The current game's set to wrap up in a couple of turns, so we'll time this so that signups will close with the conclusion of Galactic Overlord I.
Galactic Overlord
A New Forum Game from
Jamski Productions
Galactic Overlord is a game of space strategy and warfare for any number of players. It is turn based and builds on the success of the well known Paper-Stone-Scissorstm system. Each player is the ruler of a faction determined to bring the whole galaxy under their domination using every means at their disposal until they are the sole survivor and the almighty Galactic Overlord!
Setting up the Game
Each player starts the game with three Bases. A Base is a planet, hollowed out asteroid, huge space station or any other large structure capable of supporting life and industry. For the sake of the game it is not important exactly what the Base is. The players should name their Bases for the sake of identification.
Each player also starts the game with 20 Build Points, or BPs. As long as the player has at least one base still in operation he recieves an additional 5 BPs each turn per home base, and 2 BPs each turn per captured base. The player's initial BPs can be used before the game starts to build the starting Ships or more Bases according to the following table:
The more expensive the Ship, the more Bases are required to build one:
Each Ship built can be armed as you wish with Lasers, Fighters or Torpedoes with each weapon taking up one unit of space from the Ship's total. A ship may only carry one kind of weapon.
EXAMPLE : A Battleship might have 3xLasers (Laserbattleship), a Cruiser 2xTorpedoes(Torpedocruiser) and a Frigate 1xFighters (Carrierfrigate).
BP's may be stockpiled for use later during the game.
***NOTE - a cap of 6 self-built bases has been imposed. Only self-built bases count towards maximum hull sizes***
Playing the Game - Orders
This part of the game is similar to Nuclear Wartm. Each player sends his orders to the GM who processes them all together once they are recieved.
Normal Orders (you may make both these orders in conjuction with the orders in the next section)
Special Orders (you must choose only one of these per turn)
Playing the Game - Combat
Be sure to check out the version 1.1 corrections to these rules
Combat is a simple, and yet complex, Paper-Stone-Scissorstm system :
Every player must also specify an "Order of Battle" every turn, whether attacking, or expecting to be attacked. Failure to do so results in the loss of your whole fleet in confusion and panic. This is simple to do though. The players must specify what order they want to use their weapons.
EXAMPLE : Lasers-Fighters-Torpedoes (Las-Fig-Torp)
This is then compared by the GM to the Order of Battle from the opponent. Let us take two fleets of ships for an example.
We start by comparing the first row:
1 Laser vs 4 Torps.
Torps beat Lasers, so Player 2 scores 4 hits (for the 4 torpedoes)
Then the second row:
6 Fighters vs 2 Fighters.
Fighters = Fighters, so we look at the quantities. 6 beats 2, so Player 1 scores 4 hits (for 6 Fighters - 2 Fighters) The fight is tied.
Finally the third row:
2 Torps vs 3 Lasers.
Torps beat Lasers again, so Player 1 scores 2 hits (for 2 Torps)
Player 1 has taken 4 hits, and must lose some ships. Smallest ships are killed first, in the order indicated by the Order of Battle. He loses the Laserfrigate(1 hit), the Torpedocruiser(2 hits) and one Battleship is damaged and must be repaired before it can fight again. One Carrierbattleship is left in action.
Player 2 has it rather worse. With 6 hits taken he loses both CarrierFrigates(1 hit each) and both Torpedocruisers(2 hits each). At least his Laserbattleship is undamaged.
Player 2 has lost the battle with 6 hits to 4 and must retreat. Player 1 captures one base from Player 2. (exception - the last base of any player will be defended to the death) Had Player 2's fleet been completely destroyed, Player 1 would have captured all of Player 2's bases, as they would now be undefended.
***NOTE - some rules on capturing bases were changed in this edition***
Combat Summary
Be sure to check out the version 1.1 corrections to these rules
Example Orders
Build 1x Carrier-Cruiser (2) Repair Laser-Battleship(1) Stockpile (2)
Spy on Player X
Attack Player X with 2x Laser-Frigate, 2x Carrier-Frigate, 1x Torpedo-Battleship
Defensive fleet : 1 x Carrier-Cruiser 1x Laser-Battleship (repaired this turn)
Damaged ships : None
Order of Battle : Lasers-Fighters-Torpedoes
***NOTE - Don't forget to establish an Order of Battle***
Be sure to check out the version 1.1 corrections to these rules
You may want to orgainise joint attacks on an opponent with an ally. In this case you must agree on an Order of Battle between the allies. If two differenet opponents attack at the same time without informing the GM of their alliance, then the defender must fight them consecutively, fighting first against the one who posted their orders last.
It is possible that when a player is attacked by two non-allied fleets at the same time that he loses both battles. In this case both attackers gain a base. Allied fleets that attack together must decide who is to get the captured base.
The GM applies hits to allied fleets in the same way as to a normal fleet. This means that if one ally has smaller ships than his partner, he will take the bulk of the casulties. War is hell.
The GM
The GM will report each turn on the activities of each player. He will keep their orders secret and their current navies secret also, but will reveal their bases, the size of their navy and their current BPs.
Winning the Game
You win the game by destroying all the bases and fleets of your opponents to become the Galactic Overlordtm!!!
Galactic Overlord v1.1
New hardcore combat rules for Galactic Overlord
The Aim:
The aim of the v1.1 revision is to improve the distribution of results and move away from the "winner takes all" paradigm where in one case from 6 the victor would totaly destroy the enemy fleet while remaining unharmed - even with inferior ships.
The Changes:
Tougher Ships
All ships now have twice the Hitpoints of before :
Longer Combats
Each weapon system can now be fired twice in a combat, rather than once. This is in keeping with the doubled hitpoints. The OoB should now contain six entries.
Examples :
Or in short : TTFLFL etc...
Adjusted Weapon Comparisons:
Instead of the old model, where 1 laser would beat any number or fighters, and cause 1 Hit, and 1 Fighter would beat any number of Torpedoes etc, in v1.1 weapons simply double in effectiveness against the "favoured weapon"
Adjusted Damage:
The scores are compared after any multiplications (see above) and the one with the higher score inflicts Hits equal to the difference between the scores on the other.
Tactics 1 - Range:
You may instruct your captains to try to engage at different ranges.
Default is no special orders.
Tactics 2 - Formation:
You may instruct your captains to engage using different formations.
Default is no special orders.
Example OoB Under v1.1
Bunch Together and Back Off.
This means a bit more work for me, but it should be worth it.
Have fun with v1.1 combat
Galactic Overlord
A New Forum Game from
Jamski Productions
Galactic Overlord is a game of space strategy and warfare for any number of players. It is turn based and builds on the success of the well known Paper-Stone-Scissorstm system. Each player is the ruler of a faction determined to bring the whole galaxy under their domination using every means at their disposal until they are the sole survivor and the almighty Galactic Overlord!
Setting up the Game
Each player starts the game with three Bases. A Base is a planet, hollowed out asteroid, huge space station or any other large structure capable of supporting life and industry. For the sake of the game it is not important exactly what the Base is. The players should name their Bases for the sake of identification.
Each player also starts the game with 20 Build Points, or BPs. As long as the player has at least one base still in operation he recieves an additional 5 BPs each turn per home base, and 2 BPs each turn per captured base. The player's initial BPs can be used before the game starts to build the starting Ships or more Bases according to the following table:
Frigate......1 BP Cruiser......2 BPs Battleship...3 BPs Dreadnaught..4 BPs Titan........5 BPs Base.........16 BPs
Frigate......1 Base Cruiser......2 Bases Battleship...3 Bases Dreadnaught..4 Bases Titan........5 Bases
Frigate......1 unit of space/1 hit point Cruiser......2 units of space/2 hit points Battleship...3 units of space/3 hit points Dreadnaught..4 units of space/4 hit points Titan........5 units of space/5 hit points
BP's may be stockpiled for use later during the game.
***NOTE - a cap of 6 self-built bases has been imposed. Only self-built bases count towards maximum hull sizes***
Playing the Game - Orders
This part of the game is similar to Nuclear Wartm. Each player sends his orders to the GM who processes them all together once they are recieved.
Normal Orders (you may make both these orders in conjuction with the orders in the next section)
- Build Ships/Bases : You may spend your BPs or stockpile them for later. Ships built that turn may be used for attack and defence, Bases built may be destroyed that turn. Damaged Ships may be fully repaired for a cost of 1 BP (Now you see why big ships are good)
***NOTE - You need to already have bases built for them to count for hull size allowance.*** - Use Spy : If you have a Spy you may stop one of your opponents orders that turn being exectuted. The Spy is lost. Spy affects Attack!, Rebuild Generator and Train Spy.
Special Orders (you must choose only one of these per turn)
- Attack! : This starts a fight between your fleet and that of an opponent. You must choose which ships to send, and which to leave at home in case you yourself are attacked that turn. See Combat for more.
- Raise Shields! : This protects your Bases and Ships from all attacks that turn, and also stops any spies. Any opposing fleet that attacks you will take six Hits (distributed as per combat damage) while you remain snug and secure. The generator is exhausted by this use and must be rebuilt.
- Rebuild Generator : Rebuilds the shield generator.
- Train Spy : Trains and inserts a new Spy for your cause.
Playing the Game - Combat
Be sure to check out the version 1.1 corrections to these rules
Combat is a simple, and yet complex, Paper-Stone-Scissorstm system :
Lasers - beat - Fighters Fighters - beat - Torpedoes Torpedoes - beat - Lasers
EXAMPLE : Lasers-Fighters-Torpedoes (Las-Fig-Torp)
This is then compared by the GM to the Order of Battle from the opponent. Let us take two fleets of ships for an example.
[b]Player 1:[/b] 1xLaserfrigate 2xCarrierbattleship 1xTorpedocruiser Order of Battle : Lasers 1 Fighters 6 Torps 2 [b]Player 2:[/b] 2xCarrierfrigate 1xLaserbattleship 2xTorpedocruiser Order of Battle : Torps 4 Fighters 2 Lasers 3
1 Laser vs 4 Torps.
Torps beat Lasers, so Player 2 scores 4 hits (for the 4 torpedoes)
Then the second row:
6 Fighters vs 2 Fighters.
Fighters = Fighters, so we look at the quantities. 6 beats 2, so Player 1 scores 4 hits (for 6 Fighters - 2 Fighters) The fight is tied.
Finally the third row:
2 Torps vs 3 Lasers.
Torps beat Lasers again, so Player 1 scores 2 hits (for 2 Torps)
Player 1 has taken 4 hits, and must lose some ships. Smallest ships are killed first, in the order indicated by the Order of Battle. He loses the Laserfrigate(1 hit), the Torpedocruiser(2 hits) and one Battleship is damaged and must be repaired before it can fight again. One Carrierbattleship is left in action.
Player 2 has it rather worse. With 6 hits taken he loses both CarrierFrigates(1 hit each) and both Torpedocruisers(2 hits each). At least his Laserbattleship is undamaged.
Player 2 has lost the battle with 6 hits to 4 and must retreat. Player 1 captures one base from Player 2. (exception - the last base of any player will be defended to the death) Had Player 2's fleet been completely destroyed, Player 1 would have captured all of Player 2's bases, as they would now be undefended.
***NOTE - some rules on capturing bases were changed in this edition***
Combat Summary
- Add total Fighters/Lasers/Torps in each fleet.
- Sort fleets according to their empire's Order of Battle. Fleets with no OoB are destroyed.
- Lasers > beat > Fighters > beat > Torpedoes > beat > Lasers - Apply Hits equal to the amount of lasers/torps/fighters.
- In the case of like-vs-like (i.e. Fighters vs Fighters) the higher total wins. Apply Hits equal to the difference between the totals.
- The fleet that takes the most Hits is the loser.
- Remove destroyed ships, smallest first, in the same order as the OoB.
- If the attacker won, he captures one base.
- If the attacker destroyed the entire enemy fleet, he captures all his opponents bases.
Be sure to check out the version 1.1 corrections to these rules
Example Orders
Build 1x Carrier-Cruiser (2) Repair Laser-Battleship(1) Stockpile (2)
Spy on Player X
Attack Player X with 2x Laser-Frigate, 2x Carrier-Frigate, 1x Torpedo-Battleship
Defensive fleet : 1 x Carrier-Cruiser 1x Laser-Battleship (repaired this turn)
Damaged ships : None
Order of Battle : Lasers-Fighters-Torpedoes
***NOTE - Don't forget to establish an Order of Battle***
Be sure to check out the version 1.1 corrections to these rules
You may want to orgainise joint attacks on an opponent with an ally. In this case you must agree on an Order of Battle between the allies. If two differenet opponents attack at the same time without informing the GM of their alliance, then the defender must fight them consecutively, fighting first against the one who posted their orders last.
It is possible that when a player is attacked by two non-allied fleets at the same time that he loses both battles. In this case both attackers gain a base. Allied fleets that attack together must decide who is to get the captured base.
The GM applies hits to allied fleets in the same way as to a normal fleet. This means that if one ally has smaller ships than his partner, he will take the bulk of the casulties. War is hell.
The GM
The GM will report each turn on the activities of each player. He will keep their orders secret and their current navies secret also, but will reveal their bases, the size of their navy and their current BPs.
Winning the Game
You win the game by destroying all the bases and fleets of your opponents to become the Galactic Overlordtm!!!
Galactic Overlord v1.1
New hardcore combat rules for Galactic Overlord
The Aim:
The aim of the v1.1 revision is to improve the distribution of results and move away from the "winner takes all" paradigm where in one case from 6 the victor would totaly destroy the enemy fleet while remaining unharmed - even with inferior ships.
The Changes:
Tougher Ships
All ships now have twice the Hitpoints of before :
Frigate 2 Cruiser 4 Battleship 6 Deadnought 8 Titan 10
Each weapon system can now be fired twice in a combat, rather than once. This is in keeping with the doubled hitpoints. The OoB should now contain six entries.
Examples :
Or in short : TTFLFL etc...
Adjusted Weapon Comparisons:
Instead of the old model, where 1 laser would beat any number or fighters, and cause 1 Hit, and 1 Fighter would beat any number of Torpedoes etc, in v1.1 weapons simply double in effectiveness against the "favoured weapon"
Lasers are x2 vs Fighters Fighters are x2 vs Torpedoes Torpedoes are x2 vs Lasers
The scores are compared after any multiplications (see above) and the one with the higher score inflicts Hits equal to the difference between the scores on the other.
Tactics 1 - Range:
You may instruct your captains to try to engage at different ranges.
- Close In - Lasers from both fleets count an extra x2. If both fleets Close In then this stacks to a x4. This negates Back Off.
- Back Off - Lasers from both fleets count an extra x0.5 penalty. This is negated by Close In. If both players Back Off this stacks to x0.25.
Default is no special orders.
Tactics 2 - Formation:
You may instruct your captains to engage using different formations.
- Bunch Together - Your ships huddle together to protect each other from Fighters, but are more vunerable to the large explosions of Torpedoes. Attacks with Fighters against Bunched Together fleets are at x0.5, while Torpedoes get x2.
- Spread Out - Your ships spread out, making the fleet hard to target with Torpedoes, while leaving individual ships vunerable to Fighters. Attacks with Fighters against Spread Out fleets are at x2, while Torpedoes get x0.5
Default is no special orders.
Example OoB Under v1.1
Bunch Together and Back Off.
This means a bit more work for me, but it should be worth it.
Have fun with v1.1 combat
