Originally posted by E in this post
Once I finish these options I commit my latest(and after you guys point out all my mistakes) then I'll release another revivision build
Once I finish these options I commit my latest(and after you guys point out all my mistakes) then I'll release another revivision build

The first thing to note about this readme is that it is a simple text file. Therefore we have no fancy means of formating our text. The only thing we have are spaces. Tabs don't work since they may look on every editor different.
So here we have our first conclusion: Don't use tabs.
Since we can only use spaces to align text we have to take care that some word warping does not destroy our space-based formating. Our space-based formating is destroyed if the editor wraps a line, so we have to avoid it. And to avoid it we can apply to rhe line a character limit. And as we don't know what kind of screen resolution our player uses we have asume minimal conditions. And those condition for a character line limit are 80 characters. What a windows 98 DOS box displays IIRC. And you shouldn't forget that CTP2 is from our point of view a game for ancient computers.
So we are at our second conclusion: Don't use more than 80 characters per line.
Well For that we can accept some rare acceptions. And this isn't applied to the entries of the beginning where you have some 90 characters per line.
Well that were the limitions of the expected viever/editor, now we have some things about the format that is done all over the document. One thing is that each entry of playtest is seperated by one line, neither by two lines nor by zero lines.
The third conclusion is: Always seperate the entries by one line.
Then you introduced adding the revision number to the date. As you refer to it in the playtest thread this is a really good idea. But for some reason you forgot. But actually I exspect that you add it espeacilly since it was your idea.
The fourth conclusion: Add the revision number to the playtest release date.
Now let's go to the stuff you write, even simple text needs some structure and that's not only its formating but how you order the information not only in a whole text but also on the level of single sentences. So that the reader can understand it easily.
Fortunately I don't have to write this all on my own since others have already done it.
So (fifth conclusion if you want) read the text The Science of Scientific Writing.
They condense the text into seven principles which you should apply on the stuff you have written since October the 5th 2006.
Probably we have to talk afterwards a little bit about it and that may be just your first trial. But one thing is clear the readme in its current state cannot be released.