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FG: Galactic Overlord II Game Thread Part II

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  • I'm waiting for a reply from Spike at present...


    • Orders sent.


      • Originally posted by Kassiopeia

        Edit: Of course the relentless espionage efforts from the Alliance will make attacking an impossiibility for Geo.
        Really? We didn't think of that.


        • Sent.


          • Now just Geo's orders to go.
            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


            • I'm waiting for a reply from your side, Skanky.
              He who knows others is wise.
              He who knows himself is enlightened.
              -- Lao Tsu

              SMAC(X) Marsscenario


              • Stop stalling and face your doom like a man.


                • It's time you attack with the weakest ships for a change, Spikie...
                  Can't remember seeing a *splat* from you...
                  He who knows others is wise.
                  He who knows himself is enlightened.
                  -- Lao Tsu

                  SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                  • All the attacks you shielded against were from both of us.


                    • I know, but it's the weakest ships who gets smashed, and since you don't have the weakest ships...

                      Anyway, can't be bothered to wait on Skanky's response.
                      Orders sent!

                      Veni, Vidi, Vici!
                      He who knows others is wise.
                      He who knows himself is enlightened.
                      -- Lao Tsu

                      SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                      • Reply sent.

                        The calm before the storm, empire and fleet compositions:
                        Galactic Overlord
                        Player Name Bases BPs TotalShips Frigates(1) Cruisers(2) Battleships(3) Dreadnaughts(4) Titans(5)
                        Las Fig Torp Las Fig Torp Las Fig Torp Las Fig Torp Las Fig Torp
                        Dr Spike 6(19) 69 178 - - - - - - 1 2 2 2 - 1 56 57 57
                        GeneralTacticus 7(17) 70 196 1 8 8 2 1 1 5 5 5 2 2 2 52 51 51
                        Geomodder 10(13) 76 176 - 1 - 3 - 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 50 57 55
                        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                        • Originally posted by GeoModder
                          I know, but it's the weakest ships who gets smashed, and since you don't have the weakest ships...
                          Yeah, sorry for not having weak ships.


                          • Meh. My fault for building them. They mainly served as an outlet for spare BPs.


                            • Round 21

                              GeoModder	vs	Allies
                              hp 1702			hp 3482
                              50LT 2LD 1LB 3LC	108LT 4LD 6LB 2LC 1LF
                              57FT 1FD 1FB 1FF	108FT 2FD 7FB 1FC 8FF
                              55TT 2TD 2TB 1TC	108TT 3TD 7TB 1TC 8TF
                              LLTTFF			FTLTFL
                              RAW DATA
                              GeoModder		Allies
                              267 lasers		579 fighters
                              267 lasers		583 torpedoes
                              291 torpedoes		579 lasers
                              291 torpedoes		583 torpedoes
                              293 fighters		579 fighters
                              293 fighters		579 lasers
                              close, bunch		default
                              ADJUSTED DATA
                              GeoModder		Allies
                              1068 lasers		289 fighters	Allies take 779 hits
                              534 lasers		2332 torpedoes	GeoModder takes 1798 hits
                              582 torpedoes		1158 lasers	GeoModder takes  576 hits
                              291 torpedoes		1166 torpedoes	GeoModder takes  875 hits
                              293 fighters		289 fighters	Allies take   4 hits
                              293 fighters		2316 lasers	GeoModder takes 2023 hits
                              1 267 x2(close) x2(l>f) = 1068
                                579 x0.5(GeoBunch) = 289
                              2 267 x2(close) = 534
                                583 x2(t>l) x2(GeoBunch) = 2332
                              3 291 x2(t>l) = 582
                                579 x2(close) = 1158
                              4 291
                                583 x2(GeoBunch) = 1166
                              5 293
                                579 x0.5(GeoBunch) = 289
                              6 293
                                579 x2(close) x2(l>f) = 2316
                              The vast Allied fleet took up positions around GeoModder's empire as a spy sent conflicting orders to GeoModder's attack force. The ship captains were suspicious when movement orders were printed on paper with a DrSpike emblem in the corner, so played it safe and stayed home instead.

                              Thus, battle was joined.

                              The fight opened with the allies releasing a swarm of fighters to decend on GeoModder. Reacting quickly to the threat, his fleet moved into a close spearhead formation and powered to point-blank range with their enemies, firing bursts of laser fire at the hapless fighters and capital ships alike. A total of 779 confirmed hits were made before the invasion force launched their second wave.


                              The close formation that had saved the fleet from the fighters took its toll under the massive barrage of explosive ammuntion heading towards them. The fleet's laser fire could not track such fast moving targets, and ship after ship was overwhelmed. In that single round, every ship owned by GeoModder was destroyed.

                              GeoModder has been eliminated
                              Cooperative victory has been achieved.

                              All hail Co-Emperors GeneralTacticus and DrSpike!
                              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                              • BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

