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Thrift Store Junkie

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  • Thrift Store Junkie

    I know I'm cheap, and refuse to pay full price for games, but this may be a bit ridiculous.

    I prowl thrift stores for game CDs and game manuals. not always successful, I seem to have reaped quite the harvest over the past few years.

    Part 1: Game CDs.

    the going rate fluctuated for a while, but seems to have settled at about 3$ a CD, or 5$ for a pack with several, such as the multi disk Links LS 1999. The following are my games on CD I've gotten from thrift stores

    7th Guest (3 copies!)
    Aces Over Europe
    Activision Adventure Collection
    After Dark
    Alone In The Dark 3Alpha Centauri: Alien Crossfire
    Amber: Journeys Beyond
    Amazon: Guardians Of Eden
    Barney Holiday Games
    Beneath A Steel Sky
    Betrayal In Antara
    Beyond Atlantis
    Blown Away
    Hoyle Board Games
    Burn: Cycle
    Chronomaster Preview
    Civil War
    Civil War Generals 2
    Cluefinders 6th Grade
    Combat Flight Simulator
    Command & Conquer
    Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
    Crusader: No Remorse
    Crusaders Of Might And MagicCyberrace: Cyberdream
    Dark Side Of The Moon Demo
    Dark Sun: Shattered Lands
    Deadly Tide
    Descent II
    Descent: Destination Saturn
    Dinosaur Safari
    Doom-Heretic-Warcraft (all on one disk)
    Doom II
    Ultimate Doom
    Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection
    Duke! Zone
    Earthsiege 2
    Explorers Of The New World
    Falcon Gold
    MS Flight Simulator for Windows 95
    MS Flight Simulator for Windows 98
    Fragile Alliegance
    MS Golf
    Gospel Link
    Grim Fandango
    Half Life (2 copies)
    Hodj N' Podj
    Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis
    Independence War
    King's Quest V: To Heir Is Human
    King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
    King's Quest: Mask Of Eternity
    Leisure Suit Larry Collection
    Links LS 1999
    Links Library, volumes 1,2,3
    Logic Quest
    Lords Royal Collection, containing
    -Lords Of The Realm
    -Lords Of The Realm II
    -Lords Of The Realm II Siege Pack
    -Lords Of Magic Demo
    Lords Of Magic
    Lost Mind Of Dr. Brain
    Magic Carpet
    Magic Carpet Plus
    Magic School Bus Inside The Earth
    Magic School Bus In The Age Of Dinosaurs
    Marathon 2: Durandal
    Mechwarrior 2
    Millennia: Altered Destinies
    Millennium Falcon Playset
    Mixed Up Mother Goose
    Morrowind Video Preview
    Mummy: Tomb Of The Pharaoh
    Muppets Inside
    One Must Fall: 2097
    Pirates! Gold
    Populous II
    Multimedia Pool
    Privateer 2: The Darkening
    Puzzle Master
    Reader Rabbit 2nd Grade
    Return To Krondor
    Sam & Max Hit The Road
    Scrabble 2
    Shogun: Total War - Warlord Edition
    Silent Steel
    Sim Earth
    Sim Theme Park
    Solitaire Master
    Space Hulk: Vengeance Of The Blood Angels
    Spacewalker: F97
    Spear Of Destiny
    Spider Man
    Spider Man (the other one)
    Star Control 3 (2 copies)
    Star Trek: Armada
    Star Trek: Birth Of The Federation
    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger
    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger Holosuite Missions
    Star Trek Omnipedia + Omnipedia upgrade
    Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
    Star Trek: Starfleet Academy - Chekov's Lost Missions
    Star Trek: Starfleet Command
    Star Trek: Starship Creator
    Star Wars: Anakins Speedway
    Star Wars: Dark Forces (2 copies)
    Star Wars: Rebel Assault
    Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire
    Super Huey III
    Superman: The Mysterious Mr. Mist
    Terminal Velocity
    Tie Fighter-Mortimer-Afterlife (all on one disk)
    Tonka Workshop
    Totally Mad
    Traitor's Gate
    Treasure Planet - Preview Video
    Treasure Planet: Etherium Rescue
    Treasure Planet: Treasure Racer
    Pagan: Ultima VIII
    Ultima Online: The Second Age
    Ultimate Domain
    Ultimate Ride preview
    Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
    Warcraft II Total War
    The Weakest Link
    Where In The USA Is Carmen San Diego (2 copies)Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego
    Where In Time Is Carmen San Diego
    Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 2nd Edition
    Wing Commander III: Heart Of The Tiger
    Wing Commander IV
    Wing Commander: Privateer
    Witchhaven Preview
    Worms: Armageddon
    Wrath Of The Demon
    Xena - Warrior Princess: The Chronicles
    X Wing Vs. Tie Fighter: Balance Of Power
    Ultimate Strategy Archives, containing
    -Railroad Tycoon Deluxe
    -XCom: Ufo Defense
    -Heroes Of Might And Magic
    -Conquest Of The New World Deluxe
    -Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games
    -Dark Colony

    and the following collections
    Encyclopedia Of Games
    Star Wars Trilogy CD-Rom
    1000 Best Games For Windows
    300 Arcade Games
    Galaxy Of Games
    Kids Wincube

    I also got some manuals....
    Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

    I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
    ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn

  • #2
    you must have a kid...

    I always head to the bargain area at Frys. They have console games for cheap too. I saw Black&White (the first one) for $8.99 the other day, but I am too cheap and was already paying full price for Rome: TOtal War. I just found a game store near my house that has cheap/used games as well.

    Bargain hunting is not always dumpster diving.


    • #3
      Re: Thrift Store Junkie

      [QUOTE] Originally posted by Father Beast

      Civil War Generals

      A nice little TB wargame, not too intense.

      Command & Conquer

      I suppose one must know this to know RTS, and its good you got it cheap, I suppose.

      MS Flight Simulator for Windows 98

      I got this at a bin. Havent taken the genre further, liked playing it but glad i got it at a bin.

      Reader Rabbit 2nd Grade

      POTM liked Reader Rabbit.

      Sim Earth

      I actually found that in my apt building trash room. Could have used a better manual.

      Warcraft II Total War

      I just bought the shareware for 99 cents.

      sounds like a nice collection, youve done some topnotch bargain hunting. More on this later.
      Last edited by lord of the mark; October 14, 2004, 11:11.
      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


      • #4
        Crusader- great game.

        civilization- never played the first one.

        x-com- beyond a great game.

        but how many years after the initial release did you play these games?

        I never mess around in thrift stores, I'm not even sure if our local ones carry PC software.


        • #5
          Is sim earth any good? I remember seeing it run many years ago, and found it as part of a compilation in a shop for a tenner recently (compiled with sim farm and sim ant or something like that)
          Safer worlds through superior firepower


          • #6
            I've never found the point of waiting many years to get the games, it's not like they a lot cheaper anyway... not here anyway... unless $8 USD is what you call cheap for a 5+ year old game...
            ...and there's not many games to choose from anyway... mostly it's like ~10 different games, only few good games (when considering reviews , how well they sold back then and such stuff)

            I believe a game like vanilla Civ2 would still cost about $15 USD... that is IF you can find the game

            This space is empty... or is it?


            • #7
              are any of those star trek games any good?

              I refrain from buying those types of games because I know all those franchise type games suck.


              • #8
                How in the heck did you find time to play all of those games???

                I'm plugging the AOW1/AOW2 combo - got that from CompUSA for $10.

                $5 per game for all of you math challenged people
                Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                • #9
                  Millennia: Altered Destinies
                  Has anyone ever gotten this game to work? I can't even get the damn thing to install proper.
                  The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

                  The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by hexagonian
                    How in the heck did you find time to play all of those games???

                    Umm..., I don't, Really. It's become like some sort of obsession. the vast majority of these I have never installed. I truly don't know if I will. But I hold on to them nonetheless.

                    I think I will refuse to upgrade my current Win98 machine and find a place for a new one (if and when I get a new one) in order to be able to try all these out. and to still run XCom, unbelievable game, that one.

                    and a few others....
                    Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

                    I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
                    ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Snotty
                      Is sim earth any good? I remember seeing it run many years ago, and found it as part of a compilation in a shop for a tenner recently (compiled with sim farm and sim ant or something like that)
                      the concept is interesting - its model of earth, sort of a lite version of the climate models used for global warming discussions, etc. Except it goes beyond climate and geology, it models evolution of life forms, etc. So you can do stuff like test out global warming theories, or you can start with earth 3 billion years ago and see if certain changes still permit intelligent life to develop, and maybe from an entirely different family of life rather than primates.

                      BUT - its a DOS game, with a fairly non-intuitive interface (from what I remember) and the manual is almost entirely devoted to explaining how the earth really works, rather than to discussing how the game interface works. I found it intensely frustrating - the kind of game i always think im going to go back to, and never really want to go back to.
                      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dissident

                        I never mess around in thrift stores, I'm not even sure if our local ones carry PC software.
                        I VERY occasionally see one or two PC games CDs among the odds and ends at a thrift store, but its not enough to be worth going to the store for that, since its most unlikely ill see anything i have even a vague interest in. Used game sections of game stores, while not quite as dirt cheap, are much better uses of time.
                        "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                        • #13
                          as I said, I also have picked up a few manuals at thrift stores. a lot of them I don't have the games for, but I suppose this must be some sort of obsession, too.

                          I put a * if I got the manual along with the game, and a + if I got the game separately
                          *7th Guest
                          Aces Of The Pacific
                          *Aces Over Europe (and control documentation)
                          *Activision Adventure Collection
                          +Age Of Empires Gold Edition
                          Age Of Empires II: Age Of Kings
                          +Alpha Centauri
                          *Amazon: Guardians Of Eden
                          Jane's ATF Gold
                          *Betrayal In Antara
                          Blue Max
                          Bodyworks 3.0
                          Castles II
                          *Civil War
                          Civilization II: Multiplayer Gold Edition
                          +Combat Flight Simulator
                          +Command & Conquer: Red Alert (2 copies)
                          *Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
                          Conquests Of The Longbow
                          Curse Of The Azure Bonds
                          Day Of The Tentacle
                          *Descent II
                          +Dungeon Keeper
                          Dungeon Master II
                          Eric The Unready
                          Everquest Trilogy
                          Falcon 3.0
                          Falcon 3.0: Operation Fighting Tiger
                          Fleet Defender
                          MS Flight Simulator
                          MS Flight Simulator 5.0
                          +MS Flight Simulator for Win95
                          Flight Unlimited
                          Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist (The Modern Day Book Of Health and Hygiene)
                          +Heroes Of Might And Magic II: The Price Of Loyalty
                          Icewind Dale
                          Island Of Dr. Brain (Encycloalmanactionaryography)
                          King's Quest
                          King's Quest II
                          King's Quest IV
                          Lemmings (2 copies)
                          Leisure Suit LarryLeisure Suit Larry II
                          Links LS 1997
                          Links LS 1998
                          +Links LS 1999Lode Runner
                          Jane's Longbow Gold
                          +Lords Of Magic Special Edition (2 copies)
                          +Lords Of The Realm II (2 copies)
                          Lost Treasures Of Infocom
                          +Master Of Orion
                          +Might And Magic
                          +Might And Magic II
                          +Might And Magic: Darkside Of Xeen
                          Nephi's Quest
                          Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain
                          Planetarium Gold
                          Police Quest Collection (2 copies)Punisher

                          I have to go to work, I'll post the rest later.....
                          Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

                          I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
                          ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


                          • #14
                            Why would you want three copies of 7th Guest?
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                            • #15
                              at game manuals with no games

