You know the drill: Zopperoni is doing this word, and we're waiting for an update.

1. 10 guesses.
2. Updates must be posted within 24 hours of each other, and will occur in sets of 2, except for the final 2 guesses, which will be updated individually.
3. Any guesses after 2 have occured since the last update will be ignored.
4. You can only pick one letter for every two consecutive sets of guesses.
5. Guesses cannot be changed after being posted.
6. You can guess the word at any time, but guessing incorrectly eliminates you from play.
7. Incorrect word guesses also count as losing a life.
8. Words must be 5 or more letters.
9. Every 3 games the winner must post the current rankings and the rules, along with any changes.
Please this time lets observe rule 9. I'll post an update shortly.
[word - winner] Communism - FrustratedPoet Utilitarian - joncha Hypnotic - DrSpike Bilious - Jamski Rhythm - DrSpike Jumpy - Jonny Eparchy - DrSpike Euology - alva Airline - Paddy the Scot Sydney - ... Muscular - Theben Plus ones - DrSpike Wrought - joncha Periwinkle - Jonny Hemiplegia - DrSpike Pyrrhic - Zopperoni Dichotomy - vovan Ethereal - joncha Humeral - vovan Nonproliferation - joncha Sclerotium - DrSpike Python - Zopperoni Xylophonist - duke o' york Weltanschauung - Jonny Quadripartite - joncha Juxtapose - DrSpike Quizzical - vovan Prerequisite - Jonny Anthocyanin - vovan Clique - Skanky Burns Retrograde - vovan Chromatid - Jonny Monotreme - vovan Clergy - Theben Woozy - DrSpike Prophylaxis - Theben Perpetuity - DrSpike Jokily - ... Quixotic - Zopperoni Juggernaut - DrSpike Jailbird - Paddy the Scot Coarse - Zopperoni Epithelium - Duke Buggy - ... Teepee - DrSpike Phlegm - Zopperoni Hybrid - Theben Monotonous - Duck Pseud - Caligastia Quantitates - Skanky Burns Coracle - ... Ventilate - joncha Churl - DrSpike Bubbly - Paddy the Scot Unforgiven - DrSpike Jubilant - Jonny Sawyer - DrSpike Impugn - Caligastia Hymnal - Theben Larynx - Zopperoni Wyvern - joncha Frank - ... Wight - ... Changeover - Duke o'York Guzzle - ... Dyslexic - Theben Gently - alva Schedule - DrSpike Jazzily - ... Buffoon - joncha Shark - DrSpike Quicklime - joncha Clamp - ... Whoever - DrSpike Haying - alva Conception - Jonny Manpower - Theben Hypocotyl - joncha Mescal - Theben Serviced - Rasputin Amylogen - joncha Crane - ... March - Japher Infinity - DrSpike Daubed - ... Dizzy - ... Flaccid - Duke o' York Blunderbuss - Caligastia Hungry - ... Vowels - Rasputin Megavars - ... Boiler - Jonny Market - joncha Gusty - ... Hanged - Zopperoni Phthisical - DrSpike Bulbous - Zopperoni Gymkhana - DrSpike Ghoul - joncha Brash - Jonny Central - Rasputin Manual - Theben Auxotroph - Jonny Zesty - Chaunk Tmesis - Spike Idyll - Duke Svelt - alva Civilization - Jonny Transpose - Chaunk Winking - ... Disabled - Duke Brochure - Paddy Cabernet - Joncha Match - Nuclear Master Tedious - Doc Budge - Kermit Unique - Alva Column - Doc Milky - ... Gabble - Vovan Demonic - DrSpike Jackdaw - duke o' york Quetzalcoatl - Skanky Burns Onomatopoeia - Doc Which - ... Oxygen - Vovan Cyborg - Doc Whiff - ... Cashew - Duke Gauze - Zopperoni
Current Rankings: code: DrSpike 34 joncha 19 Jonny 11 duke o' york 11 Theben 9 Zopperoni 9 vovan 8 Paddy the Scot 5 alva 5 Rasputin 4 Skanky Burns 4 Caligastia 3 Chaunk 3 FrustratedPoet 1 Jamski 1 Japher 1 Nuclear Master 1 Kermit 1