General ideas for redesigning the tree:
1. Create balance between units, governments, tile imps, buildings and wonders through total research costs (start of tree to advance) compared to benefit/s of target advance.
2. Add as little as possible.
3. Keep as much as possible.
4. Limit benefits to 2 units, 1 building, 1 wonder, and 1 government per advance, with no more than 4 total per advance. This is at least following the rules of the current tree, except Gaia Controller which has 2 buildings.
Didn't we say Plasmatica enabled at Chaos Theory? Because Plasma Weaponry would be too late to properly counter Hover Inf. I know it's weird not to have it at Plasma Weaponry, but I just went along with it.
Of course if we say Plasmatica at Plasma Weaponry, we can move Plasma Destroyer to some Plasma naval tech like you say.
Fascism, Communism and (Modern) Democracy should come around the same time IMO, so you have to choose between the 3, and not just go for Fascism because it's the earliest with a higher city limit. Making Fascism require Nationalism and Mass Media moves it toward the other 2 governments.
Although Fascism and Communism are dead-end techs, this can be reflected in their extra "short-term" qualities (martial law, military support etc) over Democracy.
How about calling "Archery" "Composite Bow" instead? Archery implies you haven't already got Ballistics and the Archer.
This still leaves us with the problem (in historical terms) of Horse Riding requiring Ballistics though.
I thought Gunpowder gave Musketeer and Infantry Tactics Infantryman? 
What's wrong with Infantry Tactics just requiring Gunpowder?
Also what's "Archery"? If it's Ballistics then Gunpowder already requires Ballistics through that branch.
I agree with those.
1. Create balance between units, governments, tile imps, buildings and wonders through total research costs (start of tree to advance) compared to benefit/s of target advance.
2. Add as little as possible.
3. Keep as much as possible.
4. Limit benefits to 2 units, 1 building, 1 wonder, and 1 government per advance, with no more than 4 total per advance. This is at least following the rules of the current tree, except Gaia Controller which has 2 buildings.
Originally posted by LemurMadness
I don't want to go too offtopic in the Unit Values thread, so here it goes:
I was making a sketch about limiting Advances to 4 "Child" Advances , but then I noticed that the HoverInfantry is supposed to be the most powerful unit on the game (as the game states). However, we are making the Plasmatica, a defensive, counter-HI unit that would help people prevent offensive, mass strikes and blitz-like attacks from the enemy without spending much costs on building the highly expensive, slow moving Leviathan.
Everything's ok, but there's something: Plasma Weaponry will have 3 units, which is IMHO, too much. I've got a suggestion, is that we move the Plasma Destroyer into a new advance that requires Advanced Naval Tactics, which is Plasma (Naval) Engineering.
I don't want to go too offtopic in the Unit Values thread, so here it goes:
I was making a sketch about limiting Advances to 4 "Child" Advances , but then I noticed that the HoverInfantry is supposed to be the most powerful unit on the game (as the game states). However, we are making the Plasmatica, a defensive, counter-HI unit that would help people prevent offensive, mass strikes and blitz-like attacks from the enemy without spending much costs on building the highly expensive, slow moving Leviathan.
Everything's ok, but there's something: Plasma Weaponry will have 3 units, which is IMHO, too much. I've got a suggestion, is that we move the Plasma Destroyer into a new advance that requires Advanced Naval Tactics, which is Plasma (Naval) Engineering.
Of course if we say Plasmatica at Plasma Weaponry, we can move Plasma Destroyer to some Plasma naval tech like you say.
Also, well I switched Nationalism with Gunpowder, and backwards, so Gunpowder gives Fascism. What about making Infantry Tactics ( Gunpowder + Feudalism? ) gives Fascism ( Infantry Tactics + Nationalism ), that way restricting Gunpowder to 4 "Child" Advances? (I think that's not the way it's put in the Apolyton Pack but then again I guess looks ok since it's supposed to be an early modern govemernt?)
Although Fascism and Communism are dead-end techs, this can be reflected in their extra "short-term" qualities (martial law, military support etc) over Democracy.
So here's the "sketch":
+ Feudalism ( Stays the same ) = Pikemen, Knight
Archery ( Geometry + Feudalism ) = Longbowman
Bureaucracy ( Stays the same ) = Samurai
Agricultural Revolution ( Stays the same )
+ Feudalism ( Stays the same ) = Pikemen, Knight
Archery ( Geometry + Feudalism ) = Longbowman
Bureaucracy ( Stays the same ) = Samurai
Agricultural Revolution ( Stays the same )
This still leaves us with the problem (in historical terms) of Horse Riding requiring Ballistics though.
+ Gunpowder ( Stays the same ) = Gives InfantryMen
Cavalry Tactics ( Stays the same ) = Gives Cavalry
Infantry Tactics ( Archery + Gunpowder ) = Gives Skirmisher
Cannon Making ( Stays the same ) = Gives Cannon
Explosives ( Stays the same ) = Gives Artillery
Infantry Tactics + Nationalism = Fascism
Adding the Infantry Tactics Advance, and changed Fascism. Archery was what I would consider the most proper option for Infantry Tactics, that would be almost the same training techniques but with guns? :crazy:
Cavalry Tactics ( Stays the same ) = Gives Cavalry
Infantry Tactics ( Archery + Gunpowder ) = Gives Skirmisher
Cannon Making ( Stays the same ) = Gives Cannon
Explosives ( Stays the same ) = Gives Artillery
Infantry Tactics + Nationalism = Fascism
Adding the Infantry Tactics Advance, and changed Fascism. Archery was what I would consider the most proper option for Infantry Tactics, that would be almost the same training techniques but with guns? :crazy:

What's wrong with Infantry Tactics just requiring Gunpowder?
Also what's "Archery"? If it's Ballistics then Gunpowder already requires Ballistics through that branch.
+ Plasma Weaponry ( Stays the same ) = Gives Plasmatica, Leviathan
Plasma Engineering ( Plasma Weaponry + Adv. Naval Tactics ) = Gives Plasma Destroyer
Nano Warfare ( Stays the same ) = Gives Infector
Plasma Engineering ( Plasma Weaponry + Adv. Naval Tactics ) = Gives Plasma Destroyer
Nano Warfare ( Stays the same ) = Gives Infector
