Originally posted by Maquiladora
Put slavers in your own cities and build city walls, it will stop them fast.
I thought the economy graph showed the number of buildings and wonders in all your cities? That's why you get a spike in the graph when you build a wonder or capture a city with lots of buildings.
Put slavers in your own cities and build city walls, it will stop them fast.
I thought the economy graph showed the number of buildings and wonders in all your cities? That's why you get a spike in the graph when you build a wonder or capture a city with lots of buildings.
I meant when I capture a slave, I can't sent them to a specific destiny. They are spread out over several cities.
I added my graphs (both 1400 AD) of I-egyptian in an original game and I-american in the new game. Military and scientific not much different, although I have many more units in the new game. The economy graph really is quite different. I am afraid the AI don't built anything nor cities anymore. Added that no more AI wonders are built after 900 BC, I'm afraid we are not ready yet ;-)