Does anyone know a way to take a node that has a Guardian Spirit melded with it? The only way I've found is to eliminate the wizard that controls the node. Hopefully there is another way.
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MOM: Nodes with Guardian Spirits
Yep that is the only way, other than defeating, not just banishing, the controling Wizard.
It may, at times, cost you quite a bit of mana to take over a node protected by a guardian spirit.
But I ALWAYS take them over, if only to keep it from the other wizard.
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!
i send a crapload of the magic spirits, because using gs's is too expensive. then, i put a medium level unit or two on the node to protect it.
usually i get it within 3-5 magic spirits, but sometimes it's taken 10+, usually when the other mage had like archmage or that mod that makes their global spells harder to dispell.
A surefire means of conquering the node...
Ok, this is certainly not in the spirit of playing the game as it comes but if you are bound and determined to get a node just save your game and if your guardian fails, reload and try again....
Of course you can do this for every battle, etc... It will suck the fun right out of the game though - you have been warned!A penny saved today is a penny spent tomorrow. - MFDII
Originally posted by da_hal
i send a crapload of the magic spirits, because using gs's is too expensive. then, i put a medium level unit or two on the node to protect it.
usually i get it within 3-5 magic spirits, but sometimes it's taken 10+, usually when the other mage had like archmage or that mod that makes their global spells harder to dispell.
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!
Just steal it with a fleet of magic spirits. it's a bummer if you're working on a big spell at the same time, but with proper timing you should be fine.
apart from that, always protect your nodes with magicians and melee units, 2 in the early game, 4 later on
I think I've read something like that from the manual, but I may have mistaken or misunderstood something.
So, I'm not sure. If you are still bothered, check your manual (I think it is stated in there)I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.