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Old Games: IL2 Sturmovik - advice anyone?

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  • Old Games: IL2 Sturmovik - advice anyone?

    Yeah, a while back was a thread about flight sims in the OT, where this game was recommended. I played lots of flight sims some years ago (so I wouldn't consider myself a newbie here) and thought, hey - why not try IL2 now, since it was available as budget game for only some €.

    But hell, that game seems sooo much more difficult then the last sims I had (European Air War for example). Part of the problem is that - while the gfx are generally excellent - you don't see ground targets early enough. It is even worse when the weather is bad. Oh yes, may be it is realistic, but it is frustrating. The slowmo function is not really a help.

    Anybody here who played that game and has some advice for me for me?

    Air combat seems easier to manage btw, but if I get the chance to fly an IL 2 ground combat is of course important.....

  • #2
    You can Zoom with "Z" I think. Most Targets are stationed at obvious Points, search a Train- Follow the Tracks Search a Convoi- Follow the Street. The Map really helps (if activated).

    The Game ist on Default set to (for me at least) pretty heavy difficulty/realism settings. You should turn off some options at first, you can always reactivate them when you got the Hang of it.

    The Tutorial-Videos are okay if a lil' slow at the Start. Definitly watch the IL2 Ground Combat clip to learn how to really .. do it with Style.
    Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


    • #3
      Ok, thanks - will do that


      • #4
        I'm having trouble getting the hang of this game as well. Just got it for Christmas and I've played it about five times. I crash and burn every time...those damn ME-109s!!!!
        Haven't been here for ages....


        • #5
          Zoom is actually F5/F7

          Anyways, the Planes have different Situations where they excel at, the Migs are High Altitude Fighters but are clumsy at lower heights, the IL-2 is sturdy as a Tank with the same flight characteristics ;=)

          Best Chance to Kill Me-109's is usually to catch them while starting from their Airfield. Otherwise try to attack from above which also provides a speed bonus you usually need with the Russian Planes.

          But as said, it depends on your Plane as well, a P-40 should be able to outmaneuver a Messerschmidt ( Circus- Tactic)

          Stay close to your AI allies till you get the Hang of it.
          Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

