Why bunker when I can just use deflector shields to punish Skanky?
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Nuclear War XII: The bowl aint getting bigger, but the fish are breeding
Sure, but not all of y'all can bunker down -- otherwise, there won't be anybody left to actually fire the nukes at me. That means that at least three of y'all need to coordinate on the first round to wipe me out, or else face my retaliatory wrath. If you're one of those three, then there wouldn't be much chance of your surviving to round two...<p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures</p>
Unless they send a spy along.I'm consitently stupid- Japher
I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned
Nobody starts out with a spy, though, so they'd have to wait until the second round to take me out without running the risk of having their nukes deflected back at them, and by that time I might have four stockpiled nukes ready for whoever first spoiled my chances at a stealth win.<p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures</p>
No, you can not deflect to "whoever nukes you".
Thats like sending in orders "I will nuke x unless there are nukes headed towards me this round. In that case I will bunker." When you set the deflector up, you don't know who is planning on nuking you.I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
[QUOTE] Originally posted bySmiley
Day nine- the sleeping giant awakes again
The ghost of Theban was seen by many world leaders last night. As his radioactive glow floated above them, he was rumored to have muttered the phrase "...Loinburger...". World leaders caught on to what this meant. A quick glance at a map shocked them- this nation had grown to occupy five cities. Not only that, but he had obliterated DarkCloud and Ljube without much notice. Remarkably, he had yet to recieve any of his own medicine.
The world panicked. But Loinburger would strike again, and this time, against two nations.
Three nukes were sent Chaunk's way, as Loinburger hoped to wipe out another target with no fear of retaliation. Understandably, he grew quite nervous when he saw all three impact harmlessly on Chaunk's bunker.
But then his spirits rose as a solitary missile was lobbed at Vovan, putting an end to the stubborn city of Abedju, and Vovan's rule on this world along with it.
Vovan didn't go down without a fight, though. Four missiles were seen rising from the rubble as he activated his doomsday device.
Elsewhere in society, survivors from Nuclear Master's lands, first to be destroyed, were also the first to rebuild. In the city of Paris, long term stability was still a distant dream though, as the seeds of revolution were brewing. It was not known yet if Paris would go the way of London, New York, Toronto, and Jerusalem yet.
That did not matter much for Trokair though. While his workers managed to move part of his industrial base to the newly built city of Another One, it failed to save him as Vovan's four nukes wasted him.
TV news crews interviewing assassin Joncha revealed that he had participated in two secret plots last night after killing off the Doc and Imran at the speedway.
Chaunk: Here, There, Everywhere
Loinburger: Wutang, Wizzutang, Sweet Sizzauce, Big Jim Slade, Trouserification Station
Skanky Burns: Wireless, Network, Laptop, Firewire, Fibreoptic
Spaced Cowboy: I AM SOFA, KING WE, TODD ED
Trokair: WASTED
GeneralTacticus: WASTED
Jamski: WASTED
Vlad Antlerkov: WASTED
DarkCloud: WASTED
Hercules: WASTED
Theban: WASTED
Nuclear Master: WASTED
Twelve down, four to go.
Orders due Tuesday noon GMTVisit First Cultural Industries
There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd