*Finally* finished. I'm ready to try the one city challenge after this orgy of micromanagement. I probably spent 20+ hours playing this game, much of it devoted to reconstructing key buildings that had been destroyed by Metor Storm.
Won by conquest in May, 1419. Final score 7200. Save games and log file are attached.
Edit: Rex Little, I tried your file and it crashed for me also. A game editor shows the powergraph dipping to zero for all wizards around 1415. From what I read in the FAQ, this is an indication that memory has been corrupted. If you don't have an earlier save you can revert to, I think you're stuck.
Won by conquest in May, 1419. Final score 7200. Save games and log file are attached.
Edit: Rex Little, I tried your file and it crashed for me also. A game editor shows the powergraph dipping to zero for all wizards around 1415. From what I read in the FAQ, this is an indication that memory has been corrupted. If you don't have an earlier save you can revert to, I think you're stuck.