Hangman Rules, History and Standings
Word History:
Current Rankings:
- 1. A maximum of 10 guesses.
- 2. Updates must be posted within 24 hours of each other, and will occur in sets of 2, except for the final 2 guesses, which will be updated individually. An update must also occur after each word guess.
- 3. Any guesses after 2 have occured since the last update will be ignored.
- 4. You can only pick one letter for every two consecutive sets of guesses.
- 5. Guesses cannot be changed after being posted.
- 6. You can guess the word at any time, but guessing incorrectly eliminates you from play.
- 7. Incorrect word guesses also count as losing a life.
- 8. Words must be 5 or more letters.
- 9. Words must be standard english, and cannot be proper nouns.
Word History:
[word - winner] Communism - FrustratedPoet Utilitarian - joncha Hypnotic - DrSpike Bilious - Jamski Rhythm - DrSpike Jumpy - Jonny Eparchy - DrSpike Euology - alva Airline - Paddy the Scot Sydney - ... Muscular - Theben Plus ones - DrSpike Wrought - joncha Periwinkle - Jonny Hemiplegia - DrSpike Pyrrhic - Zopperoni Dichotomy - vovan Ethereal - joncha Humeral - vovan Nonproliferation - joncha Sclerotium - DrSpike Python - Zopperoni Xylophonist - duke o' york Weltanschauung - Jonny Quadripartite - joncha Juxtapose - DrSpike Quizzical - vovan Prerequisite - Jonny Anthocyanin - vovan Clique - Skanky Burns Retrograde - vovan Chromatid - Jonny Monotreme - vovan Clergy - Theben Woozy - DrSpike Prophylaxis - Theben Perpetuity - DrSpike Jokily - ... Quixotic - Zopperoni Juggernaut - DrSpike Jailbird - Paddy the Scot Coarse - Zopperoni Epithelium - duke o' york Buggy - ... Teepee - DrSpike Phlegm - Zopperoni Hybrid - Theben Monotonous - duke o' york Pseud - Caligastia Quantitates - Skanky Burns Coracle - ... Ventilate - joncha Churl - DrSpike Bubbly - Paddy the Scot Unforgiven - DrSpike Jubilant - Jonny Sawyer - DrSpike Impugn - Caligastia Hymnal - Theben Larynx - Zopperoni Wyvern - joncha Frank - ... Wight - ... Changeover - duke o' york Guzzle - ... Dyslexic - Theben Gently - alva Schedule - DrSpike Jazzily - ... Buffoon - joncha Shark - DrSpike Quicklime - joncha Clamp - ... Whoever - DrSpike Haying - alva Conception - Jonny Manpower - Theben Hypocotyl - joncha Mescal - Theben Serviced - Rasputin Amylogen - joncha Crane - ... March - Japher Infinity - DrSpike Daubed - ... Dizzy - ... Flaccid - duke o' york Blunderbuss - Caligastia Hungry - ... Vowels - Rasputin Megavars - ... Boiler - Jonny Market - joncha Gusty - ... Hanged - Zopperoni Phthisical - DrSpike Bulbous - Zopperoni Gymkhana - DrSpike Ghoul - joncha Brash - Jonny Central - Rasputin Manual - Theben Auxotroph - Jonny Zesty - Chaunk Tmesis - DrSpike Idyll - duke o' york Svelt - alva Civilization - Jonny Transpose - Chaunk Winking - ... Disabled - duke o' york Brochure - Paddy the Scot Cabernet - joncha Match - Nuclear Master Tedious - DrSpike Budge - kermit_the_frog Unique - alva Column - DrSpike Milky - ... Gabble - vovan Demonic - DrSpike Jackdaw - duke o' york Quetzalcoatl - Skanky Burns Onomatopoeia - DrSpike Which - ... Oxygen - vovan Cyborg - DrSpike Whiff - ... Cashew - duke o' york Gauze - Zopperoni Virology - Chaunk Hangman - DrSpike Wavily - Caligastia Uncopyrightable - DrSpike Mummify - Paddy the Scot Passport - DrSpike Pachyderm - Caligastia Bailiff - DrSpike Schism - Skanky Burns Spring - kermit_the_frog Zenith - Skanky Burns Tarring - DrSpike Cough - ... Bugged - Paddy the Scot Assassin - vovan Locust - alva Google - joncha Hardy - ... Shark - Caligastia Syzygy - vovan Volcano - DrSpike Jawing - ... Kobold - duke o' york Trouble - Theben Insinuate - joncha Midge - DrSpike Zygote - Caligastia Gnarly - vovan Dimorph - Theben Philander - Zopperoni Wigwam - DrSpike Jagged - ... Baize - ... Jigsaw - duke o' york Questions - Kalius Assumption - joncha Drench - ... Krill - Kucinich Lexicon - DrSpike Bucket - ... Nymph - ... Bouyed - Jonny Cowed - DrSpike Judge - duke o' york Gypsophila - vovan Policy - DrSpike Xylology - vovan Philology - Kuciwalker Adder - ... Flash - Paddy the Scot Birthday - Japher Willow - Ljube-ljcvetko Myelin - vovan Mirthless - joncha Bunch - ... Marks - ... Mugger - Chaunk Phallic - duke o' york Popinjay - ...
DrSpike 51 joncha 26 duke o' york 15 vovan 14 Jonny 12 Theben 11 Zopperoni 10 Paddy the Scot 8 Caligastia 7 Skanky Burns 6 alva 6 Chaunk 5 Rasputin 4 Kuciwalker 3 kermit_the_frog 2 Japher 2 FrustratedPoet 1 Jamski 1 Nuclear Master 1 Kalius 1 Ljube-ljcvetko 1