My current manpower is 96. (I've disbanded 3 cavalry divisions). Monthly growth is 3.1, but soon (in 1945) Compassionate gentelment will be available, I hope to at least double my monthly manpower growth. War vs. Germany gave my about 500 manpower. I had to join allies to avoid 20% dissent penalty. Greece played dicisive role in destruction of nazi Germany (I've striked from Sudets right after they annexed Poland and captured Dresden, Berlin and Rostok, (great defensive position, between Oder and Elbe rivers, at least 50 German divisions from the west perished trying to re-capture their capital or Rostok), thus creating huge "Polish" pocket where at least half of German forces died. Despite this, Germans keep attacking France and almost reached Paris, then I've finished them off. No single province were captured by allies. Greece took everything. So, Greece saved French as$es and I decided it will be moral to gain something for this service. I took their mapower. How? When you fight, not all your casualties are KIA. The game simulate wounded too. Some manpower from damaged divisions returns to manpower pool. So, when I have a long and bloody fight, my manpower pool was increasing. After the fight, I send this badly damaged army as expedition corps to my ally (GB or France). After the short time, they reinforce it with THEIR manpower, and then I took my reinforced army back. After victory over Germany my manpower was 500+.
IMO that's the only way to create enough forces to defeat allies+USA (USA alone have about 400 divisions). Some might think it's cheating, but I don't think so. What's wrong in using your ally manpower, if I fought for them, defeated their enemy and saved them?
I consider "assume military control" or use of expeditionary forces as cheating (and sure I know how to make those exp. divisions yours permanently, I can share this knowledge, if needed, but it's pure cheating). So, I don't use those tricks. Brits send me their 2'nd army as expeditionary force during the war (20 divisions, some armored), no matter how I tried to send it back, they always send it again, so I just left it in Denmark and almost didn't use it for fighting. I could disband it, to make my future fight with Brits easier for me, but I did not and after the war they took this army back.
As for USSR, it's peaceful country, I,m not afraid of it,
but I started to build fortreses on our common frontier. If time and my manpower will allow this, I'll try to conquer it. But first, I must kick those star&stripes as$es.
If I'll not crash Yanks alone, I'll join Commintern.
Greece+USSR=unstoppable force.
IMO that's the only way to create enough forces to defeat allies+USA (USA alone have about 400 divisions). Some might think it's cheating, but I don't think so. What's wrong in using your ally manpower, if I fought for them, defeated their enemy and saved them?
I consider "assume military control" or use of expeditionary forces as cheating (and sure I know how to make those exp. divisions yours permanently, I can share this knowledge, if needed, but it's pure cheating). So, I don't use those tricks. Brits send me their 2'nd army as expeditionary force during the war (20 divisions, some armored), no matter how I tried to send it back, they always send it again, so I just left it in Denmark and almost didn't use it for fighting. I could disband it, to make my future fight with Brits easier for me, but I did not and after the war they took this army back.
As for USSR, it's peaceful country, I,m not afraid of it,
but I started to build fortreses on our common frontier. If time and my manpower will allow this, I'll try to conquer it. But first, I must kick those star&stripes as$es.

If I'll not crash Yanks alone, I'll join Commintern.
Greece+USSR=unstoppable force.