Well... I took the plunge and bought a new game this month. It was a toss-up between R:TW and WH40K Dawn of War - the local store had them at the same price, they're both unit-based RTS and they both had outstanding reviews.
So I plumped for the Warhammer game. I used to shovel my money at Games Workshop for the minatures about 12 (eek! so long) years ago, so I had a nostaligia trip and handed over my £25.
Ok... new games are always a dangerous proposition... what will go wrong?
Well, first of all, I thought I'd set the game up on the best possible graphic settings. It crashed on the first movie. Ok... I was annoyed. So I turned it down one notch on the resolution. Ran perfectly... and WHAT an intro movie! Wow! Blood and bullets flying
Great stuff.
And then the game! It LOOKS gorgeous, it runs dead smoothly, no bugs, no glitches, sounds great. The screeshots you may have seen with "funny lines" accross them are the smoke trails from rockets whooshing across the battlefield. It all looks wonderful.
And then the tempo of the game seems pretty neat too. You need to push forwards to capture ground. It takes a squad a few moments to secure an area, and they are defensless as they do so. More ground gives you more resources - for a while, but then the effect wears off, so you are committed to a certain amount of attacking.
There's a nice flow in the way you build units, reenforce them from 4 up to 8 men (if you like) add a sergeant and/or a hero, add some heavy weapons... and then they stick together afterwards as a single unit. Its really pretty sweet.
The dreadnoughts are supercool as well
I love it when they pick up an orc, crush him in a fist and sling him about 40 yards.
Great stuff
More tommorrow, I gotta play before I sleep.
So I plumped for the Warhammer game. I used to shovel my money at Games Workshop for the minatures about 12 (eek! so long) years ago, so I had a nostaligia trip and handed over my £25.
Ok... new games are always a dangerous proposition... what will go wrong?
Well, first of all, I thought I'd set the game up on the best possible graphic settings. It crashed on the first movie. Ok... I was annoyed. So I turned it down one notch on the resolution. Ran perfectly... and WHAT an intro movie! Wow! Blood and bullets flying

And then the game! It LOOKS gorgeous, it runs dead smoothly, no bugs, no glitches, sounds great. The screeshots you may have seen with "funny lines" accross them are the smoke trails from rockets whooshing across the battlefield. It all looks wonderful.
And then the tempo of the game seems pretty neat too. You need to push forwards to capture ground. It takes a squad a few moments to secure an area, and they are defensless as they do so. More ground gives you more resources - for a while, but then the effect wears off, so you are committed to a certain amount of attacking.
There's a nice flow in the way you build units, reenforce them from 4 up to 8 men (if you like) add a sergeant and/or a hero, add some heavy weapons... and then they stick together afterwards as a single unit. Its really pretty sweet.
The dreadnoughts are supercool as well

Great stuff

More tommorrow, I gotta play before I sleep.