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PROJECT: Adding Religion DataBase

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  • PROJECT: Adding Religion DataBase

    in response to this:

    Originally posted by Martin Gühmann

    Well one thing you can do is to use multiple lines, even it looks cleaner and less confusing if there would be just one line. But on the other if you think that this is so complicated then you should check whether you can simplify the stuff. The first thing you have to do is to add that Religion database, so that you can store all the necessary information like:

    - Science lost due to dogmas
    - The spreading rate which reflects how aggressive its missionaries are.
    - Certain advances that cannot be researched due to dogmas
    - Happiness increase due to false hopes
    - Gold loss, you know churches cost a little bit
    - Production loss, there are times when you have to pray and can't work
    - Tech loss, even you know this tech nevertheless it is heretical so you better forget it, since the invincible pink unicorn is a higher power and she is always right. Here you see how you can model the dark ages. Nice isn't it.
    - Progrome chance, there are some people of different faith (actually infedels of a religous point of view) in your town and you have nothing to do and your religion preaches hatred towards the infedels. So you can kill some people. On the other hand remember the witch burning, so even people from your own fath aren't save.

    And now I go back to your last question, somehow you have to organize the information. Take the list above all the stuff in it is related to one topic: The religion database. After that you have some sort of list on the left side what should be in as headlines or titles and on the right side a more detailed description. And that is also the structore I chose for all those new database flags. First the remark that there is something for modders then the database and the new flags. Of course I had to use what you have provided and I tryed to make sense out of it. Sometimes successfully sometimes unsuccessfully in that case I just may have skipped information.

    As you can see with this list approach or maybe you can also call it tree approach I broke the information into smaller pieces. Since each piece is less complex than the whole. Each piece can be understand more easily and once you have understand them you can put them together to the whole. That's how the world is built. Complex things like man are put together by simpler things like cells and even those are put together by simpler things like lipids, proteins, sugars, DNA, water, ions and probably more. But also these stuff is made out of simpler things, like atoms. And even those are made of simpler things like neutrones, protones and electrones. And even this isn't the end, but I stop here.

    That's at least a part of how the world really works. And our language just describes the real world so it wouldn't be so surprising that it works in a similar fashion. It starts with sounds maybe even with something simpler. But anyway let's start at the sound level. Those sounds are combined into syllables and the syllables are put together to form words. Words put together form clauses. And clause put together form sentences. And sentences put together form paragraphs. And paragraphs put together form texts which you may find in a book or on the internet.

    In principle you can do all this. But your problem is how to organize all this kind of information that a reader can understand it without thinking to much about. Interestingly you are not the only one with this problem there are many scientists who are good at scince but not so good at words. And that's the reason why science is so hard to understand, not because it is so difficult but the scientists don't know how to communicate it. And therefore the text is called the Science of Scientific Writing.


    I created a cdb as you see in the code then in MSVC I went to project->Add To Project->Files and selected the cdb file. when i try addin it again it says its there. however when I compile I don't see a religionrecord.cpp or anything else like the cdb's have.
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at

  • #2
    cdb is not a standard extension like cpp, so MSVC does not know what to do with this file.
    You have to add a custom rule for it to compile. Looking at the properties of some other cdb file should give you an idea of what to add.


    • #3
      i checked properties under view and it didn't say anything special or anything differnt than my religion cdb. what should i be looking for?
      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

      See me at


      • #4
        It was something like "Custom build step". It is a long time ago that I have used MSVC6, so I am not really sure any more, but I think you have to select the file in the project manager (File view) and right click to get to a settings window. The text value of the custom build step property should contain a call to dbgen, to generate the C++ files from the cdb files.


        • #5
          i looked in the MSVC and found nothing that specified a custom build step. I saw martin added a new DB but still cant find the link between a cdb and the dbgen
          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

          See me at


          • #6
            Actually Fromafar is very close:

            On the File View tab select the file in question, right click, select Settings... and if the selected file is a *.cdb file it should show you the Custom Build tab. Now you have just to compare and copy and paste and modify.

            So what's the problem?

            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


            • #7
              ok i see where setting is done but how come when i add the religion.cdb it doesn't put it in the right folder it puts it in the main ctp2 folder while the rest get put down in newdb? does it matter?

              well it looks like it compiled but it still not under the right spot
              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

              See me at


              • #8
                Originally posted by E
                ok i see where setting is done but how come when i add the religion.cdb it doesn't put it in the right folder it puts it in the main ctp2 folder while the rest get put down in newdb? does it matter?
                Of course it matters, that's again about expectations, where do I find those *.cdb files? Of course in the newdb folders.

                But again what is so difficult to select the right folder right lick on it and add the files you want to add?

                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                • #9
                  the cdb is in the newdb folder but when i go to project->settings I can't add religion cdb to that folder. in the settings window right clicking does nothing. however i did put the right input and output stuff so the religionrecord.cpp and stuff was generated in the newdb folder. So it looks like everything works except that in the project settings I cant get the cdb into the newdb folder in that window. weird.
                  Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                  See me at


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by E
                    the cdb is in the newdb folder but when i go to project->settings I can't add religion cdb to that folder. in the settings window right clicking does nothing. however i did put the right input and output stuff so the religionrecord.cpp and stuff was generated in the newdb folder. So it looks like everything works except that in the project settings I cant get the cdb into the newdb folder in that window. weird.
                    Why do you click on the menu bar Project->Settings, you are supposed to use the workspace window, that is the window on the left side with the three tabs ClassView, Resources and FileView. Go to the FileView tab and select in the file tree the right folder and add the file in question.

                    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                    • #11
                      that makes more sense. ok i fixed it and it works. now i have to restrain myself from adding a culture.cdb, policy.cdb (like civics but govt modifiers), etc

                      actually I won't because i'm trying to stay focused on the interface...
                      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                      See me at


                      • #12
                        I'm gonna post this here since this thread is kinda empty, and it fits better than the AE mod thread.

                        Here's some things I noticed using the religion mod.

                        1. Tried to build/found Zoroastrianism religion (wonder) but this message below popped up every time I clicked on it in the build manager or city manager afterward:

                        2. With "cantsell" flag active, "Sell" button should be disabled at all times. At the moment you can press sell but with no effect obviously.

                        3. I converted a few enemy cities, but the Zoroastrianism icon over their city (Perth) disappeared after a while, despite their city still being converted to me and my shrine still being present there. See screenshot of religion here:

                        It also happened in the other cities eventually when I moved close to them again.

                        4. It seems the religion icon above an enemy city is not visible to the owner of the city, only the owner of the religion. Should it be visible by the victim too? At least this is what it looked like when I switched civs in the scenario editor, but it could be a bug there.

                        5. Each time you build the religious wonder (holy city) or shrine (religion present) it adds an icon under the city name, so if you have a holy city (religious wonder) and also obviously the religion itself (religious shrine) you end up with 2 of the same icons under the same name, like this:

                        Athens is the Zoroastrian holy city, Sparta is Pharoahism(?) holy city. Not sure why the same icons are separated for Sparta though, probably just some sorting mistake.

                        I suggest a different icon for the holy city (religious wonder), and ideally no shrine religion icon if the city is the holy city of the same religion.

                        6. When your city gets converted and they force their religion on your city (and so the shrine that you can't sell), you can reform your city but it doesn't get rid of their shrine. So should it also remove the religion (shrine) or not?
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