DEBUG.exe isn't giving me the pop-up
but civ3log worked and this is what it said:
I did hit debug when it tried to get me to send the error message to microsoft (not much good that would do... is there a way to direct it to us?)
but MSVC took me to spritesys\director.cpp (line in bold):
the method it points to is:
...and I'm not sure what the problem is
but civ3log worked and this is what it said:
ArmyData.cpp@6258: Army 0xd000000a Executing order 24 @ (11,77), turn=0 SlicFunc.cpp@542 : Slic_Text: A {player[0].civ_name_singular} {unitrecord[0].name} has established an embassy with us in our city of {city[0].name}. SlicFunc.cpp@542 : Slic_Text: Our {unitrecord[0].name} has established a new embassy in the {player[0].civ_name_singular} city of {city[0].name}. ObjPool.cpp@102 : ObjPool: Inserting object id c0000001 SelItem.cpp@1491: POS 10 77 : DROP SelItem.cpp@1492: ai 10 87 SelItem.cpp@1493: xy 0 77 SelItem.cpp@1494: zoc 0x2, owner 1 SelItem.cpp@1495: civ3_main.cpp@1447: Exception: 'Access Violation' thrown. civ3_main.cpp@1449: Exception Stack Trace: 0x004ab729 [public: unsigned int __thiscall Director::ProcessActiveEffects(void) + 0x89] 0x004a770a [public: void __thiscall Director::Process(void) + 0x3a] 0x0046e3cf [public: int __thiscall CivApp::ProcessUI(unsigned int,unsigned int &) + 0x22f] 0x0046e90e [public: int __thiscall CivApp::Process(void) + 0xce] 0x00462ca8 [int __stdcall CivMain(struct HINSTANCE__ *,struct HINSTANCE__ *,char *,int) + 0x3c8] 0x00462291 [WinMain@16 + 0x81] 0x00b8c3f3 [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x1b3] 0x7c816fd7 [\177zlib1_NULL_THUNK_DATA + 0x7b5ae807] c3debug.cpp@320 : Assertion (errcode == AUI_ERRCODE_OK) Failed in File:C:\Documents and Settings\e\My Documents\svncode\trunk\ctp2_code\ui\aui_common\aui_mouse.cpp, Line:850 c3debug.cpp@321 : Stack Trace: ' 0x004587a0 [char * __cdecl c3debug_StackTrace(void) + 0x20] 0x00453211 [void __cdecl c3debug_Assert(char const *,char const *,int) + 0x61] 0x00898da2 [public: virtual enum AUI_ERRCODE __thiscall aui_Mouse::ReactToInput(void) + 0x1d2] 0x008e5fa7 [public: virtual enum AUI_ERRCODE __thiscall aui_DirectMouse::ReactToInput(void) + 0x17] 0x00898771 [unsigned long __stdcall MouseThreadProc(void *) + 0x71] 0x7c80b683 [\177zlib1_NULL_THUNK_DATA + 0x7b5a2eb3]
I did hit debug when it tried to get me to send the error message to microsoft (not much good that would do... is there a way to direct it to us?)
but MSVC took me to spritesys\director.cpp (line in bold):
uint32 Director::ProcessActiveEffects(void) { ListPos actorPos; EffectActor * actor; if (m_activeEffectList->IsEmpty()) return 0; m_processingActiveEffects = TRUE; ListPos pos = m_activeEffectList->GetHeadPosition(); for (size_t i = m_activeEffectList->L(); i > 0; --i) { actorPos = pos; actor = m_activeEffectList->GetNext(pos); if (actor) { [b] actor->Process(); [/b] } } m_processingActiveEffects = FALSE; pos = m_activeEffectList->GetHeadPosition(); for (size_t n = m_activeEffectList->L(); n > 0; --n) { actorPos = pos; actor = m_activeEffectList->GetNext(pos); if (actor && actor->GetKillNow()) { m_activeEffectList->DeleteAt(actorPos); delete actor; } } return 0; }
void Director::Process(void) { UpdateTimingClock(); static uint32 nextTime = 0; if (GetTickCount() > nextTime) { HandleNextAction(); ProcessActiveUnits(); ProcessActiveEffects(); ProcessTradeRouteAnimations(); if(g_tiledMap) g_tiledMap->ProcessLayerSprites(g_tiledMap->GetMapViewRect(), 0); nextTime = GetTickCount() + 75; } }
...and I'm not sure what the problem is