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Mafia XIX - Mafia on the Nile - Part II

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  • Well, let's follow the jest of a ghost and vote GJRamsey then.
    Good luck steering the barge past the 'Rapids' next day...
    He who knows others is wise.
    He who knows himself is enlightened.
    -- Lao Tsu

    SMAC(X) Marsscenario


    • Originally posted by duke o' york
      Oh, Kassi. I don't think that I'll be giving out any more clues in the next couple of chapters, because (a) I can't think of any more (), (b) I'm too lazy to even try, (c) you've had enough already, and (d) the clues have been getting progressively easier so the next clue would be "The murderer is Unclear Master", or something equally stupid. Have a good look at what you've got. Who knows, maybe some of the other survivors might want to help you.

      Ha the clues point to no one....

      Hind sight may make the clues obvious but they are not so far...
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • Originally posted by HongHu
        What irony. We have a shipful of detectives (or had, at least) and can't even get one mafia down after 10 days.
        Is that you HongHu in your avatar?


        • Well, seeing as I still have no idea, I'll just jump on the dogpile and vote Geomodder.
          Join a Democracy Game today!
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          • My most sincere gratitude to Miss Marple for compiling those clues. Sadly, like my esteemed colleague, I am having a difficult time deciphering them.

            The plaster around Drummond's mouth interests me. That would seem to suggest a workman of some sort. Most likely a member of the crew. That means either gjramsey or Geomodder. It seems a first mate would be more likely to use plaster than the purser.

            Geomodder gets my vote. The "cabin 10" clue is just too obvious... I really don't think we can expect numerical clues to point to the assigned player numbers.

            EDIT: Things are looking quite grim... let us hope that we managed to knock off the stabbing Mafia last round, so we can end this game now with Geomodder.
            "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
            "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


            • Originally posted by GeoModder
              Good luck steering the barge past the 'Rapids' next day...
              I will make sure I partake in plenty of libations from my bar, sorry Skanky, before hitting the rapids!


              • Code:
                Name Voted for
                7. Rah Geomodder
                10. GJRamsey Geomodder
                11. Spaced Cowboy Geomodder
                12. Kassiopeia -
                16. Guynemer Geomodder
                22. Octavian X Geomodder
                24. Geomodder gjramsey
                Another one bites the sand....


                • Chapter Eleven - Nihilism

                  Geomodder collected all those aboard into the dining room once more and they all handed him their votes.
                  “We suspect the mafia of being, er,… Miss Marple,” he said.
                  “Well I didn’t vote for Miss Marple,” replied Columbo. “Did anybody else? It’s you, isn’t it Geomodder?”
                  “N-no. I think there needs to be a recount, it was so close.”
                  “No need for a recount. I’ve already checked them,” said the ship’s purser.
                  “But….” The captain’s words were cut short by the arrival of Miss Marple, who had missed the voting, but came at the right time to set this straight. The captain’s body fell to the floor with a heavy thud. Shortly, he was pitched into the water, and the six remaining aboard tucked into their breakfast.

                  Gjramsey now had a heavy task on his hands. Even more so than running the bar, which had curiously been taking up much of his time; so much that his accounts were not as carefully ordered as they had been before. He now had to steer the boat on top of all of his other duties, though thanks to Nuclear Master’s ingenious rope-guided steering device, he only had to keep an eye on whether there were any bends in the river and whether he would need to change the wheel at all. Jim Rockford offered to help in any way, hoping that he might be of more use than Miss Marple obsessively clearing the deck of any loose coils of rope and broken wine bottles (of which there were far more, to be honest). The purser was grateful for their efforts, as it meant that he could spend more time writing his CV to get a decent job far from this accursed boat.

                  Before dinner, the purser totally forgot to take a tour of the ship as Geomodder had, and there was some surprise when the Earl of Octavian X failed to arrive on time. Hurrying around to his cabin, number 15, they found him on the floor, stabbed 14 times with an African hunting knife that was stuck upright in his chest. The wounds were quite deep, as might have been expected from this size of knife, and the tip of his left pinkie finger had been cut off. Despite a quick search of the cabin, it was nowhere to be found. They sighed in desperation, and returned to the dining room to consider likely suspects, and to prepare their votes. And to eat whatever gjramsey had prepared them that evening.


                  • Code:
                    Name Job Status
                    1. Skanky Burns Barman Handbagged
                    2. Jamski Oberinspektor Derrick Handbagged
                    3. ADG Inspector Morse Stabbed 68 times
                    4. Zopperoni Deck hand Handbagged
                    5. Ljcvetko Sherlock Holmes Handbagged
                    6. Nuclear Master Captain Hung from the rail
                    7. Rah Jim Rockford Alive
                    8. Theben Billionaire Industrialist Hung from the rail
                    9. Joncha Pimp Daddy Hung from the rail
                    10. GJRamsey Purser Alive
                    11. Spaced Cowboy Columbo Alive
                    12. Kassi Miss Marple Alive
                    13. Tuberski Ricardo Tubbs Stabbed 101 times
                    14. Jon Miller Bulldog Drummond Hung from the rail
                    15. GhengisFarb Sonny Crockett Stabbed 53 times
                    16. Guynemer Chief Inspector Maigret Alive
                    17. Snowfire Lord Peter Wimsey Stabbed 107 times
                    18. Rasputin er, Rasputin! Handbagged
                    19. HongHu Beautiful heiress Handbagged
                    20. DrSpike Doctor Watson Handbagged
                    21. Hercules Hercule Poirot Hung from the rail
                    22. Octavian X Earl of Octavian Stabbed 14 times
                    23. Pave Duc de Pavelles Handbagged
                    24. Geomodder First mate Handbagged
                    25. Chaunk Charlie Chan Stabbed 63 times
                    26. Jonny Secret Agent Handbagged
                    Down to five. Anyone else excited? Anyone even still interested?


                    • I'm still not sure who the mafias are, but Guynemer seems to be out of character with his long posts.
                      We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                      • Long posts?

                        The longest post by anyone else recently was still mostly full of quotes from posts written by me.
                        However, the length could be a good thing for you all.
                        Maybe he's just making a last desperate attempt to find the mafia before there is only one person left aboard.


                        • Guynemer
                          Things are looking bad.
                          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • Er, an unusual request, but can everyone hurry up with the voting please?
                            I'll be off work for a week from Tuesday, and would like the game all finished by then if possible. I could PM the details to someone else if it isn't done by Monday evening (GMT), but we only need one more vote for the Guynemer docpile to crush him, and then two for the next unfortunate victim.


                            • we only need one more vote for the Guynemer docpile to crush him, and then two for the next unfortunate victim.
                              A-ha. So either Guynemer is the other Mafia and the other one is alive, or the other Mafia has been slain and Guynemer is innocent. Either way, not good.

                              Things are looking bad.
                              Octavian may have been the other Mafia. Optimism, dear fellows.
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                              • I can take over as GM Duke. I mean, you won't be telling me anything new since I already know the identities of both mafias

