BG on the xbox had more in common with diablo rather than the PC games it took as name sake. I think this upset a lot of people(including the reviewers).
The second one got a slightly warmer reception, but lets face it if you were a BG fan of old neither game was going to be for you.
So they'd 'dummed it down' for a console release, which on say the PS2 or Cube i can understand(most of the people i know who play these consoles are my younger brothers age group-not that they are dumb of course, but patience isn't always thier collective virtue
As for Jade it looks like its all set to carry on the quality of KOTOR(but it could be the good hype has got to me?) rather than go the BG xbox route. Still i guess we wont really know for a while. If it and Fable live up to some of their expectations i will have two more must have games on my xbox list
The second one got a slightly warmer reception, but lets face it if you were a BG fan of old neither game was going to be for you.
So they'd 'dummed it down' for a console release, which on say the PS2 or Cube i can understand(most of the people i know who play these consoles are my younger brothers age group-not that they are dumb of course, but patience isn't always thier collective virtue

As for Jade it looks like its all set to carry on the quality of KOTOR(but it could be the good hype has got to me?) rather than go the BG xbox route. Still i guess we wont really know for a while. If it and Fable live up to some of their expectations i will have two more must have games on my xbox list
