Interestingly, NATO was dissolved as well. Not sure when that happened, but I suspect it was sometime around the time USAmerica and France went to war over the United States' annexing of South American territory.*
At the beginning of the game, I disbanded my entire military to focus on building my infrastructure, economy, and technology. Since about the mid-2050's I've had lvl10 tech and have been building my military back up. Already have the largest standing army, all fully trained, and by tech alone my mech army and airforce are second to none. Numbers are weak, but I'm still building. GL altered the way units are built, so I only have 300 100mt nukes now whereas in previous patches I would easily have 30,000 of them. Not matter, the world will still be made my plaything.
*I should note that everytime one country was militarily occupied almost entirely by others, I'd use my influence to get the dominating powers to annex their holdings. Works quite nicely in enraging other countries against each other...

Played as China and watched silently while early in the 21st century some Middle Eastern countries go at it with Taiwan. Later, some South American countries got into the fray. A few sporadic wars here and there, but nothing compared to what came in the 2040's. WWIII finally broke out with the Middle East going at it with South America again and a few European, African, and Australasian countries joining. By the 2050's, most of the planet was at war and South America was annexed by several foreign powers, primarily the USA and Russia.* It's now the 2080's and the alliance I signed decades earlier with the USAmericans and Russia has been dissolved; I am no longer allied with the many nations that joined that organization. Interestingly, NATO was dissolved as well. Not sure when that happened, but I suspect it was sometime around the time USAmerica and France went to war over the United States' annexing of South American territory.*
At the beginning of the game, I disbanded my entire military to focus on building my infrastructure, economy, and technology. Since about the mid-2050's I've had lvl10 tech and have been building my military back up. Already have the largest standing army, all fully trained, and by tech alone my mech army and airforce are second to none. Numbers are weak, but I'm still building. GL altered the way units are built, so I only have 300 100mt nukes now whereas in previous patches I would easily have 30,000 of them. Not matter, the world will still be made my plaything.

*I should note that everytime one country was militarily occupied almost entirely by others, I'd use my influence to get the dominating powers to annex their holdings. Works quite nicely in enraging other countries against each other...
