I bought it Friday. So far it's fun. I've never particularly enjoyed these political games, but since I liked Stardock's work with GalCiv I figured I'd try this one. Apparently they have available an "Issues" creator for $10 USD via electronic download or included on-disk for $29.99. I only saw the $19.99 version at BestBuy. 
At the easier levels it's predictably simple to hand George W. Bush his ass on Election Night 2004, but at the harder levels the AI cheats by having a significant financial advantage. Your opponent will fight very nasty at Masochistic difficulty level. The default candidates are Kerry vs. Bush, but you can choose from about 2 dozen different politicians from either party or create your own. There's even already been discovered a way to modify the candidates. Simply rename the .Candidate file extention to .txt and make your alterations, then switch it back. In-game, you'll have to select a different candidate then reselect your choice.
On the PM boards people are discussing various expansion pack ideas. Expanding Election Night, incorporating weather to help/hinder campaigning, Third Parties inclusion and so on.

At the easier levels it's predictably simple to hand George W. Bush his ass on Election Night 2004, but at the harder levels the AI cheats by having a significant financial advantage. Your opponent will fight very nasty at Masochistic difficulty level. The default candidates are Kerry vs. Bush, but you can choose from about 2 dozen different politicians from either party or create your own. There's even already been discovered a way to modify the candidates. Simply rename the .Candidate file extention to .txt and make your alterations, then switch it back. In-game, you'll have to select a different candidate then reselect your choice.
On the PM boards people are discussing various expansion pack ideas. Expanding Election Night, incorporating weather to help/hinder campaigning, Third Parties inclusion and so on.