Following the playtesting in Society I, the rules have been balanced and we're ready to give it another go.
Duke's gone 'til the 15th, so we'll start this one minus him. I've reorganized the rules for clarity.
version 1.1
a forum game from Smiley's Cultural Industries
Society is Civ for the vBulletin platform. You, as the leader of a society, can aim to rule the world! Of course, if that's not enough, there's always shooting for the stars.
Despite its richness, Society is easy and fast to play and is similar in complexity to Galactic Overlord.
Gameplay takes place on a square grid map, on which cities are built. Each society lives on the following resources.
Gold comes from cities and is used to build weapons, research technology, expand you empire, and just about everything else.
Technology increases your tax revenue as well as your army's effectiveness.
Armies capture enemy cities, and inflict damage on enemy invaders.
In the beginning, the world was created
Players sign up in the thread. When signup is closed, the GM generates a square map with an area as close to 12 squares per player as possible. Map is labelled with letters across and numbers down.
The GM will arrange player starting locations equidistantly but randomly.
Starting Resources
Each player starts with 1 city and 6 gold.
Map Adjacency
Two squares on the map are adjacent if they have a common edge. Catty-corner squares are not adjacent.
Gameplay is synchronous, with players issuing orders each day. Each player's turn is made up of the following parts:
1. Espionage
2. Trade
3. Production
4. Foreign Aid
5. War
6. Tax Collection
You start in Despotism. Change governments by Revolution. You will forfeit your turn by doing so, including gold collection.
Despotism- Free army support
Monarchy- +50% tax income/turn
Army support cost = army size / cities
Republic- Double tax income/turn
Army support cost = army size / tech level
Orders are PM'd to the GM. Sample orders:
Action (cost in Gold)
Spy --> Spaced Cowboy, target Production.
Trade with Skanky (6)-->(+9) Note that Trade income can be immediately spent
City of NukeDoc (6) A2, A3, A4, A5
Armies x2 (2)
Colosseum (6) <--important: you must specify exactly how much you want to spend for a Wonder
Give Jamski 1 army
3 Nukes to DrSpike
Targets: D3, E3, D4
Attack Skanky with 4 armies.
Targets: B1, C1, D1, etc.
Once you discover The Corporation (Tech Level 7) you gain one Spy every turn at the beginning of your Espionage turn. Spies are free and can be stockpiled.
You may send this Spy at any other player and target any one of the other player's actions, except for Tax Collection. That player's action is negated for the turn. Should two players send spies at each other, neither spy gets through and both societies proceed as normal.
You can trade with any society as many spaces away as your Tech Level. For example, at Tech 1, you can only trade with adjacent neighbors. At Tech 2, there can be one square separation. There is no longer a minimum tech level for trading.
Cost = Sum of tech levels between you and trading partner.
Payout= Product of tech levels, to both societies. You may only trade with adjacent neighbors.
Gold from trade can be budgeted into your Production turn. Should your trading be interdicted by spies, please list what expenditure to cut, or the GM will take stuff off the back of your list.
Aside from Caravans, gold can also be spent on building cities, researching technology, building Wonders, nukes, SDI defense satellites, and spaceship parts.
Base Income = Cities x Technology Level x 5
Build additional cities in the same way the first is built, with one exception. New cities must be adjacent to an existing one. If you don't give coordinates, the GM will build cities in a way to minimize your borders.
The cost of building a new city is equal to 3x the number it will be
Buy Technology with Gold. You must buy them in sequence, but you can buy more than one if you can afford it.
The more people who have a tech, the cheaper it is to research it.
Cost = Base Price * (P - R / P)
P = Total number of players
R= Number of players who have discovered that particular technology.
Special Units
Buy these like you buy anything else.
Caravans: Cost = Sum of tech levels between you and trading partner. Reward = Product of tech levels, to both societies.
Nukes: cost = 100, destroys 1 enemy city anywhere. Nuked spaces cannot be reused.
SDI: cost = 250, each will stop 1 nuke from hitting you per turn.
Spaceship Parts: cost = 1000 each. You can only build one per turn, and need 3 to win. You can overpay on the 3rd part, whoever spends the most wins a tie.
Wonders of the World
There are 14, one for each tech level, except for Tech Level 15. Only one Wonder may be built. The base cost of each wonder is the square of its tech level. You may, however, overspend. In the case more than one player gives orders to build the same Wonder, the one who spends the most gets it. In ties, first to send orders wins. Loser gets their gold back.
Wonders are captured when a player is eliminated. Allies must agree who gets it.
It may appear that many of the wonders might be unbalancing, but don't worry, forum games seem to have a natural way of correcting any sort of imbalance.
1. Tower of Babel- Generates gold per turn equal to the square of your tech level, after government bonuses.
2. Colosseum- makes you immune to enemy attack. Expires with anyone reaching Tech Level 8. Clarification: If you attack someone, they get one counterattack.
3. Trojan Horse- you get a spy every turn before Tech 7, and one extra after
4. Acropolis- you have the option to change to Republic whenever, without a revolution.
5. Silk Road- allows trade with all players, regardless of distance. Caravan cost lowered to trading partner's tech level.
6. Jihad- you can take any city in a sneak attack
7. Mafia- One extra gold per city in the world, after gov't bonuses.
8. Trans-Siberian Railroad- Your new cities may be built anywhere.
9. National Rifle Association- gives a Republic the military support costs of a Monarchy
10. University of California- gives you any Tech Level known to at least 1 other player.
11. NASCAR- Give you bonus gold, equal to the square of the number of cities you own. After government bonus.
12. KGB- gives you 2 additional Spies per turn
13. Majestic-12 Program- your nuclear missiles are immune to intercept.
14. Star Wars- Your cities now require 4 nukes to destroy.
Foreign Aid
Once per turn you may grant the following to any one other nation. You must be adjacent to provide military aid.
1. technology
2. military units
3. spies, nukes, SDI.
Wonders and spaceship parts are not grantable.
Buy armies with Gold. 1 gold buys 1 army.
You can fight one war per turn with an adjacent society. Your armies sent to attack do not defend. Specify target and number of armies to commit.
Declaring war
Normal diplomatic procedure is to declare war one turn before attack. You may carry out sneak attacks, but under such cases you are limited to capturing cities directly adjacent to your territory.
Theater of operations
Rank the enemy cities in preference of which ones you'd like to capture. Each city must be adjacent to your territory or to a city further up the list. If you don't the GM will take cities in a way to minimize your borders.
Capturing cities
The attacker is the only one who can capture cities. Factors include army size vs. defender technology, number of defenders per enemy city, and the ratio between attacker and defender's technology.
C = ((A / DT) - (D / DC)) * (AT / DT), round down.
C= cities captured
A = attacker's army size
D = defender's army size
AT = attacker's tech level
DT = defender's tech level
DC = defender's number of cities
Captured cities do not generate income on the turn they are captured.
Taking casualties
Attacker takes casualties as follows:
Casualties = D / AT.
Defender takes casualties as follows:
Casualties = (D / DC) * cities lost.
Tax Collection
Restock your treasury for the next turn as follows:
Income = Cities x Tech Level x 5
(+50% for Monarchy, round up, double for Republic)
Conquest- self explanatory
Spaceship- build spaceship. There are 3 parts, each costing 200 gold. You can only build 1 per turn.
Current players
Spaced Cowboy
Now accepting more players and rules suggestions.
Duke's gone 'til the 15th, so we'll start this one minus him. I've reorganized the rules for clarity.
version 1.1
a forum game from Smiley's Cultural Industries
Society is Civ for the vBulletin platform. You, as the leader of a society, can aim to rule the world! Of course, if that's not enough, there's always shooting for the stars.
Despite its richness, Society is easy and fast to play and is similar in complexity to Galactic Overlord.
Gameplay takes place on a square grid map, on which cities are built. Each society lives on the following resources.
Gold comes from cities and is used to build weapons, research technology, expand you empire, and just about everything else.
Technology increases your tax revenue as well as your army's effectiveness.
Armies capture enemy cities, and inflict damage on enemy invaders.
In the beginning, the world was created
Players sign up in the thread. When signup is closed, the GM generates a square map with an area as close to 12 squares per player as possible. Map is labelled with letters across and numbers down.
The GM will arrange player starting locations equidistantly but randomly.
Starting Resources
Each player starts with 1 city and 6 gold.
Map Adjacency
Two squares on the map are adjacent if they have a common edge. Catty-corner squares are not adjacent.
Gameplay is synchronous, with players issuing orders each day. Each player's turn is made up of the following parts:
1. Espionage
2. Trade
3. Production
4. Foreign Aid
5. War
6. Tax Collection
You start in Despotism. Change governments by Revolution. You will forfeit your turn by doing so, including gold collection.
Despotism- Free army support
Monarchy- +50% tax income/turn
Army support cost = army size / cities
Republic- Double tax income/turn
Army support cost = army size / tech level
Orders are PM'd to the GM. Sample orders:
Action (cost in Gold)
Spy --> Spaced Cowboy, target Production.
Trade with Skanky (6)-->(+9) Note that Trade income can be immediately spent
City of NukeDoc (6) A2, A3, A4, A5
Armies x2 (2)
Colosseum (6) <--important: you must specify exactly how much you want to spend for a Wonder
Give Jamski 1 army
3 Nukes to DrSpike
Targets: D3, E3, D4
Attack Skanky with 4 armies.
Targets: B1, C1, D1, etc.
Once you discover The Corporation (Tech Level 7) you gain one Spy every turn at the beginning of your Espionage turn. Spies are free and can be stockpiled.
You may send this Spy at any other player and target any one of the other player's actions, except for Tax Collection. That player's action is negated for the turn. Should two players send spies at each other, neither spy gets through and both societies proceed as normal.
You can trade with any society as many spaces away as your Tech Level. For example, at Tech 1, you can only trade with adjacent neighbors. At Tech 2, there can be one square separation. There is no longer a minimum tech level for trading.
Cost = Sum of tech levels between you and trading partner.
Payout= Product of tech levels, to both societies. You may only trade with adjacent neighbors.
Gold from trade can be budgeted into your Production turn. Should your trading be interdicted by spies, please list what expenditure to cut, or the GM will take stuff off the back of your list.
Aside from Caravans, gold can also be spent on building cities, researching technology, building Wonders, nukes, SDI defense satellites, and spaceship parts.
Base Income = Cities x Technology Level x 5
Build additional cities in the same way the first is built, with one exception. New cities must be adjacent to an existing one. If you don't give coordinates, the GM will build cities in a way to minimize your borders.
The cost of building a new city is equal to 3x the number it will be
City Cost ---------- 1 free 2 6 3 9 4 12
Buy Technology with Gold. You must buy them in sequence, but you can buy more than one if you can afford it.
The more people who have a tech, the cheaper it is to research it.
Cost = Base Price * (P - R / P)
P = Total number of players
R= Number of players who have discovered that particular technology.
Tech Cost Allows --------------------------- 1 free Tower of Babel 2 4 Colosseum 3 9 Trojan Horse, Monarchy 4 16 Acropolis 5 25 Silk Road 6 36 Jihad 7 49 Mafia, Spies 8 64 Trans Siberian RR 9 81 National Rifle Association, Republic 10 100 Univ. of California 11 121 NASCAR, Nukes 12 144 KGB 13 169 Majestic-12, SDI 14 192 Star Wars 15 225 Spaceship Parts
Buy these like you buy anything else.
Caravans: Cost = Sum of tech levels between you and trading partner. Reward = Product of tech levels, to both societies.
Nukes: cost = 100, destroys 1 enemy city anywhere. Nuked spaces cannot be reused.
SDI: cost = 250, each will stop 1 nuke from hitting you per turn.
Spaceship Parts: cost = 1000 each. You can only build one per turn, and need 3 to win. You can overpay on the 3rd part, whoever spends the most wins a tie.
Wonders of the World
There are 14, one for each tech level, except for Tech Level 15. Only one Wonder may be built. The base cost of each wonder is the square of its tech level. You may, however, overspend. In the case more than one player gives orders to build the same Wonder, the one who spends the most gets it. In ties, first to send orders wins. Loser gets their gold back.
Wonders are captured when a player is eliminated. Allies must agree who gets it.
It may appear that many of the wonders might be unbalancing, but don't worry, forum games seem to have a natural way of correcting any sort of imbalance.
1. Tower of Babel- Generates gold per turn equal to the square of your tech level, after government bonuses.
2. Colosseum- makes you immune to enemy attack. Expires with anyone reaching Tech Level 8. Clarification: If you attack someone, they get one counterattack.
3. Trojan Horse- you get a spy every turn before Tech 7, and one extra after
4. Acropolis- you have the option to change to Republic whenever, without a revolution.
5. Silk Road- allows trade with all players, regardless of distance. Caravan cost lowered to trading partner's tech level.
6. Jihad- you can take any city in a sneak attack
7. Mafia- One extra gold per city in the world, after gov't bonuses.
8. Trans-Siberian Railroad- Your new cities may be built anywhere.
9. National Rifle Association- gives a Republic the military support costs of a Monarchy
10. University of California- gives you any Tech Level known to at least 1 other player.
11. NASCAR- Give you bonus gold, equal to the square of the number of cities you own. After government bonus.
12. KGB- gives you 2 additional Spies per turn
13. Majestic-12 Program- your nuclear missiles are immune to intercept.
14. Star Wars- Your cities now require 4 nukes to destroy.
Foreign Aid
Once per turn you may grant the following to any one other nation. You must be adjacent to provide military aid.
1. technology
2. military units
3. spies, nukes, SDI.
Wonders and spaceship parts are not grantable.
Buy armies with Gold. 1 gold buys 1 army.
You can fight one war per turn with an adjacent society. Your armies sent to attack do not defend. Specify target and number of armies to commit.
Declaring war
Normal diplomatic procedure is to declare war one turn before attack. You may carry out sneak attacks, but under such cases you are limited to capturing cities directly adjacent to your territory.
Theater of operations
Rank the enemy cities in preference of which ones you'd like to capture. Each city must be adjacent to your territory or to a city further up the list. If you don't the GM will take cities in a way to minimize your borders.
Capturing cities
The attacker is the only one who can capture cities. Factors include army size vs. defender technology, number of defenders per enemy city, and the ratio between attacker and defender's technology.
C = ((A / DT) - (D / DC)) * (AT / DT), round down.
C= cities captured
A = attacker's army size
D = defender's army size
AT = attacker's tech level
DT = defender's tech level
DC = defender's number of cities
Captured cities do not generate income on the turn they are captured.
Taking casualties
Attacker takes casualties as follows:
Casualties = D / AT.
Defender takes casualties as follows:
Casualties = (D / DC) * cities lost.
Tax Collection
Restock your treasury for the next turn as follows:
Income = Cities x Tech Level x 5
(+50% for Monarchy, round up, double for Republic)
Conquest- self explanatory
Spaceship- build spaceship. There are 3 parts, each costing 200 gold. You can only build 1 per turn.
Current players
Spaced Cowboy
Now accepting more players and rules suggestions.