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SM Pirates: Live the Life

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  • SM Pirates: Live the Life

    this is old (from may), but couldn't find the thread.

    Atari has Pirate pages at:

    Release date is: 16 Nov 2004
    (At least acording to gameshops)

    Then about the limited edition - EB Games is selling it for the same price as normal version (49,99USD)

    Question to anybody who knows somethig: Will this box be sold in Europe too?
    (We all remember what heppened to the European limited edition of CivIII)

    I could get one of those pretty boxes as there is no difference in price...

  • #2
    Famous game

    Well just a small intresting info.

    Yesterday I put the Pirates wallpaper as my desktop background. Before the day was over four of my colleagues had asked about if this game was out already.

    As in our unit we are 15 persons at the moment -> 1/3 have interest in Pirates

    Atari/firaxis: How about marketing royalties?


    • #3
      I just noticed the girls in that game have fairly nice clevage. At least some of them.
      "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
      "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
      "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
      "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


      • #4
        Every time I hear about a Pirate game coming out I start to drool. Heres hoping they don't screw up like all the clones did some how. It is from Firaxis so this some hope, I think there going to stick to close the original, but even that wouldn't be terrible.
        Accidently left my signature in this post.


        • #5
          You know for a minute I thought it read SM Pirates

          And since when do companies hand out with a BYOFK (Build Your Own Fansite Kit)?

          Official Pirates! fan site kit is now available!
          It contains all of the items needed to create your very own Pirates! fan site! (read more)
          Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

          Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


          • #6
            And since when do companies hand out with a BYOFK (Build Your Own Fansite Kit)?

            For a while now.
            “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
            - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


            • #7
              For a fraction of a moment I thought the BYOFK was a joke, a " tongue-in-cheek" bit of gaming satire. But it isn't is it? It's just a cheap marketing shot.
              Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

              Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


              • #8
                Firaxis has been doing it for at least since SMAC.
                "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
                "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
                "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
                "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


                • #9
                  Yeah, I remember they did that with SMAC.
                  Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                  Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                  7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

