Hmm... just wondering, what do you all think about the following two ideas for new Nuclear War build options:
1. Anti-Espionague Task Force
(After being built, this force will foil any and all incoming spies)
2. Stockpile Iron
(After being built, you can build 2 cities in one turn rather than building 1 on turn 1 and another on turn 2... this way, other players don't know about your dangerous plans for expansions until it's too late
1. Anti-Espionague Task Force
(After being built, this force will foil any and all incoming spies)
2. Stockpile Iron
(After being built, you can build 2 cities in one turn rather than building 1 on turn 1 and another on turn 2... this way, other players don't know about your dangerous plans for expansions until it's too late
