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Settlers of Catan

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  • Settlers of Catan

    A bunch of people over at MZO (masterzen online, a poly refugee site) have taken up playing the classic game, Settlers of Catan.

    We have been using the web-based game found here, which does not have any of the expansions.

    We've tried a windows game called "NetSet", but are having trouble connecting to eachother, probably some port-related problem.

    So, if you're interested in playing Settlers of Catan with us, join #Catan on Apolyton's IRC server (, port 6666)
    Last edited by Inverse Icarus; August 15, 2004, 23:02.
    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

  • #2
    Badlink, it has "< b r" added to the end. (No spaces or quotes)
    I changed my signature


    • #3
      link fixed, thanks
      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


      • #4
        What's "Settlers of Catan"?

        < - to lazy to click link to figure it out


        • #5
          Settlers of Catan

          No time for a game tonight, but maybe sometime later this week...


          • #6
            My internet decided to screw up last night, thats why I left.

            Just got done reading the rules, sounds interesting. What time do you guys usually play a game, and how long do they usually last?
            I changed my signature


            • #7
              Uber KruX, Togas, Kloreep, and I tried to play a game last night and mrmitchell eventually came in to replace Uber KruX, but the server was INCREDIBLY LAGGY and kept dropping players at random or lagging up every 5 minutes or so.

              Eventually, we just gave up on it.
              Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
              Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
              7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


              • #8
                I've played through that link before... when it isn't too busy (and you can't even get a connection), it usually runs fairly well. Must have been having an off-night.
                "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                • #9
                  No one has answered my question...


                  • #10
                    Ok, we actually played a full game on there tonight and it worked.
                    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kuciwalker
                      No one has answered my question...
                      To use a well-worn and beloved quote from the Apolyton Civ3 ISDG Community:

                      "You are lazy and you suck".

                      (meant in the most loving, friendly way possible, of course!)

                      Go click on the link.
                      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Settlers of Catan

                          a customizable board game of building and trading. Originally a German game, award winning in Germany and America. First came out in the 90's. Core game for 3 or 4 players. Expansions available for up to 6 players. Expansions that add things like seafaring and warfare. Licensed products: Settlers of Canaan, Settlers of Zarahemla. Also Sci Fi and card- only versions, stone age version. The only game in the series I've played yet is Zarahemla, although I bought the core Catan game and two of the expansions.


                          • #14
                            Thank you


                            • #15
                              [MZO X-Post]
                              When I get up to college, I hope to be abel to set up a webserver for my personal use on campus, and will install the Java TSoC on it.

                              I've also pondered whipping up a quick version in VB, shouldn't take longer than a week, but I'm still learning all the rules myself.
                              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

